Warzone Restructure


2009-05-02 03:06:27

Looking for 8-10 players who would be willing to help out....

You dont need previous administration qualifications just dont be a jerk and be fair. :D


2009-05-02 03:27:50

sign meh ups.


2009-05-02 04:06:20

i'll represent xs since everyone else is lazy as fuck

add me 420jake420


2009-05-02 19:20:19

Panic, I think he means actually working.. not just kicking ass :x

Hey Dallas if it pisses off anyone, I will totally help :mrgreen:


2009-05-02 20:35:54

Shinigami wrote:Panic, I think he means actually working.. not just kicking ass :x

Hey Dallas if it pisses off anyone, I will totally help :mrgreen:
If I were you dal I would *not* choose pomp as an admin, she clearly has issues and tends to run off and hide at the slightest hint of a confrontation, which seems to me to be a poor trait in an admin (think player disputes etc)


2009-05-02 21:34:12

Nutri-Grain wrote:you're one to talk zman.

"everyone in ewR fucking hacks?!?!! :'(" *KICKS DOG*
This is completely unrelated to the thread at hand, but since you mention it, I've NEVER said that. Try not fabricating things to suit your purposes.


2009-05-02 22:12:57

Shinigami wrote:Panic, I think he means actually working.. not just kicking ass :x

Hey Dallas if it pisses off anyone, I will totally help :mrgreen:

I have talked to Panic and yes he is aware of what I was asking ;)

The Argumentalizer

2009-05-03 00:26:54

I will help and i will try not to be a complete asshole


2009-05-03 08:48:22

HL2:DM Warzone 3v3 Season 2 coming June 2009!!! Looking for money donations for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place teams!!!! Every dollar counts!! Care to help?? ;D


2009-05-04 00:32:28

Can't we all get along??!! :sketchy:

Seriously Zman, get over whatever is eating you... clearly I was joking at "if it pisses anyone off" .. Dallas go it.. what happen to your sense of humor? :x
getoverit1.jpg (11.43 KiB) Viewed 1036 times


2009-05-04 00:45:23

Shinigami wrote:Can't we all get along??!! :sketchy:
Clearly Not Pomp, havent you figured that out by now?


2009-05-04 03:06:20

Trashtalk and other unrelated crap removed. If you want to go offtopic or spam, cafeteria is that way ^. Take the flames or similarly irrelevant junk to pm or irc.

And with the above in mind, do carry on.

[EYE] Valar

2009-05-04 03:12:42

great job on the gardening ko and nino. FINALLY!!!
dal if you need anything just shout im' here bro. gr8 initiative!!


2009-05-04 03:58:52

[EYE] Valar wrote:great job on the gardening ko and nino. FINALLY!!!
dal if you need anything just shout im' here bro. gr8 initiative!!
agreed. im always willing to help out Dal.


2009-05-04 19:47:50

TY guys, I guess it is a lost cause with some people, so let's go back to topic. I, for one not that it matters to many, I am happy that we at least have Warzone to release some of this pent up extra energy. Dallas, keep it going, glad we set up our difference aside and moved on [we had to, our significant others were about to murder us :oops: ] keep up the good work! :mrgreen:

Chop and but we could try to start the donations rolling with a $10 donation :wink:

Paypal? :?


2009-05-05 05:44:42

w00t, that would be great, I'll send you a pm later with the paypal account infoz :)


2009-05-05 07:51:59

K doks ;)


2009-06-01 09:19:08

Do you accept used bongs and weed for donations? I have no use for them right now...


2009-06-01 10:50:46

herbalizer wrote:Do you accept used bongs and weed for donations? I have no use for them right now...
What? No way :(

The Argumentalizer

2009-06-01 13:22:26

Shinigami wrote:
Panic, I think he means actually working.. not just kicking ass :x

Hey Dallas if it pisses off anyone, I will totally help :mrgreen:

"If I were you dal I would *not* choose pomp as an admin, she clearly has issues and tends to run off and hide at the slightest hint of a confrontation, which seems to me to be a poor trait in an admin (think player disputes etc)"

Maybe Dallas should draft Zman into this, so he can bitch and moan and complain about everything directly, without boring the fuck out the entire community!


2009-06-01 16:12:05

Hey ill help if u still need me


2009-06-01 18:51:03

The Argumentalizer wrote:Shinigami wrote:
Panic, I think he means actually working.. not just kicking ass :x

Hey Dallas if it pisses off anyone, I will totally help :mrgreen:

"If I were you dal I would *not* choose pomp as an admin, she clearly has issues and tends to run off and hide at the slightest hint of a confrontation, which seems to me to be a poor trait in an admin (think player disputes etc)"

Maybe Dallas should draft Zman into this, so he can bitch and moan and complain about everything directly, without boring the fuck out the entire community!
damn son


2009-06-26 00:30:52

So, any teams considering signing up for this or what?