2008-03-04 15:32:58
I have seen a few cal matches recently, and wat i have noticed is that their configs allow for gay rate changing which seems to account for gay hit reg in matches. I also downloaded their configs, and imo, they are farked. Take note, cause i am not bias, i never have an prolly never will play in a cal match, i would also like someone to test my rates on their server

If everybody is sending the same amount of packets to the server then the lag compensation will all be calculated the same and hit reg would be fine, or atleast everything will be stable. As it is i think its possible ppl are both intentionally and unintentionally causing shit hit registration.
If its 33 tick, enforce something like the following.
sv_mincmdrate "33"
sv_maxcmdrate "33"
sv_minupdaterate "33"
sv_maxupdaterate "33"
sv_minrate "20000"
sv_maxrate "20000"
sv_unlag "1"
sv_maxunlag "1"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "0"
sv_client_interpolate "1"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "2"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "2"
sv_client_predict "1"
Or u could go 30/20 if it causes choke, but its pure crap to let ppl use rates higher then the servers tick rate, wat good on gods gay earth could that do?
Cal league configs allow anywhere up to 100, that aint right, its way off.
Seriously, if hit reg is off, in a competition.....GAY!
I have tested rates on lan (not quite the same i know) and i find that enforcing the same rates on everyone works best, and settings ur rates to 100, on lan, on anyhting = fucked, it should not be allowed, 66 MAX!
The IDEAL situation would be a 66 tick server where u could enforce 66/66, but obviously thats never going to hapen, so i think something like the following would do much better, though not perfect, LANS PWN!
sv_mincmdrate "30"
sv_maxcmdrate "66"
sv_minupdaterate "20"
sv_maxupdaterate "66"
sv_minrate "20000"
sv_maxrate "30000"
sv_unlag "1"
sv_maxunlag "1"
sv_client_cmdrate_difference "0"
sv_client_interpolate "1"
sv_client_max_interp_ratio "2"
sv_client_min_interp_ratio "2"
sv_client_predict "1"
Now i think that having updaterate at 66 specifically could still cause problems, but hopefully moreso for the person stupid enough to run higher rates then his connection can handle =\ Same goes for cmdrate but generally that can be higher with most connections.