1v1 Season?


2008-04-26 06:27:50

When's the new 1v1 season going to start?


2008-04-26 06:44:38

It hasn't been announced yet, but sign ups are open. I'm sure it will be posted once it's ready.

old time no.7

2008-04-28 02:41:23

i'm signed up, go easy on me people.
my last CAL experience was mixed.

either i lose 38 to 1 to you uber 1337sauce clickwiz bang twichy glicthy motehrfuxors
i get a bitchass counter-strike knob who will refuse to meet the limited time frame (sorry daytime only)
and i end up getting a forfeit loss, or the person described above will meet during the daytime and get a forfeit win b/c they leave after loosing first round. yay.
hoping this season i get to have a few decent non-lopsided matches.


2008-04-28 07:36:22

What is the deal with the second one? if a person plays part of a match and leaves you can choose if you want to report as is or give them a FL. If they agreed to the time and place they must play.

old time no.7

2008-04-30 03:06:03

Fearsome* wrote:What is the deal with the second one? if a person plays part of a match and leaves you can choose if you want to report as is or give them a FL. If they agreed to the time and place they must play.
i'm not going to win CAL. that much i'm well aware. what i'd like from CAL is the chance to play a good match. lopsided matches are fun for neither party involved.


2008-04-30 03:09:21

well then we need more people to sign up so we can have two divisions. People shouldn't be worried about getting "owned" or anything, just play to get some experience and have fun.


2008-04-30 05:01:26

Well, exactly half past, its not by playing people that are equal to you that your going to get better, but by playing people that are better than you, then you can learn stuff from them. At least thats how I got better.