new teams


2008-08-26 19:18:05

If anyone has any new teams that might wanna join up to cal, Please post a web pag and clan name. Or register and help me with a few threads.


{A.O.S} ... thread=877


2008-09-02 18:57:58

this season needs to be written off. asterik it or something. end it now without further confusion, speculation, accusation, etc. the season is lost. there is no credibility to it anymore. players for teams have moved on to other things leaving incomplete rosters.

whethor or not CAL hl2dm can be reborn is another story. rules need to be reviewed, revised and adhered to, regardless of good old boy agreements born from convenience. imho, priority should be maintaining the integrity of the schedule. don't get me wrong, integrity of the game is also high on the priority list. but an allegation of suspicious play just shouldn't bring an entire season to a grinding halt. investigate, and allow the schedule to play out. if cheating is confirmed... then remove the team from the schedule.


2008-09-03 01:56:18

Whether the season in CAL is dead or not, the game is great enough to work to preserve. There are already Quakes and TFs and CODs and CSs. They are not HL2dm.

quti your bitchin and get together to preserve this bunnyhopping, strafejumping, Gnading, glancing bow shot, mag-whoring wonder we love.


2008-09-03 05:32:46

65 Impala SS wrote:Whether the season in CAL is dead or not, the game is great enough to work to preserve. There are already Quakes and TFs and CODs and CSs. They are not HL2dm.

quti your bitchin and get together to preserve this bunnyhopping, strafejumping, Gnading, glancing bow shot, mag-whoring wonder we love.



2008-09-03 05:50:29

Paradox wrote:
65 Impala SS wrote:Whether the season in CAL is dead or not, the game is great enough to work to preserve. There are already Quakes and TFs and CODs and CSs. They are not HL2dm.

quti your bitchin and get together to preserve this bunnyhopping, strafejumping, Gnading, glancing bow shot, mag-whoring wonder we love.

i actually agree with impala here.


2008-09-04 15:04:31

ok this forum may be inactive but i bet some still check and i know they have never heard of cal or thought of hl2dm in league play.

so anytime you see some random with a clan tag ask him about playing in cal 4v4/2v2/1v1

some body help me so i can get motivated to the point where i was before when i made 54 matches happen this season out of 57 total


2008-09-04 20:11:41



2008-09-04 20:25:08

BuckyKatt wrote:Image

LMAO, best poster ever.