Cal 4v4 player Rankings


2008-07-10 21:03:51

Team player rankings (Kill death Ratio)

1) Phantom
2) Hertz
3) Dallas
4) Poor_Bily
5) LukeGT
6) Herbalizer
7) Zman
8. Grain
9) Bobadin
10) Seagull
11) Confused
12) Prodigy
13) Facehugger
14) Modus
15) Fearsome
16) Voxtex
17) Reaper
18) LoneRat
19) nyriverdragon
20) Kyle

Top Fraggers (Frags)

1) Poor_billy
2) LukeGT
3) Hertz
4) Herbalizer
5) Nutri-Grain
6) Sunsnail
^ Seaugull
7) Dallas
8. Kyle^
9) nyriverdragon
10) Prodigy
11) Fearsome
12) Cheesehead
13) Bobadin
14) Voxtex
15) Facehugger
16) Zman
17) Firemedic
18) sisterFISTER
^^ Phantom
^^ Confused
19) Bot1.5
20) Modus


2008-07-10 21:12:43

I don't get it.


2008-07-11 00:51:55

How the hell am i first in kd ratio?


2008-07-11 01:01:33

phantom wrote:How the hell am i first in kd ratio?
fuzzy math


2008-07-11 01:54:14

phantom wrote:How the hell am i first in kd ratio?
you dont die alot,lol.


2008-07-11 02:24:19

lol, yeah its a ratio thing.

So, something strikes from these stats:


That, and Nino is not the best speller in the bee.


2008-07-11 05:57:23

lulz this is cool. im betting a lot more effort went into this than meets the eye, n1 nino!


2008-07-11 09:26:31

Zman42 wrote:lulz this is cool. im betting a lot more effort went into this than meets the eye, n1 nino!
you ain't kidding

I hope people can enjoy it, and not take it the wrong way. Just Something to work to get on the top.


2008-07-12 02:02:50

65 Impala SS wrote:That, and Nino is not the best speller in the bee.

I thnk me an DEFme culd lol for howerz about that, but wi'll let sleping dogs lye. Rokect!


2008-07-12 03:09:18

Herbie Hancock's Rockit?
I'm cofuzed