CAL-hl2dm 4v4 week 4


2008-07-06 02:50:46

Team Veracity ---------------------------Silent Killerz -
Eliminating Curses ----------------------I'm Watching U -
My foot Your ass ---------------------Evil War Room -
|911|BadBoyz Clan --------------------$anctuary Of Warriors -
Fusion -----------------------------------BYE -
Excess ----------------------------------War Room Warriors 2 -
The Freedom Fighters -------------------Evil Empire Misfits -
The DBZ Rape ---------------------------Flying Like a Squirrel -


welcome the new teams IWU and CSE


2008-07-06 16:11:50

The DBZ Rape ---------------------------Flying Like a Squirrel -
Is spraying illegal in CAL?


2008-07-07 01:25:36

phantom wrote: Is spraying illegal in CAL?



2008-07-07 01:26:31

and per request SK is going to drop after there match vs FF
Matches have been changed team V vs Fusion is now in effect.


2008-07-07 03:22:55

Sprays arent actually illegal in CAL, but good luck getting them to work under sv_pure 2.


2008-07-07 03:24:12

its just the khsshh kshshhh sound anytime dbz kills you...


2008-07-07 09:11:30

Zman42 wrote:its just the khsshh kshshhh sound anytime dbz kills you...

ya i was just in a pub, and i killed someone and before i killed Brian he sprayed the guy i just killed, i lol'd

as far as the rule, i mentioned about no mm1 and sprays in a news post, Most leagues have set rules about certain things people do to be a-holes. Hl2dm use to, and the problem hasn't really even re-appeared in CAL, so in league matches be 'respectful' If it becomes a big problem we can put it in writing.


2008-07-07 10:42:25

ninojman wrote:
Zman42 wrote:its just the khsshh kshshhh sound anytime dbz kills you...

ya i was just in a pub, and i killed someone and before i killed Brian he sprayed the guy i just killed, i lol'd

as far as the rule, i mentioned about no mm1 and sprays in a news post, Most leagues have set rules about certain things people do to be a-holes. Hl2dm use to, and the problem hasn't really even re-appeared in CAL, so in league matches be 'respectful' If it becomes a big problem we can put it in writing.

soooo..its not appropriate for me to press my Good Hustle bind or keep making the rpg sound go off in caverns in a cal match?


2008-07-07 18:15:05

say all you want in mm2