Updated 4v4 Standings


2008-08-08 22:39:49

1-ewr - 32
2-flas - 28
3-WRW - 24
4-911 - 23
5-$W - 22
6-Xs - 22
7-mfya - 20
8-V - 19
eem - 19
FF - 18
Fusion - 17
CSE - 14
XLD - 10

Thats 13 teams that made it through the season. I'd just like to say to each player, THANK YOU. And i really hope that everyone had fun this season. I also hope that everyone Returns next season As I have been Already asking and advertising for the upcoming season. I have 4 new 4v4 teams that have said they would join, and 2 more that are thinking about it. So teams that didn't make playoffs if you wanna pm me. I can get you some scrims with some of these new teams to get ready for next season.

Once again Thanks to all that played in Season 4. You have until Sunday 12:59 pst to finish make-ups.

updated 3 days left
8/10/08 deadline

Week 1 - dm_avalon_r1

Week 2 - dm_swamplight_final
EEm,Fusion-----scheduled make-up------cse v XLD

Week 3 - dm_Caverns_r1
No possible Make-ups - Fusion

Week 4 - dm_amplitude_r1
No possible make-ups - XLD

Week 5 - dm_cannon_r1
No possible make-ups - XLD

Week 6 - dm_lostvillage
mfya, V, XLD---Missing Match----------mfya v $w

Week 7 - zeta_rc2
No possible make-ups - 911

Week 8 - dm_lockdown_r3
No possible make-ups - $W


2008-08-09 23:46:46

I wish someone could explain something. MFYA never even played Team V. They forfeit lost.
So how is it that they have played all their games or had two FORFEIT WINS?

I thought replacement matches were for Forfeit WINNERS?~?~

Why should a team be allowed to Forfeit lose so they can just pick another opponent, waste folks time, not show up or communicate, and then turn it all into a real win.
Seems FUCT to me.


2008-08-10 21:46:51

mfya vs V didn't happen did it? what week? mfya never did any make-ups.


2008-08-10 22:10:24

OK, i screwed this one up. We werent scheduled against them in 4 v 4, only 2 v 2.
So, i had a brain cramp is all i can say.


2008-08-13 01:44:07

Impala needs some medication, i was out of town for a long time after my 2v2 team had 2 forfiets. I thouhgt the team went inactive, i apoligize nate went mia on me. But this pieces of work starts attacking me on steam friends. Now that i've seen alot of his posts i have come to the conclusion that at his age he should not be acting like an angst ridden teenager. So back to the first statement maybe some zoloft could help.

Sorry i know i don't speak up to much in the community but i've been around alot longer then alot of people. Some of these people attitudes are realy startin to piss me off.

Step away from the computer gramps and start acting your age.


2008-08-13 03:39:21

Attacking you on Steam?!?! I asked you why you couldn't respond to a match request.


2008-08-13 04:26:38

Hope this doesn't erupt an argument between those two, but I doubt you'd let that happen after what you just said, right Bobby?

-50 dkp


2008-08-13 04:37:57

Bobadin is one smooth operator. 8)