2010-04-06 07:53:13
3v3 Division 1 champions emO
2v2 Division 1 champions $w
3v3 Division 2 champions LTTL
2v2 Division 2 champions LTTL
You may find the results of the championship games here ... &board=125
Note LTTL won the 2v2 by ffw and that some matches have yet to be posted as two matches were played just tonight.
We now enter our EDIT** 3-4 week or so break starting Sunday so we do not conflict with final exams. My role will shift from mediator Va|iums to sheriff Va|iums. Everyone knows with the exception of the few how the league runs, you will have from Sunday-Sunday to get your matches done, if you can't handle getting two matches done I will not be feeling sympathetic to extend deadlines this season, get them done. Everyone knows the rules so I shoudlnt be needed to resolve disputes, I will only step in as a very last resort especially in scheduling matters.
All that aside we will have a thread up VERY soon to re-register or register for 3v3 and 2v2. 3v3 will likely be one division, 2v2 its possible there will be two divisions. I will hold a clan captain vote on whether to implement zblock and when you register or re-enter your team for CU you may suggest any new/old maps you'd like to have as your homemap.
SIDE NOTE:::::: 1v1 league will start up alongside season 2 TDM, edge will you keep you posted in CU as well. Any questions, ne at all ask meh here!!! P.S. we will have championship tables like CU europeans have, working on someone getting it photoshopped