Cu down (for a while?)


2009-01-23 19:59:06

this morning the clans united website was hacked. no statement from admin team yet. hope will reopen soon :sketchy:


2009-01-23 22:10:39

wow thats crap :shock:


2009-01-23 23:22:05

Raped. : /


2009-01-23 23:49:24

CU Home of hl2dm for eu been damaged. I can't express how I feel about this.

we trying our best to get it sorted out fast, it will be a big loss to hl2dm if we can't.


2009-01-24 02:55:09

sorry to hear that, haters suck. :shoot:

Jelly Fox

2009-01-24 03:01:32

Ouch, I hope you guys haven't lost too much data as that place has a impressive archive :shock:


2009-01-24 21:19:56

Was it ever backed up?


2009-01-25 04:01:50

As soon as I saw this I backed up my clan's website. It's been a month since I did it. I hope CU did it more often than I did.


2009-01-25 04:18:32

Jelly Fox wrote:Ouch, I hope you guys haven't lost too much data as that place has a impressive archive :shock:
of flaming and idiocy


Jelly Fox

2009-01-25 17:02:37

Rafadagaffer wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:Ouch, I hope you guys haven't lost too much data as that place has a impressive archive :shock:
of flaming and idiocy

Agree even if it was a joke, the forum is FULL of utter nonsense and some of the most retarded posts I've ever read (the reason I don't use it). but the archive of previously played games was interesting.


2009-01-25 20:17:09

I would not say that. it was in the past when there was hardly any admin rules being enforced it which is too be expected when there are no rules. But there has been big changes at cu with new managment and we pritty much had it uncontrol and was getting new guys in the game with a more tough approach on player conduct.

some may point their nose up at cu and brand players in it negative way. But cu severed hl2dm Europe community for a long time where esl complete failed at listening to the community needs and cu was there for us where others where not. We has 1500 members before hac we lost 500 of them and we have 300 players competing where we where gradually building up to 400 player base.

Now we got to suspend the deadline for week3 while we fix everything. we lost our match archive which has screens and demos of some great games between great clans which is a great lost of 8 seasons of cu history.

sadly there last back up for 2008 feb and webmaster to the site is on holiday so got allot of work to do.


2009-01-26 04:00:08

Jelly Fox wrote:
Rafadagaffer wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:Ouch, I hope you guys haven't lost too much data as that place has a impressive archive :shock:
of flaming and idiocy

Agree even if it was a joke, the forum is FULL of utter nonsense and some of the most retarded posts I've ever read (the reason I don't use it). but the archive of previously played games was interesting.
It was half a joke..

I remember going on to the forums and trying to see who was winning the latest cup etc, but only finding threads like "ZOMG THIS PLAYER HACKS!!11"

I'm not saying this is the fault of the admins, but those kind of threads made me decide not to join clans united.

Uncle Rico

2009-01-26 04:12:34

koncentrate wrote:

this morning the clans united website was hacked. no statement from admin team yet. hope will reopen soon :sketchy:


2009-01-26 08:57:27

Uncle Rico wrote:VAC'd?
VAC accidentaly the whole CU


2009-01-26 11:57:44

I don't find it a joke that our league was attacked. I don't think any of you lot would be laughing if cal had the same thing done to it.
.conflict wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:VAC'd?
VAC accidentaly the whole CU
I also don't like you guys joking cu got VAC banned giving me this nagging feeling this how you guys see us all as a bunch of hackers. Even if it is meant to be a joke I take very seriously on what has been done to the league. I try my best to improve league and help promote hl2dm so I really prefer not to hear this especially after what has happen to our site.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-01-26 12:41:32



2009-01-26 14:19:59

SND wrote:I don't think any of you lot would be laughing if cal had the same thing done to it.
Heh youd be surprised how often cal gets hacked. They just happen to have backups etc to minimize the damage.


2009-01-27 00:40:40

SND wrote: I also don't like you guys joking cu got VAC banned giving me this nagging feeling this how you guys see us all as a bunch of hackers. Even if it is meant to be a joke I take very seriously on what has been done to the league. I try my best to improve league and help promote hl2dm so I really prefer not to hear this especially after what has happen to our site.
Then why people who got their account jacked (lolme) get laughed at?

It is the duty of an aorganisation to set proper security and backup site often, they made a mistake, they will learn, they'll get back stronger - that is all.

Sorry if any of my comments felt innapropriate.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-01-27 00:41:30

Nvm I found my popcorn.


2009-01-27 15:05:14

.conflict wrote:Sorry if any of my comments felt innapropriate.
tks I was bit enoyed back then thinkng why someone would want to brind down a community where allot of work was put in building it guess that guy laughting his head off right now.

Well good thing about community it takes more than that to bring it down and has be brought back to life guess it a lesson learned by us plus we found the backup for our achive.


2009-01-27 16:44:26

the back up we found is fucking old and theres no point reverting back to it. we didnt lose the match archive tho, we still have the e-mails with the match reports and screenshots.


2009-01-27 16:58:58

Ko-Tao wrote: Heh youd be surprised how often cal gets hacked. They just happen to have backups etc to minimize the damage.
cu has always been a pretty lame league compared to other professional leagues like cal. i wasnt surprised at all when i found out no one has a recent back up of the database. i have actually been working very hard to restore the site and help the admin team since the hacking incident occured but now basically those people who didnt move a finger to help us get cu back on the road want to erase everything weve done and just simply revert back to a fucking old update when the current season hadnt even started yet. tbh i would love to get those hours back i spent trying to help cu, it was such a waste of time. i even cleaned some of the crap up current and former admins left behind, but except for a few people from the admin team, no one is grateful for anything ive done. so im asking myself, why the fuck did i stay up till 5 am recovering their shit? :) lets not forget about tamara either, whose work is abotu to get flushed down the toilet too. every1 thinks nix is some cool guy for hosting the league. well i could grab the database any second and just host the whole thing myself and i wouldnt start playing the boss like nix did, everything would be the same as now except for the incompetent admin team.

edit: i just lost my admin rights on cu because of this comment. awww :D


2009-01-27 18:31:56

You know how i feel about it, raven. It was a really disrespectful decision of SND and well if the november backup will be used again, i will definitely leave the admin team. That would be disrespectful towards you, tamara and xirus, because you guys did a lot of work to get the site back as it is now and it would all be gone with just one fucking backup that is way too old imo.


2009-01-27 20:14:32

January seems to be the drama month of the U :popcorn:

Walking Target

2009-01-28 02:39:49

Every month is drama month at the U! :1stlike:


2009-01-29 01:42:52

well the admin team agreed with me (apart from snd who went as far as kicking me out like i was an idiot) so theyre not gonna revert back the site to november 2008 after all...


2009-01-29 03:01:33

:shoot: :spy: