2008-06-24 17:07:47

CAL-hl2dm 4v4 Double Feature
Hello, ninojman (knee? no. Jay man!) Back again, this time I look into the CAL-hl2dm 4v4 and focus on 2 old yet new teams to the division. Both have been making a name for themselves with old and new pick-ups, and the first in this CAL-hl2m 4v4 feature. Retorting Retards.

_reRE Retorting Retards
As far as Hl2dm goes this team is presently known as _reRE or Retorting Retards, formerly rL; redlight, formerly 2NT; 2ntense, formerly rL; redlight, and orginalny Known in hl2dm as _reRE Retorting Retards. Mostly known for there popular stock pub 'thedistrict' now a private only match server and colorful characters either from over-the-top forums postings or just running a muck in the hl2dm/tf2 pub scenes. sisterFISTER Had an Unreal 1 DM starting in late '98 so we all know he had deathmatch in his blood. Joined a cs 1.6 pub team in '04 later to become relight, then later split to create reRE and 1.6 cs team that joined CAL-open in season 48, only to get destroyed game after game. Later one of his random members signed up for CAL's hl2dm 2v2 division. Deciding that cs was far from his DM roots, hl2dm was were it was at for reRE. Sister then merged back with relight and recruited the longest standing member of red-light 'Modus'.
So thats the history, Where does the team stand today?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> At the top of the world, soon to be the universe.
Apart From terrorizing pubs and pub teams, what are some of the positive things that reRE does for the community in general?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> We bought a 50 slot vent server, just to host the draft night vent, free of charge. We also will create a Vent channel for any team in need. We provide a Porno public deathmatch server for the hl2m community. And have available our cal server, ready for use for any cal team that might need it.
Have you given 4v4 any thought in the past?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> yeah its always been our goal to join the 4v4, for a long time it was just modus and I. We'd get ringers to do a 4v4 with, but it wasn't until recently we built up what we think is a pretty solid roster
Also it was just Modus, you and then That guy for quite some time, what took so long?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> To many teams are so quick to build a roster, a lot of those teams only last a season, Modus and I stuck it out for so long on our own, we didn't want to fuck up a good thing. TG (That Guy) had a lot of potential, and no one likes new guy, so both of them were great for us. Since then we've picked up a few more, rather quickly too, but the foundation of the team is solid, and at this point thats all we're concerned with
Ah yes, 'The New Guy' whats the secret to not going crazy listening to him?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> - Telling him hes a homo and to stfu.......seriously tho, all it takes to tolerate new guy is acceptance, gays, or bisexuals aren't really all the rave in the real world, and its 100 times worse online. While he starts talking crap, it's likely because he heard 'gay' 'homo' used in a negative way about 50 times online. Takes a lot of balls to do what he does, I'm sure he has plenty (in his mouth).
So you seem to be one of those players that gets tried with game handles and feels the need to switch things up, what is your next handle going to be?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> - lol, I seriously don't switch all that often, in hl2dm i went as st0wn3d, but after quiting i reverted back to my cs 1.6 name. If i do ever change handles again though. I'll probably go back to my unreal 98 handle: crusty.tampon.
And now for a more serious question (for a person named sisterFISTER mind you), Who would win in a tag team fight, T1000 and Bill Gates or Juggernaut and Popa Smurf?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> Thats a hard one, the T1000 owns, and bill gates could easily smother the competition in his millions. But popa smurf is a fuckin a ninja, and the juggernaut, well.. hes the juggernaut, bitch. I'd go with t1000 and bill gates though
So what do you hope to get out of this season of cal-4v4?
reRE-sisterFISTER fame, money, and bitches
shout-outs? Say hi to mom?
<reRE-sisterFISTER> shout out to WT, thanks for not banning me yet. Hi mom, tell poor_billy its time for my lesson

√ Team Veracity
As we move along, we come across Team Veracity. A CAL team departing from the 'clan' aproach. I am speaking with PoMp, a friendly team member of misfit force [MF] a clan we a huge pub following and it's roots in non-competitive play of the hl2dm pub scene. With odog, ddiazigy, and Pomp gaining skill and wanting more from hl2dm, they desperately wanted to join cal, but bringing the rest of [MF] wasn't an option and was splitting the team up causing the ever dreaded E-drama. So the idea of starting a 'team' only with no more then one season commitment needed to join. Now able to pick-up anyone without splitting from there own clan, the search for members of the community that wanted to play CAL but there clan wasn't ready, was on. Almost apon the creation of the team, people started asking questions and inquiring about membership, from all kinds of different clans in hl2dm, {xXx}cellardweller, free agent impala, (STK)'s cyberchad and morphious, among other such as seekndestroy. Then even began pulling a hl2dm-ctf clan back from the grips of that terrible game called tf2 the elite's began practicing with team V and was soon on the CAL roster. Dividing the leadership roles between Cyberclash, o-dog and pomp to ease these roles, making for a flawless leadership and very active CAL team in general.
So with all these different clans playing on the same team, how many pubs could team V say they have rcon or admin to?
PoMp: 3 pubs and one private cal server, as team veracity really the MAIN MF/Veracity pub, one euro and the private match server mf/veracity, STk has one pub and a vent server we use. xXx has a low grav snipe pub. Cyber spends a lot of time running around the serves with is tags on and so does dog. I'm triple taggin so i have to get creative
I saw you joined MAX, whats that about?
PoMp: Well.. when i started doing competition and started making friends with the leets

lmao, you could just turn off friends and alias like everyone else
PoMp- : they find me
PoMp: i have other accounts but..
shhh, they are listening
You always seem to be active with a project for hl2dm overall, a cal team for those who didn't want to jump there entire clan in etc, what are you working on now or in the near future?
PoMp: girls,: I'm trying to get girls more seriously involved, every day I hear how they are not enough girls in the game.. something like 1%, thats NUTS, some guys are like you are the first girl I heard of in dm, and there are 3 in my clan. But they are not as devoted hahah or insane..
For some it's the first girl they have heard of period.
PoMp: I am also working on the clan leaders trying to get everyone to help everyone just make the clans stronger, we can help each other even if we are sort of enemies. Hoping to be able to help new clans starting out, many clans are born and die everyday.. its not easy. Usually it all falls on one person, even of it didn't start that way, was like that for [MF], I ended up being the do it all.. was very difficult for a while but right now we are very solid
Yeah I've been working hard on getting a few clans into CAL.
PoMp: Its very hard unless you start with a competing clan, to convert it into one. I had a hell of a time with the majority of [MF], they didn't want to compete nor do they want to have the leets come and ruin their pub, I actually quti for 2 weeks. But had to return due to some kind of mutiny.. was all good it solidified us but a weaker clan would have folded.
So team V got it's first taste of CAL-4v4 play, last Wednesday, what is the teams overall feeling now?
PoMp: Hasn't changed, we have a realistic approach to cal, we know is not going to be easy our first time around, so its about survival, if we win ANYTHING we are happy as hell. We are getting our style down, a lot of our members are not really ready for cal (me included) but at least we will know in what direction to further our training for the next season.
I mentioned the fact that $W had an opening this week and you guys didn't back down from that at all, impressive to say the least.
PoMp: Heck why not? We may not get a chance as a team to do it and if we do, we at least will know what to expect.. I have actually done a 2v2 with Luke and moose and was hilarious to say the least.. but I learned, every game is a learning experience, you get to know something new about your opponent so next time maybe you can do a little better.. My guys were fully for it.. I knew they would be totally for playing $W, we talk all the time in that sense even though we are made of different clans we are very close
With 12 on the roster, how do you decide who plays?
PoMp: We originally had a startup team which kind of fell apart with Odin leaving, Seekndestroy kinda MIA, epoch not going for cal but we had already decided that rotation is the key to avoid burn out.. When its a very difficult team of course we try to put our best forward but if they are not available, we may put those likely to practice and try their hardest, when all else fails we throw the elite.. I say that because they ARE difficult, they don't talk or communicate when they play and getting a set answer from them is very difficult as to whether they will be there or not, but at least we have the coverage we plan to meet every game
If you were at 'da club' and some girl made fun of Chad (cyb3rclash), and you could totally take her, would you 'smack a bitch'?
PoMp: lol, I would smack a guy. I would totally defend the guys and trust me I am most likely to be held back than anyone else hahah :X
Is there something i don't know about Chad?
PoMp: lol no.. I am just that way fierce with the people I care about.. The main players, Odog, Cyber, we have spent so much time with team v already.. I know they would do the same if they felt the need.. for the RECORD i never been in a fight
So without any forced commitment to next season, you must be on the look out for more players all the time. So is this just the beginnings of the pomp take over of hl2dm?
PoMp: lol hahahha! always looking yes.. i know most of them will return.. is not harsh management and everyone counts, from what i have heard with cal competing clans and all the stress this is a very good alternative.. am I taking over DM? haha would love to really revive it, I wasn't here for when it was "it" but I would love to see more people play it and be recognized more places, not have fears that it will fade.. So many people try to get me to play games for the longest time, I never saw anything that would remotely hold my attention, DM did and it has been wonderful !! I was lucky to begin with, good people to show me the ropes all the way, I hope to give that to the people. Funny thing I never wanted to be clan leader, or the boss of anything, kinda just fell into that role and I must be doing something right or they would have booted me off the game a long time ago.
Well that just about wraps it up, anyone you want to thank, comments, shout-outs?
PoMp: As far as team V, yes confused and yard guy for the help with tactics and general training... Valar for the help with the forums and graphics as well as Nitro for the tag he made for us. To [MF] for supporting the dream lol