CAL match questions


2008-05-01 07:31:55

Well, kinda one big request really.

I signed up for CAL 1v1 a few days ago, and I was hoping someone could explain to me what's supposed to happen and be done before, during, and after a match.

A tasty treat for the one who helps me first. 8)

old time no.7

2008-05-01 16:45:45

here are some basics. i am only a 1 season rookie so take this w/a grain of salt as there are others who will have more complete answers. i am merely looking for a cookie.

1. use cal webiste to comunicate/agree upon a time, server, and maps to play. if you're home team you'll get first map pick. it's best of three, 15 min rounds.
2. got a server? know how to RCON the cal setup? if yes then there are a few comands you will need to know, there are people here who can pm you the specifics. if you don't have a server you may have someone here lend you one for a match if you give them enough heads up. or the person you're playing may have a server.
3. get into server w/opponent, take sceen shots of your enemy with x-hair on player so name is there.
4. record a demo of the match, open console ~ key is default, type record matchvs"oponenet name here"rd1
5. say gl hf and win lose or draw your match. take screenie of that score.
6. if you win you are expected to go back to CAL website and enter the match as a win and upload a screenshot of your final score
7. if you opponent does not communicate with you after default match time, you can file a forefit win. which are only 1 point so hopefully you can avoid them.

if i have left anything out or gotten it wrong someone please correct me. ty.


2008-05-01 21:26:51

LOLSauce. I recommend you read through the rules on the CAL website. I am a CAL admin. If you have any questions PM me through STEAM.


2008-05-02 01:36:31

Yeah I did read the rules. I just kinda wanted a bit of a clarification on them.

alright thanks guys. again thanks for putting up with my ignorance.

Walking Target

2008-05-02 02:45:47

Not at all, this is one of the goals of the site, to help people with such things. I do recommend you get on #hl2dm on, the CAL admins are often in there and can answer specific questions. We also plan to have a basic tutorial on getting started in CAL here, just need to find the time and people to help write it.


2008-05-03 22:58:12

LoLSauce wrote:Yeah I did read the rules. I just kinda wanted a bit of a clarification on them.

alright thanks guys. again thanks for putting up with my ignorance.
No worries. I have no clue what the CAL rules are and when we played some other teams didn't either. If all else fails, like Paradox said, message an admin.


2008-05-03 23:23:52

Hey man, just add me on Steam: tim620547 I'd be glad to tell you the rules for CAL 1v1, and I can also show you some basic strats, tactics etc.


2008-05-04 00:20:38

LoLSauce wrote:Well, kinda one big request really.

I signed up for CAL 1v1 a few days ago, and I was hoping someone could explain to me what's supposed to happen and be done before, during, and after a match.

A tasty treat for the one who helps me first. 8)
Walking Target wrote:Not at all, this is one of the goals of the site, to help people with such things. I do recommend you get on #hl2dm on, the CAL admins are often in there and can answer specific questions. We also plan to have a basic tutorial on getting started in CAL here, just need to find the time and people to help write it.

haha jk


2008-05-04 16:15:27

CoNfuSed wrote:Hey man, just add me on Steam: tim620547 I'd be glad to tell you the rules for CAL 1v1, and I can also show you some basic strats, tactics etc.

CoNfused is da man... add him... :mrgreen:

POMP :twisted:


2008-05-05 02:02:07

badinfluence wrote: and in the Search box type hacks!

haha jk
lol fixed. ;)


2008-05-06 01:41:08

Thanks Confused for answering a lot of my questions yesterday.
RLY appreciate it. :mrgreen:
[GoTg] old time no.7 wrote:i am merely looking for a cookie.
cl_givetreat "cookie" "[GoTg] old time no.7"


2008-05-07 00:31:48

No problem man. Always a pleasure to me to help people.


2008-05-13 10:09:10

Anyone have the starting date for the new CAL season?


2008-05-13 21:08:55
