CAL: Will it ever return?


2009-03-24 02:22:09

Warzone is over, and about to restart and call is still on hold... This is starting to get ridiculous, at least allow the leagues already in progress continue the season. This has not been good for hl2dm, thank god draft night is on sunday!


2009-03-24 02:49:44

herbalizer wrote:call is still on hold...
maybe you should just hang up and call at a later time. :P


2009-03-24 03:53:13

cal-hl2dm was going to have a 3-4 month break in the middle of the season anyway.
So how is this season different from the last 5?
Also worth noting S5 would have finished before cal broke if it only had 1-2 week break.


2009-03-24 04:30:31

i won season5 before it even started...


2009-03-24 17:30:34

Poor_Billy wrote:i won season5 before it even started...


2009-03-26 03:26:26


two snails

2009-03-27 07:01:09

when that shotty hits 88 miles per hour, you are going to see some serious shit.


2009-03-27 07:12:29

CAL is making major changes, I am not running, if I was it would have just progressed. They are trying to put it back together as fast as they can. It will be back at some point but I will not promise when.

Nino do you always have to come in with negative comments maybe I should mention to everyone why you are no longer a CAL admin every time a thread comes up. Maybe the controversy would be good for the community?


2009-03-27 07:25:59

Fearsome* wrote:CAL is making major changes, I am not running, if I was it would have just progressed. They are trying to put it back together as fast as they can. It will be back at some point but I will not promise when.

Nino do you always have to come in with negative comments maybe I should mention to everyone why you are no longer a CAL admin every time a thread comes up. Maybe the controversy would be good for the community?
you chirping nino?

Uncle Rico

2009-03-27 07:45:07

Fearsome* wrote:Nino do you always have to come in with negative comments maybe I should mention to everyone why you are no longer a CAL admin every time a thread comes up. Maybe the controversy would be good for the community?
Since we're gonna play the ad hominem game, why don't we mention that you're a useless GM every time you post?
Nino's pretty much correct from what I see. Every season I've been in has had a delay. Two seasons with EE - both delayed. Two seasons with ewR - both delayed. At least you've got a legitimate excuse this season. :sketchy:
calcrap.jpg (86.13 KiB) Viewed 1074 times
Real professional there Angel.


2009-03-31 05:01:00

If nino gave a shit about the delay of the season or any of ewR did maybe they should have done what they could to move things along by encouraging their clan mate to turn in his demos and cooperate instead of doing everything in their power to prevent it and cause further delays? Then turning around and trying to publicly place every bit of the blame for the delay of the season on someone else. Second none of it or anything I do can sway the buy out of CAL and how it would go down nor does it have any reflection on my ability to administrate the game. But like all things ewR it is lets hide and fake name and cause trouble then come out to the forums and try to bash everyone we don't like while we were the ones who actually caused the trouble. Then every single time a post is made about anything its ewR rushing in to make a stupid comment. Why don't you go use one of your VAC banned steam accounts to make an $W hate group again rico? I am sure the controversy will be so healthy for the community!


2009-03-31 05:05:59

Fearsome* wrote:If nino gave a shit about the delay of the season or any of ewR did maybe they should have done what they could to move things along by encouraging their clan mate to turn in his demos and cooperate instead of doing everything in their power to prevent it and cause further delays? Then turning around and trying to publicly place every bit of the blame for the delay of the season on someone else. Second none of it or anything I do can sway the buy out of CAL and how it would go down nor does it have any reflection on my ability to administrate the game. But like all things ewR it is lets hide and fake name and cause trouble then come out to the forums and try to bash everyone we don't like while we were the ones who actually caused the trouble. Then every single time a post is made about anything its ewR rushing in to make a stupid comment. Why don't you go use one of your VAC banned steam accounts to make an $W hate group again rico? I am sure the controversy will be so healthy for the community!
we have vac'd accounts :S you must be shrooming.


2009-03-31 05:10:39

Anthym wrote:
Fearsome* wrote:If nino gave a shit about the delay of the season or any of ewR did maybe they should have done what they could to move things along by encouraging their clan mate to turn in his demos and cooperate instead of doing everything in their power to prevent it and cause further delays? Then turning around and trying to publicly place every bit of the blame for the delay of the season on someone else. Second none of it or anything I do can sway the buy out of CAL and how it would go down nor does it have any reflection on my ability to administrate the game. But like all things ewR it is lets hide and fake name and cause trouble then come out to the forums and try to bash everyone we don't like while we were the ones who actually caused the trouble. Then every single time a post is made about anything its ewR rushing in to make a stupid comment. Why don't you go use one of your VAC banned steam accounts to make an $W hate group again rico? I am sure the controversy will be so healthy for the community!
we have vac'd accounts
fucking cheating faggot
Kyle is now Offline.


2009-03-31 06:07:22

The CAL website is completely offline right now and its all Fearsome's fault :cheer:


2009-03-31 06:37:32

hi everyOne im spiffy!

i like hl2dm and CaL with gravity and killbox pleaze!

ahahaha :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


2009-03-31 07:19:58



2009-03-31 14:25:58

pew pew hahahahahahaha :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :agree:

Uncle Rico

2009-03-31 17:09:54

Fearsome* wrote:If nino gave a shit about the delay of the season or any of ewR did maybe they should have done what they could to move things along by encouraging their clan mate to turn in his demos and cooperate instead of doing everything in their power to prevent it and cause further delays?
I'll just quote what I posted months ago. Your inability to comprehend astounds me.
Uncle Rico wrote: I'm really tired of re-living this. This Para, is drama, what you had before was discussion. But for the record, those are not complete facts.
8-11 Playoffs suspended
8-15 Dispute filed against Grain - the email we received asked for the demos from the match being disputed and he submitted those within the time alotted. (48 hours)
8-19 Another email sent from CAL requesting the demos from "the" match again. If I'm not mistaken, I'm the only member of my team to get this email. Not even Grain got it. Not until I logged into the CAL site did I see a completely different message requesting all the demos which was several days later.
I still have all these emails.
8-24 After several attempts to upload the demos to the CAL site, you got them from him via ftp.
8-27 We're asked for missing screenshots for our 2v2 team. All of which were previously submitted via CAL's site or emailed to you after each match, but we re-submitted all of them the same day if I'm not mistaken.
9-2 Playoffs resumed.
I'm not sure who is resposible for sending the wrong messages, but the delay is still unacceptable. Whether it's a person or CAL's message system we'll probably never know, but if the matter is still open without a decision, and the season went on anyway, then there was no need to suspend the playoffs in the first place. This horse is dead. We've beaten the absolute fuck out of it. Let's drop the whole Grain/delay/hax/ewRareassholes/omfg nonsense.
It was never Grain's fault for the delay. Blame on CAL's dispute system or whatever, but it wasn't him causing the delay. Why do you keep bringing this up?

Fearsome* wrote:Then turning around and trying to publicly place every bit of the blame for the delay of the season on someone else. Second none of it or anything I do can sway the buy out of CAL and how it would go down nor does it have any reflection on my ability to administrate the game.
You know why we pick on you, Fearsome? Because it's easy. It's like poking you with a stick from hundreds of miles away, and knowing full well that we're irritating the shit out of you. Questioning your ability to be GM gets under your skin. Why do we do such things? Because you told us to. Don't remember?
[23:08] <Fearsome> otherwise i have work to do stop bugging me
[23:08] <Poor_Billy> you're SW bullshit drives me nuts
[23:08] <Fearsome> then go post on the U and gather your support
We're just doing what you told us to. :wink:

Fearsome* wrote:But like all things ewR it is lets hide and fake name and cause trouble then come out to the forums and try to bash everyone we don't like while we were the ones who actually caused the trouble. Then every single time a post is made about anything its ewR rushing in to make a stupid comment. Why don't you go use one of your VAC banned steam accounts to make an $W hate group again rico?
I don't need another account to call it how I see it. No one here claimed this season's delay was your fault. We compared this season to the others and pointed out how many of them have been delayed. Apparently you were feeling guilty about something and started the flaming on nino.
I don't have any vac banned accounts. I'm challenging you right here and now to back up that statement. Otherwise, you're just blowing more smoke.
I'm not the Voice of Justice. From the few times I talked to the guy, I get the impression that his account is shared by a group of people.
Coincidentally, he's not vac banned either: ... ayer=22470
Fearsome* wrote: I am sure the controversy will be so healthy for the community!
Nah, if I wanted to cause some controversy I'd post this: ... ayer=59133 and ask you to explain why the day before Grain ever submitted demos you were aliasing as him. Supposedly, there was all this "proof" that Grain was hacking and it looks kinda bad when you're accusing someone of hacking, and you've been using their name. It didn't get changed by you viewing his demos. You didn't have them yet.


2009-03-31 17:48:39

Fearsome* wrote:If nino gave a shit about the delay of the season or any of ewR did maybe they should have done what they could to move things along by encouraging their clan mate to turn in his demos and cooperate instead of doing everything in their power to prevent it and cause further delays? Then turning around and trying to publicly place every bit of the blame for the delay of the season on someone else.

Didn't say anything about last season. It was more about every season there has been some kind of delay. Remember the Month long delay in season 2 while everyone waited for luke and seagull to play a match? Then had to wait 3 months for the next season to start. Always something that makes the cal season's fail.

Fearsome you are the one who sent the demo request to the wrong team (WRW2). Which was the cause for the delay. I still don't understand how a request for one match one should assume to send every demo from the season. Don't be mad because a higher admin stopped you from banning grain for not sending all of his demo's when only one was requested. Then you had to send a new pm for all the demo's then got them. I am sorry if I have been in leagues were disputes are common and know how they should be handled what is fair and which has the potential to be a setup. Like if you suspect someone all season, you do pulls during the season not the day before playoffs.

Yeah, tell people how I am no longer cal admin. Tell them how the season was going well with many active teams playing the game. And then I flipped out because of a month in a half delay to "review demos". Also, tell them about how the admins with any experience and self respect quti after that failed season. Why don't you have a $W member take random clips out of context and try to make people think ewr hacks?


2009-03-31 19:02:19

hahahahaha pew pew :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :shoot: :shhh:


2009-03-31 19:04:28

I can explain the name thing, because it happened to me too. For some stupid reason, watching Grains demos changed my (and I assume Fearsome's) game cfg and changed not only my name to his but some of my key binds as well. When I finally figured it out I was like WTF!

Look at my consortium profile ... ayer=14977

It shows me using Grain's name on the same day as Fearsome. 8/15/08 was the when the whole cheating dispute was going on and when we were both watching demos and comparing notes. Not a coincidence and no one is gona fucking believe that I hax no matter whose name I have because I am just not that good. In fact they would prob say "Grain man, are you drunk? Cause youre sucking donkey balls."

That said, I will vouch for the fact that Grain had a hard time uploading the demos to the CAL site and as soon as I gave him an alternative method, he did it right away. Also I was the one that asked for the 2v2 screens and again I will verify that they were submitted very soon after they were asked for.

Honestly I agree with Rico, it is a dead fucking horse, we should all try to move past it and that includes you Fearsome. You re-opened this can of worms with what you posted. With all due respect STFU now, its over with.

Nino, Ko-tao quti for other reasons beyond the cheating dispute and the issues with that season. Further, I have a lot of self respect, thanks. I just happen to disagree with how you chose to handle things. I also disagree with Fearsome on alot of points and have had some epic debates with him on many topics. I just dont vocalize them publically most of the time. Beyond that, as I told you before, I still considered you a decent guy and it was nothing personal, you are the one that made it so. I stayed because Fearsome cant do it alone, because I love this damn game, because I want to contribute and because, IMO CAL/league play is what keeps it going.


2009-03-31 19:15:34

kill the horse hahahahaha :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse: :deadhorse:


2009-03-31 19:18:35

Its already dead Spiffy. Not only is it dead, but the flesh has rotted off the bones and the jackels are chewing on them. The whole issue is pointless because the fact remains the CAL site is down and none of us knows if it will ever come back. Even if it does and HL2DM is still there, its debatable whether enough of us are going to care enough to start over.


2009-03-31 19:30:22

Dispute was filed 8/15/08 Friday
Demo was submitted 8/17/08 on Sunday

So how is the name used on 8/15/08?
There was that stv and avi of a couple scrims floating around but those don't change your cfg.


2009-03-31 19:48:19

Nino, I have no reason to pose as Grain. I have no reason to fake hax for him because its not something I do and its not something I even can do. If you are insinuating that Fearsome and I had some conspiracy to prove Grain Hax, well that is just plain stupid. You know me better than that. I was a member of the WRW2 team at that point. What possible motive did I have to show a member of a related team hax?

I had no dog in this fight. I never came out and said Grain hax or that he didnt hax, but only tried to move the damn process along and rely on what the evidence (the demos) showed. I maintained that position all along.

Its a fact that my cfg got changed after watching one of his demos. His binds were so different than mine I couldnt find a weapon til I figured out what the hell was going on. There were other demos before those "officially submitted". It could have been one of those. There was a night Fear and I were watching demos and comparing notes. I dont recall the exact date.


2009-03-31 20:01:12

Paradox wrote:Nino, I have no reason to pose as Grain. I have no reason to fake hax for him because its not something I do and its not something I even can do. If you are insinuating that Fearsome and I had some conspiracy to prove Grain Hax, well that is just plain stupid. You know me better than that. I was a member of the WRW2 team at that point. What possible motive did I have to show a member of a related team hax?

I had no dog in this fight. I never came out and said Grain hax or that he didnt hax, but only tried to move the damn process along and rely on what the evidence (the demos) showed. I maintained that position all along.

Its a fact that my cfg got changed after watching one of his demos. His binds were so different than mine I couldnt find a weapon til I figured out what the hell was going on. There were other demos before those "officially submitted". It could have been one of those. There was a night Fear and I were watching demos and comparing notes. I dont recall the exact date.
which key was his hax binded to?


2009-03-31 20:04:15


I didnt see anything in his config that appeared funky to me. Thanks for bringing that up Chem.


2009-03-31 20:07:57

I'm not saying it was you para. Or anyone, but the facts don't add up. I got to see those demos as with a lot of other people. Most of ewR never did see them.

All of this was done during the season and long before the dispute. All done trying to not let ewR know about. Fearsome asked me to get Grains demos in mid-season. The dispute was filed shortly after I tried to get a CSS admin to look at the scrim demo's and he said he wouldn't look at non-match demo's without a rcon status SS. Which is standard in normal leagues. So just like the ACE deal, something happen in week 2-3 and Fearsome didn't handle it until after week 8.

Regardless, with hl2dm numbers going down. Consent league play is needed. Long breaks are bad for any league. Weather it is from s4 from a dispute, s3 from two teams in playoffs not playing, s2 two teams in playoffs not playing putting the season on hold for a month.


2009-03-31 20:36:09

Well we can agree on the fact that delays are bad. Steps need to be taken and procedures need to be put in place so that when disputes are filed, they are dealt with in a more timely manner.

As for the situation with Luke and Seagull not playing, it was before my time so I cant speak to that.

None of us knew about the Ace issue until way after he did what he did because no one was looking for something like that. I didnt find out about it until at least week 6 or 7 because Ko brought it to my attention around that time when he saw it. I am the one that told Fearsome about it, he had no knowledge prior to that. Then there was a disagreement on who should handle it and how it should be handled, which caused the delay for a week or so.

Anyway this is all water under the bridge and like Rico said, I am sick of reliving it. This is my last post on the matter.


2009-03-31 22:17:26

The Argumentalizer

2009-03-31 22:48:21

How about reps of the competitive clans get together and make a clan sponsor consortium League.

Who cares about CAL. Why are they needed for a good friendly competition?
Its not like there is money or fame involved.

We supported Warzone but don't know what happened, but we played or were there for all matches.

I also had an idea for a weekly draft league.
If folks want to here it, let me know.

At this point, CAL seems to be more divisive than helpful or necessary.
If folks can be grown up and really want to play DM, we can do that.
Forget CAL.
Form a clan board and discuss it.
Agree on the rules and stick to them no matter what during the season. Improve between seasons.
Choose admin that can get along together.
Lay all this past CAL nonsense behind, be friends and play.


2009-03-31 23:35:14

i know you, you know me

one thing i can tell you is you've got to be free....


2009-04-01 00:07:03

As nice as that would be, there would never be any way to ensure that people were hax free and well you see what has happened so far and all the hax accusations that fly around now.

The CAL ACS system wasn't perfect but it was better than nothing.

The sad thing is that people have forgotten what friendly rivalry means. A lot of clans used to scrim for fun a lot more than they do now. We all got lost somewhere. The question is can we find ourselves or do we even care to at this point? I am not sure.


2009-04-01 00:09:11

spiffy wrote:i know you, you know me

one thing i can tell you is you've got to be free....
hi holy. sup bro?

The Argumentalizer

2009-04-01 00:57:05

I just can't see not playing and competing because someone MAY hack.
Besides Epiphany, i can't think of any cases and i am not familiar with the Sir Ducer thang.

Accusations can be dealt with without putting a halt to the season.
Some one may hack, so lets dont get a league together?!?!


2009-04-01 01:19:23

you say you got a real solution...
Well, you know we'd all love to see the plan


2009-04-01 01:33:21

The Argumentalizer wrote: Some one may hack, so lets dont get a league together?!?!
Not exactly what I said, but dont be surprised if it goes up in flames.

Just saying if we are gona do it many would want to see it done right and not some half baked, poorly planned disaster in the making. I think to really do it right will take money and time and people willing to commit to being part of a real team that works together with no bullshit and no secrets and hidden agendas. It would have to be an effort that spans multiple clans that agree to the above, but shit we cant get that now.

What Spiffy (holy?)said, you have a legitimate idea, lets hear it.


2009-04-01 01:56:10

Paradox wrote:What Spiffy (holy?)said, you have a legitimate idea, lets hear it.
Actually, it was John Lennon who said that.


2009-04-01 02:41:44

remember when i won season 4 with my eyes closed?

i do.


2009-04-01 02:54:39



2009-04-01 03:58:50

PB didn't you also do it on a commodore 64 with a monochrome screen that told you in text where your opponent was because you're so leet you don't neet real graphics?

Oh ya and your internet was a cup and a string.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-01 04:14:54

Paradox wrote:PB didn't you also do it on a commodore 64 with a monochrome screen that told you in text where your opponent was because you're so leet you don't neet real graphics?

Oh ya and your internet was a cup and a string.
Now you're starting to get it.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-01 04:33:46

I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.


2009-04-01 05:05:40



2009-04-01 05:24:07

I dunno about your statement of clans scrimming for fun alot less then they used to Para...Maybe because I setup and scrim with/against 911, $W, ewR, and sometimes Synergy almost nightly I'm seeing alot clan vs clan scrimming play where as 2-3 months ago I remember mostly only clans doing in-clan scrims. But yeah obviously the scene isnt what it used to be and I can tell you that all the people behind their macho fasades in $W, 911 and ewR are all very cool people behind the scenes and have a solid clan ready to compete, if CPL doesnt get it's act together soon and restart CAL HL2DM the equality of high talent players we have at the moment will fade away and HL2DM will really die...


2009-04-01 05:25:24

remember when i also won season5?


2009-04-01 06:33:27

Paradox wrote:I can explain the name thing, because it happened to me too. For some stupid reason, watching Grains demos changed my (and I assume Fearsome's) game cfg and changed not only my name to his but some of my key binds as well. When I finally figured it out I was like WTF!

Look at my consortium profile ... ayer=14977
protip: make your cfg read only when watching other peoples demos.


2009-04-01 06:59:38

Paradox wrote:As for the situation with Luke and Seagull not playing, it was before my time so I cant speak to that.
Similar happened in a previous season, where the final 2v2 match delayed everything by 3 months. If cal is going to continue as a serious league, this sort of bs needs to stop.

Paradox wrote:None of us knew about the Ace issue until way after he did what he did because no one was looking for something like that. I didnt find out about it until at least week 6 or 7 because Ko brought it to my attention around that time when he saw it. I am the one that told Fearsome about it, he had no knowledge prior to that. Then there was a disagreement on who should handle it and how it should be handled, which caused the delay for a week or so.
Hardly a ban worthy offense either; I recommended a warning at most, but then my actual power to make important decisions for the 1v1 league was very minimal, and while i could refuse to wield the ban stick, i had no ability to prevent others from doing so. Also, the minimal delay was far less an issue than the bans effect on the playoffs.


2009-04-01 09:47:13

Va|iums wrote:I dunno about your statement of clans scrimming for fun alot less then they used to Para...Maybe because I setup and scrim with/against 911, $W, ewR, and sometimes Synergy almost nightly I'm seeing alot clan vs clan scrimming play where as 2-3 months ago I remember mostly only clans doing in-clan scrims. But yeah obviously the scene isnt what it used to be and I can tell you that all the people behind their macho fasades in $W, 911 and ewR are all very cool people behind the scenes and have a solid clan ready to compete, if CPL doesnt get it's act together soon and restart CAL HL2DM the equality of high talent players we have at the moment will fade away and HL2DM will really die...

I am actually talking up to 2 years ago. My clan and others would just scrim for fun. We werent in CAL, it wasnt even for bragging rights, we just got the two clans together every week or so and played a map or two for the hell of it. Also it seemed clans were just a lot more friendly back then. We talked to each other, posted on each others forums, played on each others servers and just generally enjoyed the game for what it was. The rivalries (with the exception of a few epic ones (*cough* Cyn vs $W *cough*) were mostly good natured and rarely resorted to the flame fests that are so common now. At least I never saw them.

Yes I agree that without some sort of competative league, the game will not last long.


2009-04-01 20:17:42

Two years ago I was wearing diapers Para...sheesh, didn't think you were going that far back.


2009-04-01 20:20:41

in two more years i'll be wearing adult diapers.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-01 20:27:48

Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.


2009-04-01 20:52:25

Nutri-Grain wrote: Oh, and if you want my hacks then post back here :)
hax plz


2009-04-01 21:49:38

@Blas about making the cfg read only. Yea I didn't know you could do that and not cause some problem. Also, I had never had that happen before when watching other peoples demos so I had no idea it even could happen. It was K though because I had saved the cfg elsewhere as a backup and just wrote over Grains to restore it.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-01 23:21:05

Panic wrote:
Nutri-Grain wrote: Oh, and if you want my hacks then post back here :)
hax plz
If he gives them up you will be pleased. They're universal hax that work in Xbox 360, PS3 and tons of pc games including HL2DM, QuakeLive, CS:S, DOD:S, L4D and the most epic game of all time - Mel Gibson's Safari 3.
Try to get PB's hax too. He was able to kill a guy in lostarena yesterday while playing online poker.


2009-04-02 01:08:53

Jeff Goldblum's arctic adventure was better.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-02 01:27:19

Panic wrote:Jeff Goldblum's arctic adventure was better.
Never heard of it. Mel Gibson's Safari 3 is a real game though. I highly recommend it.


2009-04-02 03:01:07

Paradox wrote:@Blas about making the cfg read only. Yea I didn't know you could do that and not cause some problem. Also, I had never had that happen before when watching other peoples demos so I had no idea it even could happen. It was K though because I had saved the cfg elsewhere as a backup and just wrote over Grains to restore it.
once i had that too, i was watching a demo and after that i joined a server with the name of the player i watched. ... =2#aliases

theres dts Hardcore in my names list, but im not him :sketchy:

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-04-02 10:03:55 wrote:Your order of Jeff Goldblum's arctic adventure and Mel Gibson's Safari 3 has been processed

Uncle Rico

2009-04-02 20:57:41

Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 3


2009-04-02 21:54:13

Ko-Tao wrote:
Paradox wrote:As for the situation with Luke and Seagull not playing, it was before my time so I cant speak to that.
Similar happened in a previous season, where the final 2v2 match delayed everything by 3 months. If cal is going to continue as a serious league, this sort of bs needs to stop.
That is what I was talking about originally. Every season had some large delay.

Ko-Tao wrote:
Paradox wrote:None of us knew about the Ace issue until way after he did what he did because no one was looking for something like that. I didnt find out about it until at least week 6 or 7 because Ko brought it to my attention around that time when he saw it. I am the one that told Fearsome about it, he had no knowledge prior to that. Then there was a disagreement on who should handle it and how it should be handled, which caused the delay for a week or so.
Hardly a ban worthy offense either; I recommended a warning at most, but then my actual power to make important decisions for the 1v1 league was very minimal, and while i could refuse to wield the ban stick, i had no ability to prevent others from doing so. Also, the minimal delay was far less an issue than the bans effect on the playoffs.
I guess I was special because I was in IRC with everyone when ACE clearly stated he posted the pic of the luke kigha thing on the Forfeit against fearsome.


2009-04-02 21:55:43

Uncle Rico wrote:
Panic wrote:Jeff Goldblum's arctic adventure was better.
Never heard of it. Mel Gibson's Safari 3 is a real game though. I highly recommend it.
safari 3=best game ever

Uncle Rico

2009-04-03 19:29:28

Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4


2009-04-03 20:01:07

Uncle Rico wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4

another hit and run by fearsome


2009-04-03 23:50:29

ninojman wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4

another hit and run by fearsome


2009-04-04 02:20:39

what do you expect?

fearsome is easily the pound for pound biggest handjob in hl2dm

Walking Target

2009-04-04 04:05:16

Poor_Billy wrote:what do you expect?

fearsome is easily the pound for pound biggest handjob in hl2dm
No flaming other users please. ... p?f=8&t=19


2009-04-04 08:30:52

Uncle Rico wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4

I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-04 08:39:51

Seagull wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4

I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.
Oh, but I do. I have 2 accounts, neither are banned. If you think I have, then go for it. I'm waiting to see how much bullshit you have to spew this time around so we can sit back and lol at you some more.

two snails

2009-04-04 08:46:45



2009-04-04 08:55:04

Seagull wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:

I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.
Oh, but I do. I have 2 accounts, neither are banned. If you think I have, then go for it. I'm waiting to see how much bullshit you have to spew this time around so we can sit back and lol at you some more.

I get the feeling we're going to know very soon who has been lying and deceiving this community for a while now.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-04 09:04:58

Seagull wrote:
Seagull wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:

I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.
Oh, but I do. I have 2 accounts, neither are banned. If you think I have, then go for it. I'm waiting to see how much bullshit you have to spew this time around so we can sit back and lol at you some more.

I get the feeling we're going to know very soon who has been lying and deceiving this community for a while now.
Ya, we've been hearing that for quite a while now. :?


2009-04-04 09:21:01

So you're saying that Fearsome is mistaken? You only have two accounts, neither of which are VACed, correct? Just trying to get the facts straight here.

two snails

2009-04-04 09:24:48

Uncle Rico wrote:I have 2 accounts, neither are banned.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-04 09:29:17

Seagull wrote:So you're saying that Fearsome is mistaken? You only have two accounts, neither of which are VACed, correct? Just trying to get the facts straight here.
Did I stutter? Wait, this is in text...can you read?


2009-04-04 09:48:48



2009-04-04 11:52:05


The Argumentalizer

2009-04-04 19:51:54

So what if CAL does return? It seems that there is a Fearsome versus EWR/whoever DM going on that precludes CAL as a viable DM League.

I can see only 2 solutions:
1. Forget CAL and start fresh.
2. Forget the Fearsome grudge shit and play CAL.

Uncle Rico

2009-04-04 20:14:00

Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 5


2009-04-04 20:34:32

this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................


2009-04-04 20:59:59

Seagull wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:
Uncle Rico wrote:I'm still waiting to be shown my vac banned accounts btw.
Day 4

I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.

keep givin' fearsome the ol' mime cough. everything about you screams joke.


2009-04-04 23:27:56

Poor_Billy wrote:
Seagull wrote:I don't think you want to open up this can of worms, but that's just me.

keep givin' fearsome the ol' mime cough. everything about you screams joke.

idk dude, as things progress i find myself hoping more and more you get your balls busted.


2009-04-05 10:58:53



2009-04-05 18:38:49

spiffy wrote:this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................
this is the thread that doesn't end, yes it goes on and on my friend
some people, started posting in it not knowing what it was............
and they'll continue trolling in it forever just because....................

all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....
all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy....


2009-04-06 19:47:05

Rico if you have nothing to hide then just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and no evidence will ever be able to prove you wrong.

And when you do it don't pull a typical ewR move and leave out very important information. Pretend you are trying to be totally honest to everyone and you will voluntarily give all information they might want to know. Stop playing the HL2DM community like they are a jury and you are a lawyer, where if you do not think someone has a record of something even though you know it happened you will directly lie.


2009-04-06 21:09:07

Fearsome* wrote:Rico if you have nothing to hide then just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and no evidence will ever be able to prove you wrong.

And when you do it don't pull a typical ewR move and leave out very important information. Pretend you are trying to be totally honest to everyone and you will voluntarily give all information they might want to know. Stop playing the HL2DM community like they are a jury and you are a lawyer, where if you do not think someone has a record of something even though you know it happened you will directly lie.

Like when you lied on the STA or AAT forums saying you didn't use a Jump script?


2009-04-07 04:02:49

ninojman wrote:
Fearsome* wrote:Rico if you have nothing to hide then just tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth and no evidence will ever be able to prove you wrong.

And when you do it don't pull a typical ewR move and leave out very important information. Pretend you are trying to be totally honest to everyone and you will voluntarily give all information they might want to know. Stop playing the HL2DM community like they are a jury and you are a lawyer, where if you do not think someone has a record of something even though you know it happened you will directly lie.

Like when you lied on the STA or AAT forums saying you didn't use a Jump script?
nino '09.

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-04-07 04:13:10

spiffy wrote:idk dude, as things progress i find myself hoping more and more you get your balls busted.

idk dude I think nobody gives a shit.

pb 09

nino 09

rico 09

jump script on hl2dm 0lawls