Cal League

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2009-08-25 11:44:57

I'm gonna set this thing here....


2009-08-25 17:42:17

lol. gotta love the US.


2009-08-25 18:24:20

well CPL is apparently still functioning and will have or just had its finals in Japan (iirc).

Also I think the deal for CAL finally fell through

In any case it doesnt matter because the admins all pretty much left and split into two groups
One group formed ECO which doesnt want anything to do with DM and the other
group is still getting their shit together and coding a website, ACS, etc.

I have spoken to them and the guy running that always liked our group in CAL because we had/caused relatively few problems so there is a possible future for us there if the community decides that is the type of league that we really want to have ultimately. I am in touch with the guy that is leading the effort to develop that and he will update me as time goes on. I will say that it will take some time for them to get things finalized and ready.