A league


2009-08-01 21:54:41

Is there even a point...it's like the same 20 players everytime...

Just play matches or something, why go threw the hassle of setting up forums/webpages, scheduling, dealing with the idiots who signed up for it, you know...work.

Why not just trying to play the game, with some friends, against some other friends. Isn't that all there is left in the competitive hl2dm universe....not like were getting new elite players every week or month for that matter.

Your team isn't going to find the next pbj, or the next canadian all-star lineup. So why do all the work and hassle when you can just fucking play the game. It's almost dead, quti making leagues to cause strife.

Props to paradox for being a hopeless fool for this game. No hate intended.


2009-08-01 22:08:28

this game wouldn't be nearly as dead as it is if we didn't have to put up with all the bs of the leagues that we have had. Maybe if someone manages a decent league we might see different people join and maybe some people would start playing this game again. Look at clans united they run a good league and look at how many players are in it


2009-08-01 22:43:18

Aye, my point exactly. Leagues are fun stuff, dont get me wrong, its something to do/aim for while playing. But I feel pretty confident in saying they didn't help this game at all. What is real pimp are orbs propelling mofo's across dm_octagon without killing them, after a few posts about rates were made. LOL?

I was talking about hl2dm the other day to some other valve game players, they had no idea there was 100,000 tourney for this game at it's peak. Nor did they know there were still servers up. One guy said he thought the game died in 05. LOL?

This game has been a tick on the back of valve for a long time, it has never been taken serious from a majority of gamers, nor will it in the future...

So, lets play some games ya'll. L4D anyone? Money tournaments up the ass for that game right now. 8000 + leagues and a community full of pricks. So, the only thing changing; is the game and game recognition, no where to go but up ladies and gents.


2009-08-02 01:17:26



2009-08-02 01:43:05

whitewolf wrote:Aye, my point exactly. Leagues are fun stuff, dont get me wrong, its something to do/aim for while playing. But I feel pretty confident in saying they didn't help this game at all. What is real pimp are orbs propelling mofo's across dm_octagon without killing them, after a few posts about rates were made. LOL?

I was talking about hl2dm the other day to some other valve game players, they had no idea there was 100,000 tourney for this game at it's peak. Nor did they know there were still servers up. One guy said he thought the game died in 05. LOL?

This game has been a tick on the back of valve for a long time, it has never been taken serious from a majority of gamers, nor will it in the future...

So, lets play some games ya'll. L4D anyone? Money tournaments up the ass for that game right now. 8000 + leagues and a community full of pricks. So, the only thing changing; is the game and game recognition, no where to go but up ladies and gents.
didnt your e-rage destroy ninos L4D team?


2009-08-02 20:31:02

better leave things alone you ol faithful dog, before you make your fearless leader look like a e-chump and an even bigger e-fail.

oh, and for the record, nino joined my team.


2009-08-03 02:52:32

I don't understand why you guys are shooting your self in the foot with these petty arguments its achieves nothing and certainly does not help improving the activities for this game. If you focus you efforts in contributing to the community you will certainly end up with a closer more respectable community to run and sustain a league.

Leagues are good because they act as a catalyse and tight up a stretchered community as most know the more we are divided the quicker this game dies. Leagues only work if you run them right and the admin in charge don't let in be dragged down by individuals or clans but stay true in their commitment to the community. I think warzone and OSE can work (even in my opinion its set up and structure is a bit too complicated) but only if you give it your backing and god forbid actually pull out your figger and contribute to it.


2009-08-03 06:01:47

whitewolf wrote:better leave things alone you ol faithful dog, before you make your fearless leader look like a e-chump and an even bigger e-fail.

oh, and for the record, nino joined my team.
hopefully the warden isn't more strict than your wife with the internet privileges.