What maps would you like to see in CAL?


2008-10-18 08:16:50

Alrighty, this is it. Please stand up and nominate your favorite maps for the upcoming CAL season. Please be sure to list what division you'd like to see the map in, and I'd like to say don't assume that the "standbys" will be in. If you wanna see lockdown in cal vote for it. Maps can be from other games if intelectual property rights are not an issue. for instance Lostvillage for example was done by the original author, and is fine. lostvillage_v2 was done by Biotau without permission and is NOT fine. Well have at it you lot. :!: These maps will be used to create a vote for the most popular maps to fill certain spots in cals season.


2008-10-18 08:55:03

dm_democracy 2v2,4v4
dm_lostarena 1v1,2v2
dm_backbone 2v2,4v4


2008-10-18 21:26:41

dm_fuedal, 1v1
dm_armaggedon, 1v1
dm_lostarena, 1v1,2v2
dm_caverns_r1, 2v2,4v4


2008-10-18 22:32:10

Paradox wrote:LOL why another thread....

Any maps with obvious glitches wont be included.

Democracy has 2 glitches. A mag that will not respawn and a sticky spawn point so unless we can get it fixed it wont be in the vote.
Those can be fixed without even opening the vmf. Fix them with an entity editor, rename the map, build cubemaps = map without the 2 glitches.

A few suggestions I have. :D
dm_fallout - 1v1, 2v2
dm_octagon - 4v4
dm_insidilab - 1v1, 2v2
dm_frenzy_v2 - 2v2
dm_overwatch_rain - 2v2
dm_backbone - 4v4
dm_7hour - 2v2
dm_resistance_r1 - 2v2
dm_abyss_fixed - 4v4
dmbelg_subway_b1 - 1v1
PFD-pipehouse - 2v2

Any map with players spawning with both stunstick and crowbar should be removed.

Walking Target

2008-10-18 23:42:05

2v2 dm_spookface_reloaded

Spook is to me as lockdown is to most other players. I will be getting a new version made soon, hopefully tweaked for 2v2 play and minus the double melee.


2008-10-19 02:14:52

I like the current 1v1 list (imagine that) with the exception of dm_avalon_b1 and dm_lockdown_r3.
Replace dm_avalon_b1 with dm_feudal (mapper is willing to revise feudal as needed).
Replace dm_lockdown_r3 with a fixed version of original dm_lockdown.

dm_spookface_reloaded (may need further revision; mapper is willing to revise as needed)
dm_joyride_r1 (this will be completed with the mappers permission before next season begins)
dm_drift_revised (could also possibly get a revision)
dm_lockdown (fixed version as mentioned above)

Also, building cubemaps will just break the lighting, and will have no affect on items failing to respawn or spawnpoints being in the ground at all. Those things could be fixed easily enough (1 minute mapping time tops) but again, the mappers permission is needed first.


2008-10-19 08:37:52

This thread should be kept clean no one cares about your opinion you will show it when you vote. It is strictly for nominations. Any map you think is popular enough to be voted in can be placed here even if it has glaring defects if thats what you like to play in. These maps will not be chosen by the CAL admins nor thrown out unless they violate the rule below. People asked to beable to vote for maps that is what this is I don't care if you vote for killbox or walmart or what its your choice to play in it.

The only rule is that we will respect the intelectual property of others. That means no one edits a map besides the original author or with his permission. No one steals or copies maps from any other copy righted source. Site the first example while LV is from HLDM it was made by the same author that made it in HL1, his map to do as he pleases. Also keep in mind that major makeovers are probably not going to get done before this season starts. Please nominate maps in their current form. And work on getting the maps fixed later, if it is fixed before the season and the voting is still happening then it can nominate it.

No comments only nominations we do not want to wade through thousands of comments.
CoNfuSed wrote:I don't think we should take r3 out, it's a been a classic throughout every cal season, and it's a well balanced map, so I really don't think it should be taken out.
Then you nominate R3 or R4 which ever is out by then.

Also there is no point in nominating more then 8 maps. Because there are only 8 maps per season and there i no way you will be able to vote for more then say 4 maps. (but that is not decided for sure yet). Basically do not nominate a map unless it is a map you definitely want to see played in CAL.


2008-10-19 21:25:48

I vote for ldr3 (r4 if its made) for all divisions, 1v1 2v2 and 4v4.


2008-10-20 08:32:25

dm_lostarena - 2v2
dm_prisonriot2_b2 - 2v2
dm_octagon - 4v4

Super Luigi

2008-10-20 15:33:06

dm_backbone 2v2 4v4
dm_lostarena 1v1 2v2


2008-10-20 17:53:37

Also nominations are not votes. So you do not have to nominate something again if someone has already nominated it.


2008-10-20 20:45:42

poconut wrote:
mLIQUID wrote: dm_armaggedon, 1v1
Hell ya, I love armageddon. I thought I was the only one.
Please try to keep this thread free of comments if at all possible, only nominations.


2008-10-20 20:46:29

armageddon has ben updated and is now renamed dm_fraggingyard, i have it running on the 911 server if anyone wants it...


2008-10-20 23:38:11



2008-10-21 03:47:32

tlc wrote:dm_fool_day


2008-10-21 07:40:38


dm_hope_rc2 4v4
dm_dubious 2v2 may need a couple more weaps
dm_slammer 4v4
dm_bleak prob good for 2v2


2008-11-15 22:38:13

I have asked that this thread be locked.

We are going to redo the polls including maps from both threads.

The nominations are closed.


2008-11-15 23:09:21

shit man why didn't dm_street make the cut