2010-03-01 22:42:04
Hi guys, I was interested to see if
1. You guys want a 1v1 division?
2. Taking admin applications to run this division, friends will not be counted any higher in my view of competency, so dont try.
3. Ya'll want a killbox division too or just a 1v1 with normal maps?
**THE SITE LAYOUT HAS BEEN UPDATED go check it out which has a little american flavor to boot
and give some feedback about it in the news section**
I know many of you are heading into midterms at school and the matches are getting harder to play because of the time constraints, please try and your matches by this Wednesday so we can have an orderly start to the CU American playoffs and our championship match. Please, if both teams are unable to play by the deadline inform me, extensions can be granted though I am going to encourage people to post your FFW's if one team cannot play by the deadline so we dont have matches stacking on top of eachother
Thats all guys
1. You guys want a 1v1 division?
2. Taking admin applications to run this division, friends will not be counted any higher in my view of competency, so dont try.
3. Ya'll want a killbox division too or just a 1v1 with normal maps?
**THE SITE LAYOUT HAS BEEN UPDATED go check it out which has a little american flavor to boot

I know many of you are heading into midterms at school and the matches are getting harder to play because of the time constraints, please try and your matches by this Wednesday so we can have an orderly start to the CU American playoffs and our championship match. Please, if both teams are unable to play by the deadline inform me, extensions can be granted though I am going to encourage people to post your FFW's if one team cannot play by the deadline so we dont have matches stacking on top of eachother
Thats all guys