Fearsome* wrote:The weapons are also really light I mean I am pretty sure it has fewer weapons then tdm warlock which was rejected last night do to to few pickups for most people. Every time I have played it, it seemed like you could not get a weapon hardly ever.
i LOL'd. warlock's number of weapons and general layout was literally called by certain individuals in this forum / community. all are and were before - CAL participants. each and every one of them. it went into the freaking design. and that's the joke right here.
you guys have it your way of course and who ever makes the rules..that's all fine and obviously a game within this game

wink wink. i just read these debates from the outside and think...heh...how so very conditional this decision making is.
There isn't one single hl2dm map that is balanced 100%. fact. a map is REFERRED to as balanced because someone said so. the truth of the matter is that the very term BALANCED is out of place here. a map layout will be balanced for one and not for others. some people swear by lockdown, some can't stand it. many here praise it like nothing was before and nothing will be after it while lo and behold...it has clipping issues...lighting issues...it's cramped (OMG, how many maps have you people ruled out in this very forum over that particular category?) in so many parts of it. it's packed with mapping errors, laggy at choke points...you name it. but tsuk tsuk...nah nah - LD is bible. let's all forget it's actually bits and pieces someone tore (And not so gently) our of the Nova Prospekt maps in HL2 SP. same goes for OW...but yeah...that aside right? it's perfectly balanced. sheesh of course it is. uber balanced. lol. no clipping issue (wink wink @ clipping issues mentioned elsewhere. who said that? haha).
give me a break. LD is a damn good map but it's not the only map out there. and the only reason so many maps are being tossed away like they're crap (rrrrrrrright) is because a few "high ranked" "l33ts" know it inside out so they stomp anything that might sway the odds. how old. and how see through for anyone who hasn't had their common sense blurred by the bhoping society upside down reasoning.
let no one agree with me on a public forum. oh no. decision makers are reading these forums and you might find yourself out of draftnight or worse....brrr i don't want to even think about it. you people keep PMing me on steam and we share our precious moments of "truth" in there ok? no on the "U" forum no, never here. here we play dumb and post shit on the cafeteria zomg lolzbergers.
tsuk tsuk tsuk.
my bottom line is - some people here are missing the point and there is one. there is spontaneity, colorfulness, richness, creativity, new heights and new borders out there to see and reach out to. break the box you're in. this is a dying game that could use something new. you have become one of the powers who are cutting its life cords.