2v2/4v4 Revised CAL rules


2008-09-05 03:44:36

This is a set of revised rules that I have been working on.
I have made them so they can be used for both 2v2 and 4v4 so that they are pretty much the same with the exception of team ratios. This way there will be less confusion. The current sets of 2v2 and 4v4 rules differ in some areas.

Please Discuss

1.00 League Information

1.10 Introduction
The Cyberathlete Amateur League ("CAL") Half Life 2 Deathmatch league has been modeled after several highly popular sports organizations. Both the game rules themselves and the conduct all competitors will be required to maintain have been inspired by these professional sports, as online gaming soon will be considered one of them.

1.20 League Structure
This gaming league is comprised of four 12-week seasons annually. Player schedules will consist of 8 regular season weeks, and qualifying players will advance to the playoffs as determined by criteria to be released each season. If the number of teams allows, seasons will contain 3 conferences based on United States time zones – Pacific, Central, and Atlantic (Eastern) - and will be further divided into smaller divisions. Players will be able to choose their own conference based on the needs of their members.

1.30 Disclaimer
What follows are the official rules of the league. All participants must be aware of these rules, and at no time will ignorance of the rules be a defense against punishment for violations. Keep in mind that participation here is a privilege, NOT a right; as a result, all competitors are required to strictly adhere to the rules defined herein. Violation of any portion of this ruleset, whether written or implied, may result in suspension or permanent removal and barring from the league.

1.40 Definitions
Map – A virtual battlefield where teams compete.
Round - A battle on a single map instance consisting of 20 minutes with the winner consisting of the team with the most total points at the end.
Match – Two rounds on the same map with the winner being determined by the team with them highest sum of scores at the end of both rounds. If the scores are the same at the end of the two rounds then the match is called a tie.
Home Team - The team listed in the left column on the schedule page.
Away Team – The team listed in the right column on the schedule page.
Demo – A demo is an in game recording of your match created by the game by typing “record demoname” in the console once inside your match. A demo file will be created in your Half-Life 2 Deathmatch directory. A source TV recording may not be substituted for individually recorded demos.

1.50 Map Selections
The map cycle will be determined as we approach pre-season/season start date.

2.00 Team Rules
Teams are responsible for ensuring all members of their team understand and follow these rules set forth by the Cyberathlete Amateur League. Violation of any requirement listed here will result in the suspension of the offending team(s) as well as other match penalties as determined by league administrators. If you do not understand these rules clearly, it is YOUR responsibility to seek clarification from a league official.

2.10 Screenshots
The captain or designee of each team must take screenshots of 1) the initial console before each round played regardless of whether two servers are used or if the entire match is played on one server, to display the server’s sv_pure mode; and 2) the scoreboard and console status displaying the names and Steam IDs of all the participating players in the server.
All players must also take screenshots of the opposing players before each round starts and of each round’s final scoreboard. This can NOT be a screenshot of the scoreboard before the match has ended. In the event of a dispute, if the disputed party fails to provide screenshots, automatic forfeiture will result.

2.20 Client Variables
At no time shall any participant modify any commands that would alter or enhance their experience through the use of console commands. Specific cases are as such; cl_cmdrate must be set between 30 and 100; cl_updaterate must be set between 20 and 100; rate must be set between 5000 and 30000.

2.30 Team and Player Profiles
All individuals competing in any Half Life 2 Deathmatch division must have personal profiles completed honestly and in their entirety; this information is required in the event that you somehow lose access (such as in the case of a forgotten password) and require an administrator's aid to restore that access. SteamIDs and/or LAN center IDs must also be entered accurately. Under NO circumstances will either of these be changed by an administrator while rosters are locked; only in cases of mistaken or malicious usage of either will the relevant field be edited. It is your responsibility to see that you correctly enter this information when rosters are open, and the comments field of a personal profile may NOT be used for such matters.

2.30a Privacy Policy
At no time will anyone from CAL or the Cyberathlete Professional League ("CPL") sell or distribute your personal information for any purpose, and no officials from CAL or CPL will ever ask you for your personal information unless it pertains to password recovery and/or player identification for such purposes. Only a few high-ranking officials have access to your more sensitive information, such as street addresses and phone numbers, and unauthorized usage of ANY personal information is considered grounds for immediate termination of the offending individual.

2.40 LAN Centers
Any team or person wishing to compete with a LAN center must have a LAN center official e-mail their current division head administrator with the following information: Public IP address range, SteamIDs (all current ones), LAN center location and phone number, and LAN center website. All LAN centers must e-mail the proper CAL official from a LAN center e-mail address (example: [email protected]). At no time will CAL permit hotmail or other free access/free registration accounts from being a source of information regarding a LAN center. The list of valid LAN centers with applicable SteamIDs can be downloaded from the "files" section of your division.

2.50 Demos
All participants are required to record first-person demos of all league matches. You must have a separate demo for each round of play as well as for any overtime rounds if required; be sure to stop recording before joining a different server or starting a new round for the second half or subsequent overtimes. Source TV demos may not be recorded in lieu of individually recorded demos. Neither team can refuse the use of a Source TV set to record only. If a source TV demo is recorded, the hosted team may request a copy of the demo from the host team. The host team is obligated to provide a copy to the opposing team within 24 hours of the request.
If a formal complaint or dispute is made, an administrator will contact the team in question with instructions on how to send their demos. If a player fails to upload their demo, a match win may be nullified and result in a replay or forfeit as well as suspension or expulsion of players. In the event a player forgets to record his own first-person demo, and failure to record a demo (or failure to upload) will result in a two-month suspension and possible match overturn.

While we encourage the sharing of screenshots and individually recorded demos as a gesture of good sportsmanship and trust between teams, we will not force any team to participate in such sharing, nor will we contact any team on another's behalf for this reason without the presence of a formal cheating dispute.

2.60 Sportmanship
All participants in CAL will be required to uphold to the highest standards of conduct and observe common sportsmanship; the use of insults, racism, prejudice, or other inappropriate behavior will result in competition suspensions against the offending player(s) or team. If a player is caught cheating in a CAL match, his or her team will automatically forfeit each and every match in which said player participated. It is the player's responsibility to verify that the computer system from which he or she participates is cheat-free and otherwise in good standing.

Individuals caught posting private conversations, logs or emails in public sites/forums or sharing the confidential information will be subject to individual penalties, and teams who post private conversations or matters on their sites will face repercussions, as well. Logs and emails are not considered proof by themselves, as they can be easily altered or forged. Confidential and private matters should be respected, and logs from third parties should not be considered proof of any action or intention on their own.

3.00 Match Information

3.10 Team Agreements
No agreement can ever exist between two teams to play a CAL match in violation of official CAL rules.
Please note that this section is relevant only to situations regarding competing players, score reports, and other substantial issues and will not be applied to commonplace, "harmless" adjustments such as changing a server's hostname in the CAL server configuration, and so forth.

3.20 Season Scheduling
The first 2 weeks are preseason matches, which will be discarded before the regular season begins. The regular season lasts for 8 weeks, at which time the top 8 teams will move onto the playoffs. Playoffs last for 3 weeks of double elimination play. Schedules will generally be posted one week before match dates, with the exception of the first preseason schedule.

3.30 Default Match Scheduling
In the interest of simplicity, the following are the key points of scheduling:

-Default match days and rescheduling limits, if applicable, will be posted in the news section of your division prior to the beginning of each season.
-The default match time is 9:00 pm in your conference time zone. If teams cannot agree on an alternate time and date, the match is to be held at the default time and day specified in your division. In the case where teams are in different time zones, the default is 9:00 PM Central.
-Matches must be scheduled and played within that week's timeframe and cannot be scheduled to be played in a subsequent week. Matches not played and reported are subjected to being reported as a forfeit loss for each team (double forfeit).
-Pursuant to section 5.140, match results are to be reported within 24 hours of match completion.

3.30a Match Communications
The use of the Matchcomm system is REQUIRED for match scheduling. In the case of a dispute or unreported match, the matchcomm record is the ONLY accepted proof of scheduling attempts. Other means of communication (i.e. STEAM, Xfire) are not acceptable because they can not be verified as legitimate.
Each team is REQUIRED to contact their opponent at least one day prior to the default match night by 11:00pm in their conference time zone to discuss potential match rescheduling and server arrangements. Failure to do so may result in a forfeit loss against the offending team.

3.40 Team Play
For the team divisions 4v4 and 2v2 play is MANDATORY for each division respectively. The only time at which uneven play will be accepted is in the event of connection issues causing TEMPORARY mid-match problems with any given player. As suggested by several other portions of this ruleset, the use of non-rostered, suspended, or otherwise ineligible players in a CAL match is not allowed under any circumstances. Doing so will result in a suspension or extended suspension of the individual in question, and may result in match overturn.
The home team will use the combine skins during the first (home) round. The teams will switch sides/skins for the second round.

3.50 Subsitutions
As in all sports, substitutes are allowed. Furthermore, substitutions may only be made in between rounds. Substitutes must be on the roster and no exceptions will be permitted at any time.

3.60 Calling the Match
Regulation matches consist of a total of 2 rounds, with the winner being the team with highest total score at the end of the two rounds. If there is a tie after the end of the rounds the match will be counted as a tie. Points are awarded as follows: W=4 pts, Tie=3 pts, L=2pts, FW=1pt, FL=0 pts. Under no circumstances should a player voluntarily leave the server before all rounds have been completed (with the exception of a between rounds substitution). If a player or team does leave before match completion, the leaving player or team will be deemed to forfeit. Likewise if a player is kicked from the server by the opposing team, the opposing team will be deemed to forfeit.

3.70 In-Game Techniques
Physics Lock - Players are not allowed to intentionally induce physics lock. Physics lock is when a large number of physics objects are touching each other and the engine treats them as a single object often to reduce server load. This is often used to block passages permanently.

Weapon Erase - The use of this exploit is strictly forbidden. Should a player accidentally erase a weapon during a match (something that should not occur during regular play), they can avoid further penalty by admitting the error and forfeiting the current round.

Out Of Bounds - A player who accidentally ends up in an out of bounds area on a map (via a physics glitch or from enemy fire) must immediately return to the legal area. If this is not possible due to clipping issues, or should a player end up trapped outside of the playable area of a map, they are required to immediately suicide and continue the round. Failing to suicide promptly in this situation, or remaining outside of the map or in an illegal area in order to wait out the clock, will result in a match overturn. Purposefully attaining an illegal area or escaping the map will also result in a match overturn.

Spectate Mode - A player who enters spectate mode at any time during a match forfeits the round. It is up to players to make sure that any binds or aliases pertaining to spectate mode are not accidentally activated during play.

Scripting - Players are not permitted to use scripts to perform ingame techniques of any sort, nor are they allowed to assign more than one gameplay function to a given key or button via the ; command. The server cvar sv_allow_wait_command must be set to "0" at all times during match play (as set in the cal.cfgs), and can be tested by typing "wait" in console; if set correctly to 0, the wait will generate an error message. Evidence of macro use, either from an external application or from programmable peripherals, counts as scripting and will result in similar penalties.

Modified Files - Match servers must be running in sv_pure 2 mode, which forces all model, sound, texture, skin and associated files to be loaded from the steam gcfs. The only modified files that will be allowed are those involving the resource folder (crosshairs / clientscheme) and the cfg folder (configs). Servers unable to run in sv_pure 2 mode, for whatever reason, are not acceptable for match play. Furthermore, if a match is proven to have been held in non sv_pure 2 mode, the team hosting the match will be subject to a match overturn.

3.80 Makeup Matches
Teams receiving a forfeit win are required to make up their match with another team receiving a forfeit win on the same match in question. For match overturns in which a match was played, no makeup match is required, and their presence does not count towards any forfeit win limit as announced for your specific division. Teams receiving a forfeit loss due to no show can only make up a match against the team they lost to if that team agrees to play.

3.80a Makeup Matches Organization
For weeks 1 through 8 of the regular season, makeup match results must be reported as according to your division manager's request in your specific division by the end of week 8. Forfeit scores will be converted to reflect the results of the makeup match and points will be awarded in the same manner as for regular matches.
Teams should utilize the official CAL forums to find makeup matches; week-specific threads will appear in their respective divisions as the season progresses. It is your responsibility to find and organize these matches.

Makeup matches may not be scheduled and played until the week AFTER the forfeit is reported in order to allow for time to handle any disputes filed. The deadline for reporting makeup matches is 24 hours after the division default date in week 8 of the regular season.

3.90 Playoffs
Standings are based on accumulated points. If 2 teams have the same accumulated points, RPI will be used to determine which team is ranked higher. The top 8 ranked teams will advance to the playoffs. Division-specific playoffs eligibility requirements will be posted in their respective division when they become available; this will often include a forfeit win limit and certain overall record. In most cases, teams caught abusing any sort of illegal ingame techniques, or configuration exploits, will not be eligible for playoffs. Any teams overturn LOSS will not be eligible for playoffs.

4.00 Teams and Players

4.10 CAL ACS
All players are required to run the CAL ACS (Anti-cheat system) during matches. Players should log into the CAL ACS system prior to starting their game software to make sure it is running properly. CAL ACS is required to remain running until the match is completed.

4.20 Ringers
Match ringers will not be tolerated. If a match ringer is suspected, notify CAL officials in the relevant division immediately.
Ringing or allowing an individual to appear as you in an official CAL match will result in suspension from the league.

4.30 Team and Player Names

4.30a Unacceptable Names
Team and player names are NOT to contain words or phrases that pertain to profanity, racism, religious prejudice, sexism, or the acceptance of drug use. Failure to request a change to a more agreeable name will result in the removal of the player from the league or a forced name change at the discretion of a league official.

4.30b Name Changes
Threads for name change requests can be found in the CAL forum for your division. Changes will be allowed only once per season, so be sure to choose a name you like. Further, rosters will be monitored for extensive changes following a name change.

4.40 Forfeits
While we understand forfeits are a fact of life, CAL expects you to play your matches. Therefore, teams reporting a forfeit without having attempted contact via the CAL PM system will be deactivated and removed from the league. Two consecutive forfeits will result in a teams permanent removal from the current league.
Forfeit wins should appear as a 1-0 win for the team reporting the win; as aforementioned, Anti-Cheat overturns and match overturns will appear as scored wins.
No team should report a forfeit win prior to default match time, and failure to utilize the "forfeit win" function on the report match form or otherwise correctly report a 1-0 win will result in the match being overturned against the reporting team.

4.50 Internet Relay Chat
Teams are required to register and maintain an IRC channel on the GameSurge network; please see http://gamesurge.net for more information. When necessary, league officials may join your channel to request information or discuss other issues pertinent with you, your team (if applicable) or your participation in the league. Teams not wishing to or unable to maintain their own channel may instead use #hl2dm on the GameSurge network.

5.00 Servers

5.10 Anti-Cheat
Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC, currently in its second version), Valve's proprietary anti-cheat software, is required in all league play.
Match servers must be running in sv_pure 2 mode during all league matches. Pure status can be checked in the console upon joining the server or after a map change.
Third-party anti-cheat software such as HLGuard or Cheating-Death and third-party admin software such as MetaMod or Mani, etc. is not allowed. No plugins are allowed to be present on a CAL match server whatsoever and must be removed prior to a CAL match being played.
Players must verify that the server is not running a mod by typing "meta list" in console, as this will list all active mods running on the server.

5.20 Server Usage
CAL does not provide servers for league matches. Teams are required to provide servers for their matches.
If only one team has a playable server, the team with the playable server will host the entire match. Should neither team be able to provide a playable server during the schedule match day, the match must rescheduled until one is borrowed, If one can't be found before the reschedule deadline then the match will reported as a double forfeit loss. All servers must run the appropriate CAL match configuration during league matches.

Teams may utilize their own dedicated (non-listen) server as long as it falls within the ping rules. Please note that ANY and ALL issues arising from server problems will be the sole responsibility of the hosting team. This includes, but is not limited to, issues such as incorrect passwords, server reboots, and non-players joining the server. If neither team can obtain a server, the match may either be played on a listenserver if both teams agree, or postponed until a server can be obtained or borrowed.
In the event of a non-player joining the server, an rcon screenshot will be required so that the offending player can be traced.

Teams MUST play on a server that is geographically equal to the opposing player. That is, if a Pacific based player is playing an Atlantic based player a server from the Central U.S. must be used to alleviate any ping issues that may arise. This clause does not override the ping rule or the necessity for agreement on match servers between teams.

5.20a Ping Imbalance
Although both teams agreeing on any server can bypass this rule, the ping rule can and should be used if it is desired by at least one of the competing teams.
The difference between each team's average pings to the agreed server can be no greater than 50 ms. Pings must be confirmed in the server in question and not solely through pinging tools such as HLSW or from a command line. Loss and choke will in no way be an acceptable reason not to play in a server.
This clause does not overrule the requirement for matches to be played on a server located in the U.S.

5.30 Server Assignments
Because CAL is a predominantly US league, players from outside of the United States and southern Canada must play on US servers and cannot use a server outside of the US or southern Canada.
Note that any existing server arrangements as determined by both teams override all of the below information. Such arrangements are to be considered final once firmly decided by both teams and cannot be changed on the whim of one team or another; in the event of a discrepancy or lack of agreement, the following is to be considered default:

The HOME team will play on their server the first round. If the HOME team does not have a server, the match is to be played on the AWAY team's server. The second round will be played on the AWAY team's server if that team chooses as such.

5.40 Server Configuration
The server configuration is subject to change as new information is provided to the league. The current server configuration will always be posted on the files page. Teams are responsible for checking these on a regular basis and ensuring that the server settings comply. Both teams should check the server's settings to verify that they are correct. If no objections are made prior to play commencing, no team may challenge the settings during or after play. If an objection is made prior to the match commencing and the server settings do not match those required by the league, the settings must be fixed prior to the match. Failure to match the league server settings will result in the server team's forfeit.

An initial objection prior to the match going live will suffice as notice that settings are incorrect and may be given as evidence post-match that corrections were not made. A screenshot showing the objection and the opposing player's response will be required for disputes.

No changes are to be made to the official CAL server configuration.
There are outside programs available to check server settings and are allowed as long as said programs do not alter game settings.

See section 3.70 for an additional note about potential server variables.

5.50 Crashes; Map Changes
If a server crashes before 5 minutes have been completed, the server must be restarted, and the score should be considered 0-0. In the event of a second crash or continuing difficulties and an alternate server cannot be immediately be located, the teams should report to the CAL admins in the IRC channel #hl2dm. At administrative discretion, league officials will decide on a suitable server or provide an extension on the match date. Players caught purposefully causing a server crash to reset a losing score or position will face a match overturn and possible further punitive action.

5.60 Spectators
Spectating in CAL-HL2DM is strictly prohibited and limited only to admin use. If either team requires/requests an admin to spectate the match, a neutral administrator will be provided to spectate the match.

SourceTV broadcasts are acceptable only if the SourceTV server is on a relay (not being hosted from the match server) and allows a minimum of 16 spectator slots. A non-relayed SourceTV broadcast is allowed if both teams agree before the match begins. Broadcast delay for SourceTV must always remain at 180 seconds, as defined in the cal1v1.cfg, to prevent 3rd party scouting.

5.70 Match Time
A grace period of 15 minutes is allotted past the agreed-upon match time. After 15 minutes have passed, the team that is ready to play in the server (proof of this will be requested if necessary later) has the right to claim a forfeit win over their opponent.

5.80 Connectivity Issues
CAL is not responsible for players who experience connectivity problems.

If a player drops from play during the process of a match going live, the match is to be stalled until such player returns at which point the match is restarted. Likewise, if a player lags out within the first minute of play, the match is to be restarted. If the player with the winning score drops for more than 1 minute of play, or drops at a crucial time such as the final minute of play, the match must be extended accordingly to provide the losing player fair ability to win the round. Furthermore, each drop counts as a suicide and the final match score should be altered accordingly. This is subject to common sense and players found abusing drop rules will be face possible match overturns or disciplinary action.

If proof of malicious activity against a server or individual is provided post-match and is deemed conclusive or otherwise acceptable by league officials, the replay of a match or portions of a match may be requested. Such evidence needs to be made available as soon as possible.

Players that drop from the server but return must be sure to restart their demos and retake their screenshots as soon as they reenter the server. No additional screenshot round is required for them; they are to take them on their own.

5.90 Halftime
After finishing the first round of the match, players are allowed an optional 5-10 minute break. If second round server arrangements were made previously, the second-round hosting team should direct their opponents to their server.

If a team fails to show up in the designated server or fails to return after the 10 minute break, the team still present may report the match as a win for themselves.

5.100 Post-match
After completion of the match, the winning team must report the results within 24 hours. Ideally, results should be reported immediately, but it is understood that this is not always possible. The winning team must submit screen shots of the scoreboards from each of the two rounds. These must be the final scores at the end of each round.

Teams reporting false match scores will be suspended and may be deactivated and removed from the league.

6.00 Disputes and Violations

6.10 General Information
As with any sport, disputes are taken very seriously in CAL. Teams are allotted a set number of disputes, based on type, during the season. Any team that extinguishes its disputes during regular season will not be given any additional disputes until the following season.

In the event a team wishes to file a dispute against their opponent, they must do so through the CAL website and NOT through e-mail, the private message system, or IRC.

Disputes are not a public matter and are to be handled only by a league official; posting dispute information on a public forum or otherwise making dispute-specific information available to uninvolved parties will result in the suspension of the offending player(s).

Players MUST be ready to turn over evidence that would substantiate any accusations or otherwise back up the subject of the dispute. If specific information is not available or provided, the dispute will be thrown out.

The administrator that takes ownership of your dispute ticket will contact you initially via the CAL PM system to request further details and/or with information on uploading such materials.

6.20 Dispute Process
There are two types of disputes: general and cheating. The team can access dispute creation forms and information by using the "Report Match" link to the right of the page when logged in on the website; from there, there will be an option to create, view, or update a dispute on every match for which scores have been reported. Be sure to correctly specify the type of dispute when filing; a cheating dispute filed as a general dispute will NOT be addressed, and vice versa.

In all cases, teams have 24 hours after match report to dispute the match. You should NOT contact multiple administrators to inquire about the status of your dispute; doing so repeatedly will result in a competition suspension. Disputes should be filled out completely; be sure to be concise but accurate in your complaints.

6.20a General Disputes
Teams will be allowed to file general disputes on up to half of their matches in regular season. General disputes should be used for claims of false forfeit reports, unsportsmanlike conduct, and any other issue that does not pertain to the use of cheats or exploits in a match. If necessary, an administrator will request proof of any claims made to be sent to him or her via CAL PM attachment or email; failure to do so within the allotted time will result in the dispute's closure.

6.20b Cheating Disputes
Only 2 cheating disputes are allowed throughout regular season. Only one player can be disputed at a time; should a disputed player be found cheating, that dispute will NOT count against the 2-dispute limit.

Be descriptive in cheating disputes; it is necessary that you mention where and why you believe the player in question is cheating.

Players that are disputed for cheating will receive a notification of such via CAL PM; this message will also contain detailed instructions on how to submit match materials to the Anti-Cheat team.

Given the nature of the complaint, demos connected to cheating disputes may be reviewed by several Anti-Cheat admins before a ruling is issued.

6.30 Dispute Information
All information submitted in a dispute is subject to verification by league officials. Knowingly submitting false information in a dispute will result in the suspension of the disputing player, and players seeking to abuse the dispute process will be punished by invalidation of disputes, match penalties, suspensions, or removal from the league.

6.40 Anti-cheat Information
Like all professional sports, ours involves a dispute review process. All CAL administrators charged with reviewing participant recordings (demos) and screenshots are part of CAL Anti-Cheat; note that these administrators do NOT appear on the administrative listing in any game division. Every CAL division does, however, have a head anti-cheat administrator listed; this is the person who is charged with maintaining the anti-cheat staff for that particular area of a game.

Any team who turns in a cheater on their team without CAL Anti-Cheat already investigating the player will receive amnesty for doing so. Server logs and a first-person demo are required.

Teams that are found to be knowingly harboring a banned player will also be subjected to team management suspensions.

Players are required to keep evidence for the duration of the season in order to provide for random requests by CAL Anti-Cheat. If an AC administrator contacts you via IRC to request demos and screenshots, you may NOT ban them from your channel; doing so will result in a "no demos" ruling that will overturn the match in question and lead to the suspension of the disputed player for 8 weeks of competition. The same is true for failure to provide such materials to AC within 48 hours of dispute notice.

6.50 Evidence Requests
Failure to provide information or files that should be available to the player contacted regarding a dispute (or his teammates if applicable as in the case of server logs) may result in a competition suspension and/or match penalties. Any person(s) found editing such files will be removed from the league for tampering with match materials.

Only in the presence of extreme and extenuating circumstances as determined by league administrators will the aforementioned 48-hour time limit be extended.

6.60 Client Requests
Screenshots should be sent only as bitmaps (.bmp) or in .jpg format. All materials should be compressed to a commonly-used compression format using a file zipping utility prior to sending.

6.70 Rule Violations
Players who violate any rule(s) as previously listed will be subject to disciplinary action. Where not specified, the duration of league suspensions will be determined by senior league officials.

Players that consistently engage in immediately and repetitive abusive or unsportsmanlike conduct will be removed from the league in their entirety.

6.80 Failure to Compete
Intentionally choosing to forfeit a match or otherwise not playing two matches in a row will result in the suspension and removal of the offending team.

6.90 Suspension Lengths
Any player found to be cheating will be suspended globally from the league for 1 year. Suspensions on previously-banned players will be extended in the event they attempt to prematurely reenter the league.

7.00 Agreement
By registering on this website, the registrant agrees not to maliciously disparage, discredit, slander, libel, or defame the CPL or CAL, CPL or CAL staff, CPL events or CAL divisions, or CPL or CAL sponsors in any public forum or format including but not limited to websites, IRC, Usenet/Web discussion systems, chat programs, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, radio,

7.10 Administrative Discretion
Under this section, league administration reserves the right to consider all issues arising from a conflict with this ruleset on an individual, per-event basis. Where necessary and/or applicable, judgments and punishments may be subject to review and adjusted to accommodate all circumstances in any given situation, mitigating or otherwise.

8.00 Copyright
No portion of this document may be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any form or manner, electronic or mechanical, without permission in writing from the president or managing director of the league.

8.10 Image Copyright
All images and/or artwork pertaining to the Cyberathlete Amateur League or Cyberathlete Professional League, including the official league logos, are the property of the Cyberathlete Amateur League or Cyberathlete Professional League, respectively, and may not be reproduced, modified, or transmitted in any form or manner without permission from the president or managing director of the league.

9.00 Copyright
At the discretion of league administration, this document and all guidelines contained within it are subject to change.


2008-09-05 04:39:07

Lets see...

What sports specifically? i honestly can't think of any.

4 seasons annually...suuuuuurrre. There's been like what, 4 seasons total in the past 2 and a half years?

At no time shall any participant modify any commands that would alter or enhance their experience through the use of console commands.
Poorly worded since everyone who changes their rates is technically trying to alter and enhance their experience. You don't expect everyone to use the same rates, that's why you gave ranges.

lolololol LAN centers lolololol ok

Individuals caught posting private conversations, logs or emails in public sites/forums or sharing the confidential information will be subject to individual penalties, and teams who post private conversations or matters on their sites will face repercussions, as well. Logs and emails are not considered proof by themselves, as they can be easily altered or forged. Confidential and private matters should be respected, and logs from third parties should not be considered proof of any action or intention on their own.
Not enforcable by CAL unless you strictly mean conversations with CAL officials.

2 preseason + 8 season + 3 playoff =/= 12 weeks (see 1.20)

In the case where teams are in different time zones, the default is 9:00 PM Central
Used to be 9 EST. 9 Central = 10 EST, and assuming the match starts 30 minutes to an hour late, which it always does in 4v4, that means it wont be over until 11:30 to 12ish. That's too late for most people on a weeknight.

and that's all...for now

Super Luigi

2008-09-05 04:56:29

In the case where teams are in different time zones, the default is 9:00 PM Central
Used to be 9 EST. 9 Central = 10 EST, and assuming the match starts 30 minutes to an hour late, which it always does in 4v4, that means it wont be over until 11:30 to 12ish. That's too late for most people on a weeknight.
I agree. It even gets late for some of us in the central, when we have work or school the next day. In my opinion 9est was a better default time.


2008-09-05 04:57:57

lol... when did cheese become the game curmudgeon?


2008-09-05 05:07:35

make it default of 9 central and i simply wont be able to play cal anymore.


2008-09-05 08:24:00

Keep in mind some of the rules (ie the lan centers (and I agree...heh)) are from the greater CAL eshelon of rules and probably have to remain the same. They were included for completeness.

In any case TY for the comments so far...keep em coming but please keep them constructive.



2008-09-05 10:18:24

It needs to be 9 central because not everyone playing in the league is on the east coast. There are a fair amount of west coast players and for those who are and hold a normal 8 to 5 job or 9-6 job can not get home from work (one of life's necessities) to play a game at a default time of 9 eastern which is 6 PST. 9 central is the fairest time for all east and west, wanting to go to bed at a certain time is not the same as having to work until a certain time.


2008-09-05 11:17:31

Id just like to mention that the 1v1 ruleset is up to date as of a couple months ago.

Also, the current default match time for all divisions is 9:00 PM EST. The rules listed different times in 3 different places (9est, 9cst and 9 in division timezone), 2 of which are obviously incorrect; its due to defects like those that the rules are getting this revision.


2008-09-05 14:41:12

the_big_cheese wrote: 3.3
In the case where teams are in different time zones, the default is 9:00 PM Central
Used to be 9 EST. 9 Central = 10 EST, and assuming the match starts 30 minutes to an hour late, which it always does in 4v4, that means it wont be over until 11:30 to 12ish. That's too late for most people on a weeknight.
things like these improve when teams follow the letter of the rules much like flas did, once that 15 minute window passes go file the forfeit and force the other team to come do a make-up match. Seems like a dick move, but for the overall game it makes players respect the time limits and next time they will show up on time. dods teams will file the forfeit if you are that later no question. So that makes the game run a lot better and with 6 players to deal with if you are slack on this part each match could drag out.


2008-09-05 17:10:07

3.10 Team Agreements
No agreement can ever exist between two teams to play a CAL match in violation of official CAL rules.
3.40 Team Play
For the team divisions 4v4 and 2v2 play is MANDATORY for each division respectively. The only time at which uneven play will be accepted is in the event of connection issues causing TEMPORARY mid-match problems with any given player.
Hate to be a dickhead here, but will 3v3 or 3v4 play be allowed with tacit approval of an admin??? That should NOT happen again with the rules as written above. Other teams may have taken a forfeit under the same circumstances because they didnt entertain the idea of skirting the rules with a wink and a nod from an admin. I think I understand why it happened, and I dont fault either team... but it was unfair to other CAL teams imho. Maybe that was just another rumor... so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

However, if some language were added to allow an admin discretion to allow 3v3 or 3v4 on a case by case basis... I would have no problem.

EDIT - Nevermind. :oops:

This rule would appear to cover it:
7.10 Administrative Discretion
Under this section, league administration reserves the right to consider all issues arising from a conflict with this ruleset on an individual, per-event basis. Where necessary and/or applicable, judgments and punishments may be subject to review and adjusted to accommodate all circumstances in any given situation, mitigating or otherwise.


2008-09-05 20:25:44

CellarDweller wrote:
3.10 Team Agreements
No agreement can ever exist between two teams to play a CAL match in violation of official CAL rules.
3.40 Team Play
For the team divisions 4v4 and 2v2 play is MANDATORY for each division respectively. The only time at which uneven play will be accepted is in the event of connection issues causing TEMPORARY mid-match problems with any given player.
Hate to be a dickhead here, but will 3v3 or 3v4 play be allowed with tacit approval of an admin??? That should NOT happen again with the rules as written above. Other teams may have taken a forfeit under the same circumstances because they didnt entertain the idea of skirting the rules with a wink and a nod from an admin. I think I understand why it happened, and I dont fault either team... but it was unfair to other CAL teams imho. Maybe that was just another rumor... so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

However, if some language were added to allow an admin discretion to allow 3v3 or 3v4 on a case by case basis... I would have no problem.

EDIT - Nevermind. :oops:

This rule would appear to cover it:
7.10 Administrative Discretion
Under this section, league administration reserves the right to consider all issues arising from a conflict with this ruleset on an individual, per-event basis. Where necessary and/or applicable, judgments and punishments may be subject to review and adjusted to accommodate all circumstances in any given situation, mitigating or otherwise.

I will address this issue, when i have the time so it is clear. And Fair to both teams. STA had a good rule that made matches happen, but it needs to be changed a bit to fit with Cals other rules. I have an idea of what i want just have to word it correctly.


2008-09-07 04:04:35

L2k wrote:It needs to be 9 central because not everyone playing in the league is on the east coast. There are a fair amount of west coast players and for those who are and hold a normal 8 to 5 job or 9-6 job can not get home from work (one of life's necessities) to play a game at a default time of 9 eastern which is 6 PST. 9 central is the fairest time for all east and west, wanting to go to bed at a certain time is not the same as having to work until a certain time.
Well that's just too bad punk. I don't care what you have to say. I want you all to leave work early telling your boss that you have to play a hl2dm match and that you can work an extra hour tomorrow evening.

Hahahahaha kidding. : )


2008-09-09 03:22:39

It is suppose to be 9 EST. The reasoning is at that time it is on the late evening end of eastern players time and the early evening time of western players time. And everyone else falls somewhere in the middle. Not perfect but nothing will be given a 4 time zone spread in NA and that we do not have enough teams to host separate divisions though we used to try to have separate conferences however that did not work out.


2008-09-09 05:41:28

Fearsome* wrote:It is suppose to be 9 EST. The reasoning is at that time it is on the late evening end of eastern players time and the early evening time of western players time. And everyone else falls somewhere in the middle. Not perfect but nothing will be given a 4 time zone spread in NA and that we do not have enough teams to host separate divisions though we used to try to have separate conferences however that did not work out.
Well due to the teams who like to force default times you might as well write off the majority of west coast players then, and just call it CAL for east coast players only.

Like I said before having to work a normal 8-5 or 9-6 job prevents any west coast players from making that time, and this last season there were at least 4 teams who refused anything but default.

I also don't see how you can say that 9 east is most fair for all when you have 3 time zones and common sense would tell you that you go with the middle time zone, duh.

Again having to work (normal hours mind you, that 90 percent of people do) to support yourself and or family is way more important than wanting to go to bed by a certain time. Anyone can stay up a little later but just try telling your boss you have to get off early so you can play a video game, never mind the traffic getting home.


2008-09-09 07:08:43

lol true


2008-09-09 07:27:27

L2k wrote:Anyone can stay up a little later but just try telling your boss you have to get off early so you can play a video game, never mind the traffic getting home.
No teenagers on the east coast cannot stay up on a school night to midnight to play a match. Even for players that work, Just try telling your boss 'Oh sorry I am late I didn't get to sleep last night until 1:30am because I had a video game match.' Not much of an issue for me now as i have to leave at 7:55am, but in sta I would curse people [Vdus] for going past 12am since I had to leave my house at 6:15am or I would be late.

This is an issue that comes up. Maybe to solve this problem by moving the default day for 4v4 from Thursday to Tuesday. I get the 4v4 matches out on Friday morning, This doesn't really leave time for captains to even get with their own team to play on the weekend before the default time. But if 1v1 switched with 4v4, 4v4 matches would be out by Wednesday morning. Giving teams time to figure they need to play on the weekend because of school nights and workers to get off work. The weekend is when 911 which generally needed 10pm (est) and Fusion needed 12am (est) and both teams had to wait past default to be able to get the match to happen.
1v1 should be easier to get with the 2 players involved with the match. Thought Ko?


2008-09-09 09:11:31

Switching days does not help anything at all. There are teams that WILL NOT ACCEPT anything other than default day/time, it caused us to get FL's this season and that is not FAIR. In 2v2 Fusion has no problem having the players available for a 9 central time, at 9 eastern we are not home from work yet, just like the majority of west coast people.

Last time I checked hl2dm is a rated M game, just like in FIOS in CAL you should be old enough to play a rated M game, and if you are you should be able to stay up late enough to play. I have no problem staying up till 1:00 am every night and getting up for work by 6:15 am, I have done it for years. I don't think its too much to ask for a east coast player to stay up until 11:00- 12:00 one night a week. Other than that by setting a default time of 9:00 eastern and enforcing it, you are biasing the league towards east coast players. The only other solution I can think of is if the admin can see in Match Comm that a team like ours is asking for another time or a weekend time and the other team is refusing and stating that they will only do a default day/time then they should not be allowed to take a FW as they are simply making it impossible for us and other west coast teams to play based on a biased default time of 9 eastern.

9 central is the most fair time for everyone.


2008-09-09 16:32:42

L2k wrote:Switching days does not help anything at all.
There are teams that WILL NOT ACCEPT anything other than default day/time,
it caused us to get FL's this season and that is not FAIR.
Fusion doesn't have any forfeits against them. Neither does 911.
They did need to go past default a few times to play on the weekend against
some east coast teams. 56 out of 59 matches played with 9pm est.
I see no reason to change.


2008-09-09 19:07:04

ninojman wrote:Fusion doesn't have any forfeits against them. Neither does 911.
They did need to go past default a few times to play on the weekend against
some east coast teams. 56 out of 59 matches played with 9pm est.
I see no reason to change.
Look at 2v2, yes we did july 9th, and it was because of this, we also had this problem in 4v4 against dbz which you gave us a FL, then reversed it.
We also had numerous other matches where teams wanted to play at 9 eastern but we could not and they did not file FW's, we just got lucky and kept pushing it back until they agreed to a weekend in 2v2, and had to make stuff up at the last minute. In 4v4 we didn't have that option since you take it upon yourself to file fw's for teams when you didn't even know what was being said between the teams outside of MC. I guess since you are east coast and it doesn't effect you or your team its no problem eh.

Walking Target

2008-09-09 20:18:51

I can tell you that I will never be able to play a default match. I leave work at 5:30pm PST and get home around 6:30pm PST on weeknights.


2008-09-09 22:37:46

Yes it is a problem for both east and west teams. here is a suggestion: We should require that each team declare what time zone the want to be considered based upon where the majority of their members are located. If it is a bonafide problem that the two teams in question are east and west and they can not agree on a 9est start during the week, then they can get approval from the admin of that division to play the match the following weekend and no later. This would not be allowed for teams in the same or adjacent time zones who just want to watch football or something instead of play their matches on time (its happened).

However, they must notify the admin as such but if the match is not reported by Sunday 9pm est then one of the teams may declare a FW or the admin post two fl until the makeup can be done.
The other thing is that scheduling of the next week's matches will occur when scheduled (usually thurs night for 2v2) and will not be delayed.

Just an idea.


2008-09-10 00:01:40

Paradox wrote:Yes it is a problem for both east and west teams. here is a suggestion: We should require that each team declare what time zone the want to be considered based upon where the majority of their members are located. If it is a bonafide problem that the two teams in question are east and west and they can not agree on a 9est start during the week, then they can get approval from the admin of that division to play the match the following weekend and no later. This would not be allowed for teams in the same or adjacent time zones who just want to watch football or something instead of play their matches on time (its happened).

However, they must notify the admin as such but if the match is not reported by Sunday 9pm est then one of the teams may declare a FW or the admin post two fl until the makeup can be done.
The other thing is that scheduling of the next week's matches will occur when scheduled (usually thurs night for 2v2) and will not be delayed.

Just an idea.

I think that the part with the football or something else isn't really fair though, I mean really sometimes you have other plans that come up that are more important then a match, I think if teams learned to be more flexible that be nice, as in the latest we should let players play is probably that sunday night so the admins can get their new schedules up but to say that this game is more important then chillen with friends or something else is stupid imo. Not saying your saying that para, just the way some might take it.


2008-09-10 01:40:05

Its the choice you make when you sign up for the league and its not like you have to play every night. If you sign up for all 3 divisions then you make a choice to play 3 matches a week. If you cant commit to that, dont sign up for that many. The fact of the matter is, you have 6 or 7 nights to get one match for each division accomplished. Now we might be stretching it to 10 or so depending on the circumstances. How long do you want to have? No matter how much time we give, it will never be enough. People will always procrastinate and people will always complain. The more time allowed, the longer its going to take to get all the matches done.

Just as it is now, if you dont play the match by default time, either one team gives a FW or the admin gives both teams a FL. If the FW occurs without a comm in match comm, then both teams can be given a FL for lack of an attempt to play on time. IMO if you cant even be bothered to TRY and do your matches then the team should be removed so that teams that do want to play have teams that also want to play as opponents and ppl dont end up getting 4-6 FW and get into the playoffs.

Teams that dont attempt to play should get taken out of the rotation until they show that they do intend to play their matches. It isnt fair to teams that want to play their matches to always be forced to FW teams that cant even be bothered to try and schedule and it isnt fair to expect them to fart around for two weeks to accomdate a team that cant be bothered to respond and /or schedule so they go get other matches and the FL team loses out. If they choose to be nice and accomodate you, then you have until the default date of week 8 to get the makeups done and reported. I think that is pretty flexible. However some teams have been burned trying to be nice and flexible so I cant blame them for being not so flexible and going to get the points where they can.

IMO, to make this easier for the reasons stated in this thread, Monday night should be the day that matches are scheduled by the admins for all divisions with the default REPORTING (not playing) date being the following Sunday 9PM Eastern or Central (whichever is best). That gives teams all week to schedule for the weekend if thats the only/best time they can do it. If you get it done earlier, great then you get the bonus of not having to do it on the weekend. If you cant get it reported by Sunday night, then you get a FL until you can get it done and you have until the default reporting date of week 8 to play and report makeups.


2008-09-10 03:09:58

Thanks Paradox for atleast trying to come up with a solution instead of just saying "I see no need to change".

The biggest problem for us was that this one team ended up saying no way, flat out no we will not play any other time than default day or time. Being that the default was 9 eastern there was nothing we could do and we ended up getting a FL. That team ended up dropping and that one FL turned into a bye (with a FL and no way to be made up, not that that particular team would have made it up with us anyway) and that in itself made us miss the playoffs by one point.
Now we ended up getting back into the playoffs by luck because due to the delay and a team dropping out, we got back in but I can assure you we as a team were pretty mad about that and we were helpless due to being put a disadvantage by this stupid east biased rule of 9 eastern.

I think that no matter what you do short of changing it to a more sensible 9 central time there will still be teams who will not cooperate as you have already seen by edges post (and likely others who feel the same way) who states that chillin with friends is more important than being cooperative with another team sometimes when technically they don't have to.

Seriously what is the big dam deal anyway the difference is only one hour to east coast players meaning that the latest the match could start is 15 mins past 10 eastern and it should be over by 11:00 east. Considering that the majority of teams are east or central how often do you seriously think a east team would be forced to play that 10:00 time? Likely not very often (maybe once or twice tops a season) and it prevents the west coast teams from getting screwed over by being expected to play a match during normal working hours, and then having to accept a FL when it cant be done. In a perfect world teams would co-operate and it wouldn't be a problem but I can assure you this is not a perfect world, and there are teams who will not co operate no matter how much extra time you give it to be done.


2008-09-10 04:14:45

Yeah L2K, NP. I understand both sides of the problem. East coast players dont want to be up til 1AM (some cant because of school and parents bed time rules), West coast players need to be able to come home from work. It sucks. Our first season we had a east coast, a mountain time and a west coast player on the same team. We tried to schedule for 10PM est to give the west coast player a chance to get home. We were fortuntate not to have a team get hard nosed on us and we got all of our matches in, but there was one or two where our west coast player had to run in the house and jump on the computer without being able to take a shower or have dinner after working a roofing job (I think) all day. I felt bad for him.

This is why a Sunday Reporting time as opposed to a match default time would make sense, as long as the match is played and reported by that time, you are good. It gives the whole week to get peoples schedules together and gives the weekend for people to get the matches done if you cant do it sooner. If there is no agreement then we could say that match default is Friday or Saturday night 9 central or w/e.

Again these are just thoughts I have for discussion to try and solve this problem.


2008-09-10 08:51:11

yeah maybe a default of friday would be good but theres too many divisions to all be on friday.

I'm a little lost on where people keep saying that if a match started at 10 eastern it would end at 1:00 am though, I mean 10:00 is start time and you have 2 20 min rounds, thats 10:40 and in the rare event you have a third round thats 11:00, add in a few 5 min breaks and it 11:15 max latest whats the big deal there?

Don't forget we are only talking about the odds that a team most likely would have to do this ONE time through out the whole season, in order to make it fair to west coast players.


2008-09-10 16:17:49

Well we have all seen that even though the match starts at 10, the first round doesnt start for 30-40 minutes because

1. Someone is late
2. Someone has problems with the internet
3. Someone has problems with their computer "OMG restart"
4. WTF is the password?! / bad password
5. Someone has problems getting Vent/TS, or their mic to work right
6. "Shit forgot ACS, brb!"
7. The other team's server has a plugin that has to be removed and/or it wasnt sv_pure 2 (happened to my team twice this season but they insisted on using their server).
8. "Trying to SS and I keep getting killed every time I go over there"
9. SS "Everyone got the screens?"
10. "Gotta piss, brb"


2008-09-10 16:21:45

2.10 Screenshots
The captain or designee of each team must take screenshots of 1) the initial console before each round played regardless of whether two servers are used or if the entire match is played on one server, to display the server’s sv_pure mode; and 2) the scoreboard and console Rcon status displaying the names and Steam IDs of all the participating players in the server.
All players must also take screenshots of the opposing players before each round starts and of each round’s final scoreboard. This can NOT be a screenshot of the scoreboard before the match has ended. In the event of a dispute, if the disputed party fails to provide screenshots, automatic forfeiture will result


2008-09-10 18:14:49

As Nino quoted, there are the specific rules regarding ss.

I always have at least 2 of a 4v team and both of the 2v team get the console shots in case the ones the leader took don't come out or there is some other problem.

Its during the "all players must take ss of the opposing team" where ppl are just goofing off and having fun with potshots. We have all done it but it can delay the match sometimes as much as 5 or 10 minutes.


2008-09-10 20:44:09

Paradox wrote:Well we have all seen that even though the match starts at 10, the first round doesnt start for 30-40 minutes because

1. Someone is late
2. Someone has problems with the internet
3. Someone has problems with their computer "OMG restart"
4. WTF is the password?! / bad password
5. Someone has problems getting Vent/TS, or their mic to work right
6. "Shit forgot ACS, brb!"
7. The other team's server has a plugin that has to be removed and/or it wasnt sv_pure 2 (happened to my team twice this season but they insisted on using their server).
8. "Trying to SS and I keep getting killed every time I go over there"
9. SS "Everyone got the screens?"
10. "Gotta piss, brb"
This is very easy to control, as per the rules you have 15 mins past default time to be ready to play or you lose by Fw. This covers all of the above issues, if your team can not get the process down and be ready to play within 15 mins past default time its game over, my team does not have this problem, nor should anyones.


2008-09-10 22:34:18

well it happen to us against another team in 4v. One of our members had real problems with his internet or computer or something and kept getting disconnected from the server. After a while it got to the point that we were willing to let them have the fw. As you know getting 8 people together can be a pain and they wanted to play instead of FW us and try to reschedule. So yeah it took almost 40 minutes before the match got started. It doesn't happen all the time, in fact mostly it doesn't but sometimes murphys law takes effect.


2008-09-11 00:45:29

Paradox wrote:It doesn't happen all the time, in fact mostly it doesn't but sometimes murphys law takes effect.
This is true, but I still don't think west coast teams should be put at a disadvantage over something that may happen once in awhile.


2008-09-11 02:10:35

no para i was saying RCON should be in that text for the rules.

Whoever has rcon of the server needs to get an Rcon status ss of all players in the server


2008-09-11 03:36:30

Well we have all seen that even though the match starts at 10, the first round doesnt start for 30-40 minutes because

1. Someone is late
2. Someone has problems with the internet
3. Someone has problems with their computer "OMG restart"
4. WTF is the password?! / bad password
5. Someone has problems getting Vent/TS, or their mic to work right
6. "Shit forgot ACS, brb!"
7. The other team's server has a plugin that has to be removed and/or it wasnt sv_pure 2 (happened to my team twice this season but they insisted on using their server).
8. "Trying to SS and I keep getting killed every time I go over there"
9. SS "Everyone got the screens?"
10. "Gotta piss, brb"
Don't forget crashes. Someone crashes on map restart... that'll set you back 10 minutes (at least it will if it's me).
Or what if team 1 has all 4 in a server waiting for one of team 2's to show up (5 minutes left before fw) and one of team 1's players crashes or has to leave. Then what, give team 2 the win?


2008-09-11 03:39:00

no para i was saying RCON should be in that text for the rules.

Whoever has rcon of the server needs to get an Rcon status ss of all players in the se
Why? The original rules do not state rcon status, just this:
along with the console status displaying the names and steamids of all within the server.
The only extra info that "rcon status" gives verses "status" by a non-admin player is the IP address. Also, sometimes teams dont have a server and borrow one. I have let people use mine for 1v1 and 2v2. They cant rcon the server and I wont give out rcon to my own server to just anyone. As long as they get the status pic with the player names and steam IDs that should be fine.