CU American League Starting


2010-02-02 20:02:28

Hey guys, tomorrow is the official start date, as in matches are officially available to be played and reported on Wednesday. Rosters are unlocked throughout the season however map choices will be locked in. I need you guys to post on CU if you want your map changed before it locks tomorrow. Also I need nX to make a decision on a map or we may take some punitive action.

Examples of how to post for when you want a match to be played and agreed upon is in the CU forums, how Da11aS and Edge have done it is correct. Impala's team has been added to the waiting list in case of inactivity by any division 2 team.


Va|1ums ( I really don't love any of you, except for BahlK but thats mostly because I feel sorry for him for how dumb he is, but most of the time I actually hate him too)


2010-02-02 20:18:19

sunday? well, that sucks. :(


2010-02-02 20:24:21

CellarDweller wrote:sunday? well, that sucks. :(
Ignore the 1st match week deadline...Warrior and me are talking it over since we got a late start anyway. I'll edit my post to reflect that ^^

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-02 20:46:06

Where is the official map list!??! Did you folks forget that?
The season starts and there is no official list already?

And, does everyone know how this works? I understand each team will be Rebel and play on their server on their homemap, 2 rounds, total frags. Is that correct?

Nobody is looking for love from you, least of all me.


2010-02-02 20:50:08

The Argumentalizer wrote:Where is the official map list!??! Did you folks forget that?
The season starts and there is no official list already?
There is no official map list when it comes to Americans, we play an extremely wide variety of maps so if a clan suggests a map thats reasonable and non-killbox it will be your map....and no the season HASNT started yet.

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-02 20:56:54

The official list i am asking about is "The Wide variety of acceptable maps to choose from".

I just thought there was a big list to choose from you folks had already vetted.


2010-02-02 21:10:22

The Argumentalizer wrote:The official list i am asking about is "The Wide variety of acceptable maps to choose from".

I just thought there was a big list to choose from you folks had already vetted.

There is no "big list" to choose from, I thought that was unwise. Your clan wants to play Jaegar? You can play Jaegar. You want to play Mileau? Play Mileau. I even thought it would be fun to agree to have Sacrifist have aim_arena_reloaded as their clan map, something new and radical for a change. KBH maps were crossing the line though and I think just about everyone except a certain few agree with that.


2010-02-02 21:15:39

Synergy's team has a bit of a server problem. We sometimes do orb practice with sv_cheats on so we don't have to run and restock orbs. Well that messes with the autospec function of the plugin. The plugin is still running but we have to restart the server to get the autospec to work. We can't restart it atm because the fucktards at valve did an update that broke linux servers. So are we fucked until the can fix it or can we still use the server?


2010-02-02 21:50:35

Va|iums wrote:
CellarDweller wrote:sunday? well, that sucks. :(
Ignore the 1st match week deadline...Warrior and me are talking it over since we got a late start anyway. I'll edit my post to reflect that ^^

guess im used to how cal kinda worked. more games were played on the back end of the scheduled week than at the front end.


2010-02-02 23:46:52

Paradox wrote:Synergy's team has a bit of a server problem. We sometimes do orb practice with sv_cheats on so we don't have to run and restock orbs. Well that messes with the autospec function of the plugin. The plugin is still running but we have to restart the server to get the autospec to work. We can't restart it atm because the fucktards at valve did an update that broke linux servers. So are we fucked until the can fix it or can we still use the server?
Unless you're actually playing matches tomorrow I wouldnt stress about it, me and Warrior need to make joint agreements on most things so I'll have to wait until he's available tomorrow once again but I dont foresee it being a big problem.


2010-02-03 00:33:25

Va|iums wrote:
Paradox wrote:Synergy's team has a bit of a server problem. We sometimes do orb practice with sv_cheats on so we don't have to run and restock orbs. Well that messes with the autospec function of the plugin. The plugin is still running but we have to restart the server to get the autospec to work. We can't restart it atm because the fucktards at valve did an update that broke linux servers. So are we fucked until the can fix it or can we still use the server?
Unless you're actually playing matches tomorrow I wouldnt stress about it, me and Warrior need to make joint agreements on most things so I'll have to wait until he's available tomorrow once again but I dont foresee it being a big problem.

Annnndd Edge to the rescue who found a work around for it ^_^.

plugin_unload 0 (or w/e index it is for that plugin, you can find out using plugin_print)
plugin_load ../hl2mp/addons/keeper_hl2_league

and it reloads the plugin =p


2010-02-03 00:35:57

Great Edge lol...that saved from us from making at least one of two options for you guys, one was very bad :(


2010-02-03 00:51:16

The Argumentalizer wrote: Nobody is looking for love from you, least of all me.

lmao dont choke on your beer old man it was just a joke. I think your place on the waiting list even though you're the only one there just got moved back a little bit.

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-03 03:10:37

What do you mean by that?
You aren't funny. Nobody takes what you say as a joke, as in HAHAHAHA.
Maybe the joke is on you.
But, go ahead and use your POWER as admin. like you want.
It doesn't reflect on me.



2010-02-03 04:45:22

The Argumentalizer wrote:What do you mean by that?
You aren't funny. Nobody takes what you say as a joke, as in HAHAHAHA.
Maybe the joke is on you.
But, go ahead and use your POWER as admin. like you want.
It doesn't reflect on me.

Well he can't do much witout mine or silvers consent. At least he's doing something, trying to get this working as smooth as possible and making it american hl2dm style. Instead of just whining.


2010-02-03 04:50:39

The Argumentalizer wrote:What do you mean by that?
You aren't funny. Nobody takes what you say as a joke, as in HAHAHAHA.
Maybe the joke is on you.
But, go ahead and use your POWER as admin. like you want.
It doesn't reflect on me.

lol relax...the way I got admin was pure luck in the first place. Warrior happened to be a long time European friend, he was made admin of American league, he asked for advice and I gave advice everyday until I was reccomended to be an admin. It's not as if I actively sought to be an admin in any league so far, at any rate I was poking fun at you because of course your team will be expediantly placed in 3v3/2v2 should a team not play their first few matches... but per usual you take everything to the extreme. I'm not getting off on some big power trip as my powers are checked and limited.

Backkkkkk on topic and back to good vibes everything seems to be going on track, me and War will get a deadline for week 1 tomorrow when he gets online.


2010-02-03 05:15:13

get off your high horse vals.

The Argumentalizer

2010-02-03 06:24:11

I take it back. Valium, you are fine fellow. A really funny and sweet person.
:lolz: :rofl: :x


2010-02-03 08:57:20

well the decision who is admin in cu is done by admins in cu. we choosed val cos he helped a lot without being admin. simple as that. note pls that decission in cu are very rare made by one person alone, its more thta the whole admin team makes (important) decisions :wink:


2010-02-03 10:47:38

Even though Val can be a bitch :lol: , I feel he is doing an excellent job. I do think there should be a few more informative links within the cu forums though as I'm having a little difficulty finding things "American" related.


2010-02-03 14:17:43

warrior wrote a personal message to all leaders and co-leaders with basic information abou handling cu. maybe he should post it somewhere in the forums aswell to make it easier.

there is a team list where the single teams can be seen, scroll down to see american league:

there is a forum where all the organisation, registering, information etc happens, again scroll down to the american part:

there are news posted regularly, with improtatnt information about leagues, divisions, events etc.:

there is the awr, automatic war report, where you can look at fixtures, tables and when ure leader can enter match results:

there is the war-page where the war results will be shown:

at the right side of the page you can see the cu short message service. here you find short information about whats going on in cu, atm there is an info that 3v3 and 2v2 league started.

these are the main informations that cu offers. if you have more problems, just post here or even better in cu :)


2010-02-03 15:20:39

Few things guys, when scheduling make sure the final agreement of the date to be played is done in the CU forums, it makes for a fair assesment for the admins to see wherein fault lays should there be a match day disagreement.

Another is the format, it will be like CAL, the homemap for your team will be played as combine, the away map as rebels. Warrior will be publishing a fully updated and complete guide/manual today available on CU when he gets online.



2010-02-03 23:43:18 ... 57&lang=eu

Link to the final changes.

Deadline for 1 week AND week 2 is the 17th. We gave the extra slack room so you can get used to the CU system in time. After the 17th scheduling will go back to regular 1 week interval deadlines. Inactive teams will be kicked and replaced so you got time but get some played.

First match of the CU season is 911 against $W 3v3 Div 1 on Thursday night not sure of specific time, with sourcetv available. I'll post sourcetv IP here as I have alot of interest from both the Americans and Europeans for when the match is happening.


2010-02-04 04:05:35

Va|iums wrote: ... 57&lang=eu

Link to the final changes.

Deadline for 1 week AND week 2 is the 17th. We gave the extra slack room so you can get used to the CU system in time. After the 17th scheduling will go back to regular 1 week interval deadlines. Inactive teams will be kicked and replaced so you got time but get some played.

First match of the CU season is 911 against $W 3v3 Div 1 on Thursday night not sure of specific time, with sourcetv available. I'll post sourcetv IP here as I have alot of interest from both the Americans and Europeans for when the match is happening.
I'm going to try to have SourceTV up for the 2v2 on Friday against $W and Synergy Gold.


2010-02-04 17:58:11

Edge wrote: I'm going to try to have SourceTV up for the 2v2 on Friday against $W and Synergy Gold.

Awesome. Don't forget to record these matches guys...

On a different note, I would to take Chemicals idea and suggest to you guys to wear a tag to commemorate the passing of p!ke and Mike throughout the season. Chemical came up with .m!b after your name, although you can wear any varience of a memorial tag after your name to your styling.

I know some of you did not know either of them and may not feel comfortable with doing this so it's not mandatory to wear the tag, its just out of respect for our fallen. At the very least if the players don't I hope the team captains can wear them to show solidarity with our small community.

BTW team 911 and Syn, we will get back to soon about a date for our matches, waiting on word from Bahlk.

P.S. I'm not suggesting the entire CU league, just the Americans


2010-02-06 08:22:12

Va|iums wrote:
Edge wrote: I'm going to try to have SourceTV up for the 2v2 on Friday against $W and Synergy Gold.

I know some of you did not know either of them and may not feel comfortable with doing this so it's not mandatory to wear the tag, its just out of respect for our fallen. At the very least if the players don't I hope the team captains can wear them to show solidarity with our small community.
I fit into this category unfortunately.


2010-02-07 18:56:35

You must record sourcetv demos anyway I think.


2010-02-07 22:41:57

Deathwish wrote:You must record sourcetv demos anyway I think.

You do but having sourcetv relay for spectators is not mandatory, as long as the match is sourcetv recorded with POV's in case of advanced cheating disputes is what is necessary. Having a relay up is something ofc I'd strongly encourage for the "big matches" of div 1 and div 2.

WHO DAT SAY DEY GONNA BEAT DEM SAINTS? gg superbowl day I'm out for the day, Impala get back to me.


2010-02-11 17:59:02

Just a bump up and an announcement that for CU American league the SERVERS SETTING MUST LOOK LIKE THIS BEFORE A CLAN ENTERS TO PLAY A CU MATCH!! You should update your primary server to these settings anyway from now on as they are as optimal as it gets anyway....

//Client settings

sv_client_predict 1
sv_client_interpolate 1
sv_client_interp 0.01
sv_client_cmdrate_difference 40
sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag .5
sv_mincmdrate 30
sv_maxcmdrate 100
sv_minupdaterate 20
sv_maxupdaterate 100
sv_minrate 25000
sv_maxrate 100000

Also LsD will be making a second team that will take nX's place, after dilly dallying with teams that requested to be put then decided against it I understand the matches to be played in nX's place are long delayed but I can grant an extension if need be.

Tanx guys


2010-02-12 02:34:06

Why is the sv_minrate only 10000? That is way too low and causes enormous choke. Default is 30000.

According to the CU website its supposed to be sv_25000 ... art=server

Personally I think minrate should be 50000 because servers and internet services can handle that way better than when HL2DM first came out. It makes for a much smoother game.


2010-02-12 03:02:44

Paradox wrote:Why is the sv_minrate only 10000? That is way too low and causes enormous choke. Default is 30000.

According to the CU website its supposed to be sv_25000 ... art=server

Personally I think minrate should be 50000 because servers and internet services can handle that way better than when HL2DM first came out. It makes for a much smoother game.
Okay...changed. sv_25000 will be used, that was the reccomendation I got that from a few people, of course a few people can be wrong about the best rates. In response to the question of having games pausible by a person, it was option along with FF that was not chosen to be part of the American league. It is an American style to just play on and reconnect real quick, but keep in mind if you do want the pause option on it could be abused by an angry team. If you want I need a majority of team captains to state so or PM me.

EDIT; One more thing, we need to get one more team signed up for Division 2 by Wednesday the 17th or else divison 2 will go to a shorter season or have a week break to compensate for the lack of a 6th team.


2010-02-12 16:34:39

Thank You Valiums. 25000 makes a lot more sense


2010-02-16 00:42:40

Few things guys

Keeper Plugin is now mandatory file can be found here

Also please update your server and CU configs to include the client command "sv_client_cmdrate_difference 40" this should be done ASAP to stop certain people who have been aliasing by ping masking in our CU league...

Tanx guys,

Any questions ask meh here or on steam!


2010-02-16 04:23:11

plugins on a match server yay!!!11!1!!11


2010-02-16 05:23:15

Val, this was already in the CU cfg I have.....

The plugin prevents the Impulse exploit Phantom, its a good thing since Valve wont correct the problem themselves.


2010-02-16 05:42:12

What's with the score saving plugin being mandatory? Every server I've ever played on that has it wasn't up to our standards in terms of play smoothness. Some euro commented on my score in the last match cause I crashed and it was low. And, admittedly, those servers also had sounds, hitreg sound, and one or two others at least, but still me no rikey it's unnecessary.


2010-02-16 05:50:29

as blas said in his comment to our match...dunno how true it is because havent tested it myself but if hes right itd be the better option.

"there is already a console command(sk_dynamic_resupply_modifier 0) that disables impulse 51 and for the rest of the crap we don't have any use for"

also who gives a shit if our score resets this is american league play where personal frag totals mean nothing, its the team score overall.


2010-02-16 06:09:30



2010-02-16 07:21:56

Well its an option the admins collectively wouldnt budge on...options that have been told to me are do it or leave CU. Sorriez guys. Its harmless and DOESNT LAG the server, just prevents impulsing and saves scores. Dont see the big deal...

BTW LsD team 2 will be replacing nX. Any matches due by the 17th will be granted extension until next Wednesday whoever was due to play nX (now LsD Silver)


2010-02-16 07:28:06

The plugin that does those things (only score restore and impulse kick) will take none of your server's power. Maybe if it was a 10v10 in a killbox but not in a 3v3 or 2v2. The save score is important just becasue of disputes that has come up before when it wasn't mandatory in euro league.

THere WON'T be any sounds or whatever else on it, as these are forbidden.


2010-02-16 13:33:46

Scar wrote:
also who gives a shit if our score resets this is american league play where personal frag totals mean nothing, its the team score overall.
ow thats new for me, i thought the team score is the amount of the personal scores, so this is really a bs answer.
cu-rules are very clear here! the only plugin that is allowed on a server for cu matches is the keeper league plugin. and it is and stays mandatory. in the past we had in 4 of 5 wars the wrong team score and had first to calculate the personal scores. so this wont change! simple as that :)


2010-02-16 23:06:23

koncentrate wrote:
Scar wrote:
also who gives a shit if our score resets this is american league play where personal frag totals mean nothing, its the team score overall.
ow thats new for me, i thought the team score is the amount of the personal scores, so this is really a bs answer.
cu-rules are very clear here! the only plugin that is allowed on a server for cu matches is the keeper league plugin. and it is and stays mandatory. in the past we had in 4 of 5 wars the wrong team score and had first to calculate the personal scores. so this wont change! simple as that :)

I just thought about that and I realized I cant count how many times we accidently relied on a false team score because of crashes against $W, Xs ect when $W really won or we really won. Makes me support this measure far more, especially since I have a distinct feeling that....

1. The playoffs and/or the championship games ARE GOING TO HAVE REALLY CLOSE FINAL SCORES (In 2v2 specifically, not 3v3 so much)
2. So far the pause option is not being pushed too hard by our teams, although its actually gaining some momentum in popularity for the idea.
3. Because we will have crashes because the pause option has not yet been pushed by a majority of captains (Please PM on CU, steam or here if you want it), and because we will have close games in the playoffs and championship, the last thing I want to have in the finals is a score dispute to ruin the legitimacy of our champions

So I do 100% think its unexcusable for it not to be implemented due to myths about a basic form of keeper which absolutely does not conflict with server smoothness.


2010-02-17 06:10:12

I cannot speak for CU but in CAL the reasons for not running plugins were security reasons. Some people say the plugins (any no matter how small) cause lag or bad hit reg. But the larger problem is that by enabling the plugins you open up the real possibility for admin abuse. A server admin could upload another plugin or spoof the keeper plugin and pretty much do anything they wanted to with a coder as far as cheating goes. Simple example you code the plugin to recognize your players and they only take half damage. In the heat of matches and the hit reg in this game no one would ever know.

Now that we know a simple console command added to a config is the only thing needed to stop impulse 51 the only advantage to the plugin is scores. It hardly seems like it is worth the security risk just to fix scores. In CAL I cannot remember there ever being a score dispute maybe another admin remembers one but it was certainly not a large problem. Everyone was instructed to take demos in the unlikely event a score dispute took place those could be gone through to take care of it if the scenario of crashes plus a close game led to a score dispute. The CAL admins thought this through and considered all options before going the way we went.

It is my opinion that if you are going to run plugins then you should be running plugins like zblock that actually help secure the game in addition to keepers plugin. Opening up the league to a security flaw just for a single feature that should rarely be a problem just does not seem worth the risk for the insignificant gain it brings. Any 2 mature clans could resolve a scoring problem on their own rather than wasting a dispute on one since their was a 2 dispute limit and that pretty much took care of the problem.


run zblock or do not run keepers.


2010-02-17 07:50:03

Fearsome....I wish you would've kept it to a PM. Now it might open some to ideas. Point taken and will be discussed ASAP though.


2010-02-17 21:04:38

Have any of you actually looked at this plugin? It's not the same plugin that alot of servers run that involves his headshot sounds and whatnot. This one is very basic and looks to be league specific.

Here is all that is in this keeper plugin config.

kp_teamkill_penalty 1
// 0 = teamscore doesn't change with a FF kill
// 1 = teamscore goes down by one with a FF kill
kp_score_resume 1
// 0 = Scores will not be saved for players who disconnect/reconnect ** If kp_league_enabled is set to 1 then this is ignored and scores are saved. **
// 1 = Scores will be saved for players who disconnect/reconnect
kp_league_enable 0
// 0 = Team scoreboard will not be monitored/fixed --- Disables plugin except for score saver if kp_score_resume=1
// 1 = Team scoreboard will be monitored/fixed.
kp_auto_spec 0
// 0 = After connecting, players start normally not in spectate mode
// 1 = After connecting, players start in spec mode


2010-02-17 22:58:31

Ass zblock also is aplugin it can be altered with as much as with the keepers one. If you're afraid of that, then why allow zblock too?

Also in europe we've had alot of bitching before this. No one want to go through all the demos of every match becasue people crash every time. Remember taht euroes played ff on though so it was even more shit as teamkills don't get counted. You have to calculate every single frag from each player everytime you put in a war. That takes time. Ofc with awr it's not too bad, as the clans do their own work. But why make it take more time than it has to?

What you do with your server plugins fearsome*, I have no clue about. But no one has ever bitched about some one altering their plugins here in europe.

If someone took half dmg it would be more easy to look up in a demo than counting and recounting a player's frags.


2010-02-18 07:19:26

Shoobie wrote:Ass zblock also is aplugin it can be altered with as much as with the keepers one. If you're afraid of that, then why allow zblock too?

Also in europe we've had alot of bitching before this. No one want to go through all the demos of every match becasue people crash every time. Remember taht euroes played ff on though so it was even more shit as teamkills don't get counted. You have to calculate every single frag from each player everytime you put in a war. That takes time. Ofc with awr it's not too bad, as the clans do their own work. But why make it take more time than it has to?

What you do with your server plugins fearsome*, I have no clue about. But no one has ever bitched about some one altering their plugins here in europe.

If someone took half dmg it would be more easy to look up in a demo than counting and recounting a player's frags.
Reread my post, and how would you know if an explosion did half damage or not? Don't bring up stupid examples sure some idiot could code a plugin to give himself 9999999 health but most guys are going to be smart enough to do things discreetly. It is just like any other cheat where people know what to do to not get caught, even though there are some idiots in pubs who may do it blatantly.

I clearly said I am against plugins for security reasons, but IF you are going to run them which I cannot control because I am not an admin then you should also run security plugins. What is so hard to understand about that?

Also just because no one has bitched about it in Europe doesn't mean it does not happen. Lots of people don't complain because they do not know what is possible, but lots of people who know how to code know how easy it would be to pull off such a cheat. I like the way you result to personal attacks I am doing nothing other then stating the facts and getting information out there for the decision making process. If I or my team was personally doing something like this I would have just kept my mouth shut wouldn't I have? And chances are if anyone was doing that in europe they would have kept their mouth shut too.

I completely understand why this plugin is so great for FF on matches in europe but I do not understand why we need it in north america, and I really really do not understand why you guys do not run zblock or other plugins which add security features to prevent net setting exploits and so if you are already running a plugin.


2010-02-18 07:27:34

Guys....there's been some huge client timeouts. I got many complaints about it and personally me BEFORE the keeper plugin was installed, so I just want to dispel that notion here and now. IT IS possible the issue is exaggerated by the plugin, but it was very prevalent before it was installed.... Also the euros have not had any crashing problems after asking around. Any ideas, is something amiss in our config it a steam issue thats temporary? SHould we institute the pause option until we sort it out?


2010-02-18 08:02:22

Well if it was a Steam issue, I would think it would be happening to Euro players as well (??), not to mention it would be happening both in matches/scrim and everywhere else.

All I know is I have never seen the amounts of timeouts in such quick succession as I have with this. Cellar timed out 2x in 2 minutes in his last match.
We had timeouts in CAL but never like this except when there was a botched Steam update and even then it happened all the time, not just in matches.
As far as the match cfg is concerned, I cant say I see anything out of the ordinary with the other server settings or a setting that I havent seen before that might be causing this.

As for the plugin causing lag. I dont believe that with today's server hardware that one plugin is going to cause a server to lag. I have seen servers with many more and resource needy plugins without so much as a blip. That said, Fearsome's point about security may be an issue because it is hard to say what code may or may not be added to the script. Such things have happened before and Im sure it can happen again given someone with the right knowledge to do it.


2010-02-18 08:04:52

You require a sourcetv demo and no spectators are allowed. Wtf is so hard in the rare event of a score dispute to go back through that srctv demo and get individual scores?? Especially since you can hit tab and see scores throughout the whole thing

Or you can just fast forward through a whole demo of the match, copy paste the console log of it into a text doc, and use simple search feature to find out each player's individual kills/suicides and, in turn, individual score.

Fear presents valid points IMO so why we need the plugin? We already have the console command to fix the biggest problems.


2010-02-18 08:10:32

Since being an admin is a volunteer position, Im sure they have better things to do (and want to do) with their time.


2010-02-18 11:52:42

Fearsome* wrote:...In CAL I cannot remember there ever being a score dispute maybe another admin remembers one but it was certainly not a large problem...
There were never any score based disputes. Hardly surprising, since its not hard to count frags/suicides in the event of a close score and the console log cant lie.
Fearsome* wrote:...A server admin could upload another plugin or spoof the keeper plugin and pretty much do anything they wanted to with a coder as far as cheating goes. Simple example you code the plugin to recognize your players and they only take half damage. In the heat of matches and the hit reg in this game no one would ever know...
Im reminded of that semi-recent league match where some retard used mani to silently toggle buddha (or whatever) and took 2-3 direct nades, a full shotgun clip and a barrel to the dome all within like 5 seconds without dying then timed out due to "lag".

Like Fearsomes saying, its awfully easy for a semi competent coder to do similar with keepers plugin yet not be so stupidly obvious. Avoid overdoing the damage reduction and dont mess with weapons that have set damage amounts like mag/xbow... maybe give props a 1 in 4 chance to do nothing... no one would ever know. Seriously, people with shitty connections or wireless routers get similar benefits (if not so reliable) all the time; the corrupted plugins effects would just blend right in.


2010-02-18 13:56:17 ... &cwID=1914

here is the last example for a match without keepers plugin. the scores are fucked up. the keepers league-plugin is written especially for league using. clans-united is using it since at least 6 seasons for both 2v2 and 3v3, thats 100s or matches, and never someone complained about this. you cant tell me that if a team gets always only half of the damage in dozens of matches that noone would ever notice that.

if we would always for every match have to check the console log to count each frag, we should need at least 5 admins only counting frags for each league. total bullshit imo. and that wont happen in clans-united.
when we started the american league i said you can play in whatever mode you want, only a few cu-rules have to be followed. one of that rule is that the keeper league plugin has to be used in every single cu-war.

maybe someone can get keeper here to state about security status with his league-plugin?


2010-02-18 15:35:41

scores are fucked up yet you see no one complaining about it.


2010-02-18 16:31:15

Blasphemy wrote:scores are fucked up yet you see no one complaining about it.
i do cos the players who entered this war didnt even looked at the real scores but just looked at the team scores :(


2010-02-18 16:49:26

There is one sulution to all this that can be considered. The admins won't have anything with the scores to do. The teams that play the match are the ones that have to make sure that there's a correct score. If disputes rise up an admin could be the final judge. Altough I advice you to allow playing with the pause as an option. Then only to be used in case of a crash. All other cases should be banned.

Sorry about the personal attack Fearsome* but I'm sick and tierd of everyone blaming everyone for cheating or suspecting the worse. In Europe we don't have this problem probably mainly becvause everyone, or almost everyone at least play on Silla's server. If we can't trust a nonplaying admin's server we shouldn't even play.

I can see your point, I just doubt someone cheating in that way. Altough if some one can alter one plugin why shouldn't they be able to alter another one. I'd rather see no plugins than two. The rule of keepers plug in came up long ago. Before anyone taht's admin now was it really. Except me and Silver.

I sat and looked through mails every day, counting scores from each map for both teams. Adding all of this by hand into something close to the awr but more stuff to fill in. This rule was made just because of the amout of time counting frags took. Now you players enter the score so one person don't have to do every single game and enter it.

I can see why you're suspicious if you think it has happened in hl2dm (Plugin manipulating). I've only dealt with this in css, but what shit doens't come from css?

Consider my suggestion and tell me what you think? If you can handle counting and checking it yourself I actually see no problem with it.


2010-02-18 17:27:16

yea, but i'm guessing you don't have the last say in the matter. :?


2010-02-18 17:29:41

ahhh, seems it didnt take too long for north america to fuck this up too.


2010-02-18 17:35:20

Va|iums wrote:Guys....there's been some huge client timeouts. I got many complaints about it and personally me BEFORE the keeper plugin was installed, so I just want to dispel that notion here and now. IT IS possible the issue is exaggerated by the plugin, but it was very prevalent before it was installed.... Also the euros have not had any crashing problems after asking around. Any ideas, is something amiss in our config it a steam issue thats temporary? SHould we institute the pause option until we sort it out?
last night was just crazy with the timeouts. 4 of us over a 3 hour span timed out probably 30+ times. didnt matter what server we were on, didnt matter if the cu cfg was running or not. ive never seen it as bad as it was last night. seems to me it was a steam issue, at least last night. something borked the server cfg's?


2010-02-18 18:00:10

CellarDweller wrote:
Va|iums wrote:Guys....there's been some huge client timeouts. I got many complaints about it and personally me BEFORE the keeper plugin was installed, so I just want to dispel that notion here and now. IT IS possible the issue is exaggerated by the plugin, but it was very prevalent before it was installed.... Also the euros have not had any crashing problems after asking around. Any ideas, is something amiss in our config it a steam issue thats temporary? SHould we institute the pause option until we sort it out?
last night was just crazy with the timeouts. 4 of us over a 3 hour span timed out probably 30+ times. didnt matter what server we were on, didnt matter if the cu cfg was running or not. ive never seen it as bad as it was last night. seems to me it was a steam issue, at least last night. something borked the server cfg's?

Yeah...I timed out like 6 times in a 5 minute span about 5-6 days ago out of nowhere. It either has to be the CU config or a steam related issue. We'll be running various tests to pin down whats going on, feel free to run your own tests, I.E. testing out a different config, if you find something and think you have proof do it with a source TV recording however to compare and contrast with definitive proof.


2010-02-18 18:02:41

actually last night there was a slew of timeouts across the board from all ranges of steam games so it was a steam issue last night as for Va|iums issue hes unlucky


2010-02-18 18:21:12

Neolinkster wrote:actually last night there was a slew of timeouts across the board from all ranges of steam games so it was a steam issue last night as for Va|iums issue hes unlucky
Thank you Neo for your input, just as you posted this and I logged on steam I got a few PM's about game wide crashing in public servers too. I hope this issue is not here to stay in HL2DM and is more an issue of an overlogged steam client database being unable to handle high traffic or the like.

THE PAUSE OPTION IN THE KEEPER PLUGIN IF BOTH TEAMS AGREE TO HAVE IT BE USABLE IS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR MATCHES! It's about the only safeguard we have right now to have something of a shell of a playable match until steam fixes whatever the issue may be.


2010-02-18 18:51:22

inb4 AG2


2010-02-18 20:00:03

Blasphemy wrote:inb4 AG2
it appears AG2 has already 404'd


2010-02-19 02:08:00

Ko-Tao wrote:
Fearsome* wrote:...In CAL I cannot remember there ever being a score dispute maybe another admin remembers one but it was certainly not a large problem...
There were never any score based disputes. Hardly surprising, since its not hard to count frags/suicides in the event of a close score and the console log cant lie.
Why are koncentrate & shoobie saying frags have to be counted every day & every match? It'll be fine with no plugins just as cal matches were.

I'll play with whatever the league sticks to but I mean these are just dumb reasons IMO to need a plugin. :?

Uncle Rico

2010-02-19 05:10:12

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:ahhh, seems it didnt take too long for north america to fuck this up too.
Day 1 - Hey, new league? Yayayaya
Day 2 - Sign ups, gogogogo
Day 3 - Start matches, pewpewpewpewpewpew
Day 4 - Fuck this plugin, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Day 5 - Leagues dead, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Day 7 - Hey new league?


2010-02-19 06:10:57

Uncle Rico wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:ahhh, seems it didnt take too long for north america to fuck this up too.
Day 1 - Hey, new league? Yayayaya
Day 2 - Sign ups, gogogogo
Day 3 - Start matches, pewpewpewpewpewpew
Day 4 - Fuck this plugin, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Day 5 - Leagues dead, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
Day 7 - Hey new league?
:x :P :wink:


2010-02-19 07:33:52


I think the steam client timeout issue has been going away....teams can still agree to use the pause option before a match if they wish


2010-02-20 20:21:33

koncentrate wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:scores are fucked up yet you see no one complaining about it.
i do cos the players who entered this war didnt even looked at the real scores but just looked at the team scores :(
Cause from what Ive seen over the years, nothing matters in American gameplay except the team score at the end of the match. Sure, the team score maybe be off 1 or 2 individual frags, but it has always been dealt with as something that is unavoidable.


2010-02-21 02:48:16

Did a team get something wrong koncentrate? Very few teams bother adding frags unless the score is really close but most know that if the match is close they need to calculate the frags.

I still am adamant that if you guys are going to run keepers you should run zblock too, it puts steam ids right in the scoreboard and checks on cvars we cannot check on otherwise.


2010-02-21 09:28:06

scoring fix is only really needed in FF on


2010-02-21 18:02:41

it amazes me that CU has run for years, with seemingly no issue with any of these pluggins and/or settings. they extend their hand to us and its nothing but fucking bitching right after game one. perhaps the way everybody fucks with their setting code that is causing a conflict with their settings. anyway, its their league, they invited you guys to play. you should have to adapt to their settings, not the other way around. im sure nobody actually took the time to test of any of these settings in a pre-league match. i think you should try to play with FF on, course that would suck for the rpg, smg nade whores. i started playing hardcore TDM in MW2, it has FF on. it really does make the match more interesting. you cant just go in blasting away. there is a lot more thought and strategy to it. all im saying is give their style of play a try, you might like it.


2010-02-21 20:48:47

Good one :lol:


2010-02-21 21:08:51

lol....yeah about the whole FF thing, thats still an area we wont be changing anytime soon ;)

Chem is right in the sense that they host us with their time and effort, and we were allowed to change EVERY SINGLE THING we wanted to our liking besides the Keeper plugin. Add on to the fact most of the people doing the complaining are the people who dont even really play in CU. Just relax, play, and have fun....


2010-02-21 21:33:29

Yea I have played some scrims in COD4 MW and the FF is on there too. It definatly makes you more careful and puts more reliance in team strat than spam. They also need to run a mod/plugin for the TWL league. Its really only in the N.A. HL2DM community where we get this anti mod/plugin debate/attitude. CSS leagues all require zblock or some other mod.

Personally as far as Keepers plugin is concerned, I think that overall its a good thing. Also, Fearsome's suggestion to run zblock in addition isnt a bad suggestion either for the reasons he states. I have run servers with plugins for a while now and I have seen servers with 4 or more running at one time with no issues whatsoever. Plugins may have caused problems 5 or more years ago when game servers were not as powerful as they are now. The hardware most servers employ now can more than handle a little plugin or two so I really dont see it as a big deal.

I also have to agree with Chem and Val. They invited us to play and they made many allowances for our style of play. I think objective discussion is good and may reveal something useful, but whining about it because its not like CAL is pointless. This isnt CAL, its CU and its their rules. We finally have a chance to have a decent league again, lets not blow it and go off pouting because its not what we are used to.


2010-02-21 21:44:15

{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:it amazes me that CU has run for years, with seemingly no issue with any of these pluggins and/or settings. they extend their hand to us and its nothing but fucking bitching right after game one.
Actually I think about 10 or so games have been played now :P


2010-02-21 21:50:14

Constipator wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:it amazes me that CU has run for years, with seemingly no issue with any of these pluggins and/or settings. they extend their hand to us and its nothing but fucking bitching right after game one.
Actually I think about 10 or so games have been played now :P

:sketchy: lol the Euro divisions have run for years, its only the N.A. players that are complaining.


2010-02-21 22:21:44

My god it was a joke please dont get butthurt

And I already said that I'll play with whatever. I just wanted a good, logical reason for why we can't turn plugins off. IMO, I haven't gotten one, but I'll still play though.


2010-02-22 01:26:39

Constipator wrote:
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:it amazes me that CU has run for years, with seemingly no issue with any of these pluggins and/or settings. they extend their hand to us and its nothing but fucking bitching right after game one.
Actually I think about 10 or so games have been played now :P
actually its 21 :)

fearsome pls tell me whats the advantage of having zblock installed? imo a second plugin doubles the problem u mentiond with only one plugin. but teach me if im wrong.


2010-02-22 02:52:36

Constipator wrote:My god it was a joke please dont get butthurt

And I already said that I'll play with whatever. I just wanted a good, logical reason for why we can't turn plugins off. IMO, I haven't gotten one, but I'll still play though.

Not butthurt over this tiny little thing. I was loling.
As I said, discussion is good, but they arent gona budge on the matter so we need to just accept the answer as you indicate and move on...


2010-02-22 05:21:41

You can go there and get the plugin as well as read about it.
Basically we all know that valve never does anything to make the console variables more secure. zblock is the plugin used in CS and other source game competitive leagues to enforce many console variables. There are tons of things players can do to make themself laggy like setting their max fps really low or other net settings. zblock addresses those it also ads steam ids to the score board allows us to check on net settings of players and so on.

If I was only going to run 1 plugin it would be zblock not keepers. The lag added by zblock will be minimal we ran it on our server when CAL was over and plugins were allowed and people liked it.

Also everyone stop saying CU has been running without controversy they have had plenty of controversy and plenty of arguing. Just look through their forums.
And just because people have done something a certain way for a long time does not mean it is the best way. For a while CU was running without pure 2, and I remember when they made the switch to pure 2 there were a bunch of Euros who were strongly against it and plenty of discussion took place on their forums.


2010-02-22 05:47:42

yea, i remember euros not wanting pure 2, cause they wanted the bright skinned combine and rebel models lewl.


2010-02-22 09:36:14

I'll give you the only reason. Being lazy, it's a darn good one. Because if it wouldn't help our lazy asses we might not even do the work as admins at all. Imo it saves you from alot of trouble, more trouble than it makes as far a i know. About zblock if you guys want it, it can be voted for and might be implemented for upcoming seasons.

To chem, we've had more bitching than you could imagine. The thing is taht it's always the same guys who bitch. Mainly people who broke the rules and then ask why they got punished. People can't ask in a nice way, instead they go: "Fag admins you suck why the fuck do you punish me you idiots? Corupt league!?" This means they get banned for real and then we get more whining of the same sort. About pepole wanting brightskins. There was about 3 players a while ago who wanted them and it was probably at least 2 years ago it was actually allowed.