I have resigned my CAL adminship


2008-11-15 10:23:09

As title.

Better everyone learn of it here than via the rumor mill.


2008-11-15 18:29:41

Ko, when I got your PM this morning, I was greatly saddened to know that you felt you needed to do this. I understand your reasons. You have been a long time admin, and an advocate of the league and the players in it. You did a great job. You will be missed.


2008-11-15 19:24:13

you've been the only admin I've agreed with in the past few months, and the only admin that doesn't kiss fearsomes ass. ty for that.


2008-11-15 20:50:49

Sad to see you go, hopefully you will keep idling irc for the lulz.


2008-11-15 22:47:05

PB, you obviously have poor memory. Ko-tao and I have agreed on pretty much everything that has happened in the past few months. Both of us stand up to Fearsome when we think he is wrong. We just dont always do it where you guys can see it. I never have and I never will kiss anyones ass, sorry to disappoint you.


2008-11-15 23:31:34

aaawww even though I don't play CAL anymore, that sucks. At least you will keep playing :D


2008-11-15 23:58:52

Oh yes, i will keep playing, as will team fusion. Ill also continue mapping as well.


2008-11-16 00:24:22

Poor_Billy wrote:you've been the only admin I've agreed with in the past few months, and the only admin that doesn't kiss fearsomes ass. ty for that.


2008-11-16 14:26:01

Thats tlcs unique way of showing <3.


2008-11-18 00:49:21

hahA and his way of proving a point.