eFPS League-Approved Map List


2010-06-30 02:38:07

I'd like your feedback here before I finalize this list. In order to allow people flexibility with their choice in maps, I want to have a list of approved maps that people can choose from. I also want to make sure, however, that people aren't forcing their opponents to play on maps that aren't fit for league play - like maps that have secret passages, low gravity, etc...

So here are the maps that I've approved for 1v1. Think a map doesn't belong here? Think I forgot one?


Here are the maps that I think are good for 2v2, 3v3. Think a map doesn't belong here? Think I forgot one?


Please give me feedback now rather than later!


2010-06-30 02:40:45

Hey, I dont know what coax is but ill check it out. As for the tdm stuff nice to see a lot of old sta maps again, but some of those need revision also, I don't think crossfire belongs!


2010-06-30 02:46:38

My Inputz

dm_milieu, dm_is_alive, dm_ethic, dm_collapse -- 1v1 maps.

dm_prisonriot2, dm_hydroponicz, dm_losthope -- TDM Maps

LA is not a 3v3 map....


2010-06-30 03:01:43

I really think zeta rc2 should also be a 1v1 map, it's one of the best 1v1 maps out there imo. Also LA is probably not a good one for 3v3 as da1 said..


2010-06-30 03:26:59

la should be 1v


2010-06-30 03:39:31

Forget exactly what it is but I know there is a glitch on democracy. iirc, a mag doesnt respawn.


2010-06-30 03:58:59

Paradox wrote:Forget exactly what it is but I know there is a glitch on democracy. iirc, a mag doesnt respawn.
democracy has one really glitchy spawn. its on that hill in a corner and you have to crouch and jump to get out of spawn.

coax... i like but i did manage to get the lift beside the supercharger stuck the one and only time i played it.

Mr. Nervous

2010-06-30 04:11:28

dm_ethic for 1v1.


2010-06-30 04:28:42

Don't listen to Zman, zeta is a terrible 1v1 map. As is overwatch.


2010-06-30 05:03:20

Well Z now you know which map to pick if you play against grain. Zeta and overwatch are both good for 1v1. If you don't consider zeta an appropriate map for 1v1, then I don't know how you can say aim arena is a good competitive 1v1 map as its just a small killbox.

Hydroponicz was an interesting map that I played, possibly good for teamplay.

The Argumentalizer

2010-06-30 05:08:20

Where is Drift!?


Kick 7 Hour. That is no good.
Vault should go too.
And Democracy. that is a pub.
My suggest...




2010-06-30 05:22:54

you forgot organic for teamplay


2010-06-30 05:49:06

I've edited the map list now to incorporate some of your suggestions so far.


2010-06-30 05:54:18

I think we have several maps incoming from the map contest, should be a few from there in the future we could put in there when the time comes.


2010-06-30 06:40:26

It depends on what the format for the league is if it is everyone picking their own map like CU then who gives a shit let each team pick whatever map they want. Some of that junk like aim arena would never be allowed in any leagues from heavily played games. Yet we play it all the time.

Just let any team pick any map then they put the map up on a list before the season starts and if someone has a major objection like a modern system can only get 5 fps in it or someone spawns in the walls then it can be rejected.

If you are going to select 8 maps and force people to play them like CAL then we can go through this.


2010-06-30 06:51:08

Fearsome* wrote:
If you are going to select 8 maps and force people to play them like CAL then we can go through this.

This line of logic might be far more relevant if there were alot of new maps to be tried, but there are hardly any being made anymore.


2010-06-30 08:17:53

Lost Arena 1v1
Feudal 1v1
Joyride was a great 2v2 map, idk about 3v3 though.


2010-06-30 09:09:03

|911|Da11aS: might wanna go edit your post dude
Va|iwuUums __: ?
|911|Da11aS: "I think we have several maps incoming from the map contest, should be a few from there in the future we could put in there when the time comes."
|911|Da11aS: then you say: "
This line of logic might be far more relevant if there were alot of new maps to be tried, but there are hardly any being made anymore."
|911|Da11aS: i gotta run
|911|Da11aS: just a heads up

To have been more clear only about 1-2 competitive maps are being entered in the contest, the rest are more leisure, pub based maps. I am not entirely sure either of these two rumored competitive maps will be even league ready. One at best new map for competitive play is not really worth it to enter in a system of forced map play. Good point nonetheless da1.


2010-06-30 09:42:49

I've received two maps so far. There are 4 days left.


2010-06-30 12:17:44

Yeah, I totally don't touch HL2DM anymore so you can ignore my post if ya want.
Looking at the list of maps that holymoly has here brought back fond memories of some fun TDM games.
I remember dm_7hour, dm_backbone, and dm_swamplight_final being a lot of fun. Backbone is probably my favorite HL2DM map from when I played.
Best of luck choosing maps for eFPS, everyone.


2010-06-30 13:53:33

you guys should try out overwatc_cu, a remake which is way better than the original one.



2010-06-30 19:56:14

I don't think that how many maps are being made matters. There are still maps being made and there are lots of maps you guys have never heard of or maybe never played that are better than some of the choices up there.

Anyhow these should be added to 1v1.


I will look through my maps folder later.


2010-06-30 20:19:55

Fearsome* wrote:I don't think that how many maps are being made matters. There are still maps being made and there are lots of maps you guys have never heard of or maybe never played that are better than some of the choices up there.
I think it does matter, what's the point of forcing now old maps to be played in a forced map rotation? Instead of being vague why dont you give us examples of new maps that are better then this rotation being picked out by prospective clans so far.

dm_coax (tdm edition being released after competition)

Don't say hydroponicz either, in CU there has been a problem with an area of the map people can comfortably camp in without dying pretty much the whole match. I also second Warrior on making overwatch_cu the standard overwatch version.


2010-07-01 00:13:07

I am not really sure what your point is?

We are not going to force maps right? Each team or player will pick a home map.
So then why even bother with an allowed maps list?
You just pointed out only 5 maps are being considered by clans why bother battering around for a week on what is a good map or not when we could just allow clans to pick any map they want and then tell them no only if the map has major issues.

It is clearly less work to just allow clans to pick any map they want then tell them no if it is a problem then to try and flesh out a complete list of allowable maps. Last CU season only 5 maps were picked. Why are we constructing a map list of 20 maps when most clans will just pick the same 3 everyone always picks.

I have 30 GB of maps and I have not gone through them all and I would bet no one has gone through all the maps so if a clan finds a jewel in their opinion just let them pick it as a home map then we can look it over and if there is a major problem reject it or ask for it to be fixed.


2010-07-01 00:41:14

what is the format for eFPS? Seasonal or Home map

Always wanted to play dm_resident_r1, played TMX several times in sta on this map score was always over 250 for both sides. Very crazy map for 4v4 O_O


2010-07-01 01:02:18

Fearsome* wrote:I am not really sure what your point is?

We are not going to force maps right? Each team or player will pick a home map.
So then why even bother with an allowed maps list?
You just pointed out only 5 maps are being considered by clans why bother battering around for a week on what is a good map or not when we could just allow clans to pick any map they want and then tell them no only if the map has major issues.
Uhhh because we just had some issues last night with exactly that. A clan picked a map that was only made for 1v1. Limits have to be drawn otherwise a clan will just pick, say aim_arena out of the dark to counter blasphemy's leet orb skills. Aim_arena was used in CU, and it turned out to be a big mistake. Lines have to be drawn on appropriate maps IMO.

All this is beside that fact every person I've asked for an opinion on having a forced map rotation has said no so far. The debate is pretty moot at this point.

Once again you are being vague, why dont you give us some examples of maps, otherwise you really are just trolling.


2010-07-01 01:15:04

Wait, I thought teams were picking just one home map for the whole season, in which case why not
Fearsome* wrote:just let them pick it as a home map then we can look it over and if there is a major problem reject it or ask for it to be fixed.
IF efps is going to be like the 2v2 tournament is then yes, you most certainly need a map pool. It should be smaller too. You can't expect people to have learned 20+ maps when only 4 or 5 of them are ever used in scrims.

aim_arena for 3v3 would be an example of a major problem btw. Just say tough luck and make them pick something else before the season starts.


2010-07-01 01:17:43

@ninoj, cheese

We may decide against having a clan locked into a single map the entire season, in fact I'm leaning against that right now. If the eFPS forums get up soon enough we may just hold a community vote on the matter.

I do think it will be in a home map type of style though ninoj.

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-01 01:54:28

Avalon for a 1 v 1 !?!?!?! O^o



2010-07-01 01:56:07

inb4 organic is a teamplay map


2010-07-01 02:36:39

Just do a home map like CU. I mean im not learning old shitty maps just cuz some aholes will pick it last second and im not in the mood to run through a bunch of maps i haven't played in 4 years or haven't played much of as of late to stand a chance against a team that learned it last minute and picks it to win. I mean if it was a small amount of maps then it wouldn't matter cuz it's reasonable to just learn em all but that's a sizable list derr.

Or here's an idea for more flexibility. For each week we play have a team pick any (approved) map they want for that week. Like have them state the map choice in the beginning of the new week so teams have some time to get to know the map.


2010-07-01 08:52:15

Here's where I'm very strongly leaning at this point.

When two teams meet up for a game, neither team will need to have declared their map pick beforehand. They just say "We want to play on X map," and the other team says, "OK, we pick Y map." The one stipulation is that X and Y must be maps from the approved map list. I don't think its at all unreasonable to require competitive teams to have at least a working knowledge of 20 maps. Most players in this game know how to play quadruple that amount. And, remember, just because a map is on the list does not mean that it will be played. It's up to individual teams to choose which map they like best from the list. Teams won't be locked into a map for the season, either. They can pick a different map for each match.

Does this require teams to actually learn some different maps besides LD, LV, Cavs, and LA? Yes. And that's the point. But we're not going to make you play on any map that neither team chose. I understand that some people won't like the idea of having to learn more maps than they've been playing lately. But, in the long run, this is a good idea. We're all tired of playing the same four maps over and over again. Additionally, it adds some suspense to the league with the question of "what map will our opponents pick?" And I think that's a great thing.

We have 22 maps on that list. There will be a least two weeks from eFPS sign-up to the first match. That's plenty of time to run through the 10-or-so maps you're not completely familiar with.


2010-07-01 09:11:54

I agree with Holy, and not just because I want to get in his pants which I do along with everyone else.

The community petition section of the eFPS forums will allow the community to petition us to include a new map in the pool that somehow slips by us, and we won't turn any halfway decent competitive TDM map.

Uncle Rico

2010-07-01 09:46:46

You should consider creating a rule where a team can only use a map x amount of times during a season, and out of x amount of times the map can be used, it can't be used more than twice in a row. I don't know how many weeks are in the eFPS season, but limiting map use to 3 matches would force more map choices. Otherwise, teams are just going to pick the same maps over and over regardless of how many maps are in the list and how much everyone says they want new maps. We've all been there and done that.
"bawww, want new maps!!!"
"here, new maps. match?"
"k, um, we pick lockturd_rshit"
"k, go go go"
"bawww, need new maps!!!"
rinse and repeat...


2010-07-02 00:55:00

Ever give any thought to scheduling the entire season? Like if there are 8 weeks you know all 8 opponents? Like in NFL or all other sports. Sure teams may have to change throughout the season. Would be like a rec soccer league. Then teams could pick the maps a week in advance or more. Waiting until the last second might suck for that 3rd player that never got on to check out the map for whatever reason.

Just a suggestion, figure I'd put it all there since the league seems to be very open minded. Sounds like eFPS could be very fun.


2010-07-02 02:02:34

dm_drift_revised makes a solid 1v1/2v2 map- and while it has some issues that need fixing, the same can easily be said for about half the maps on that list.

As for the idea of learning 20 competitive maps for a season... maybe to pubstar / pug proficiency level, not to mastery. So sure, theyll all know where the rocket is and wont get lost etc, but the resulting generic level of strat and execution isnt going to make for epic matches or srctv viewing; matter of fact, itll probably be pretty random.

Also choosing maps from a big list at the beginning of each match was tried in one of the early cal seasons and just resulted in constant counterpick attempts, rolls of teams who hadnt mastered the obscure map chosen and an according sharp increase in teams dropping from the league. The seasonal home map system is almost certainly superior (the almost being dependant on the wtf level allowed in seasonal map choice).


2010-07-02 03:12:14

Va|iums wrote:Don't say hydroponicz either, in CU there has been a problem with an area of the map people can comfortably camp in without dying pretty much the whole match.
So? Fix the map, then, or just dont allow anyone to camp up there. From the screenshots I've seen, you guys have had an admin spec each match in this new tournament thus far. Plus, you've also allowed sourcetv so if it someone does it, they'll be seen and you could just forfeit them the whole match for their team. I don't even know what/where it is you're talking about, either.


2010-07-02 03:26:42

more maps for:



The Argumentalizer

2010-07-02 04:08:18

Vertigo is a rocking 1 v 1 map! Wasn't that redone recently by someone... i forgot.


2010-07-02 04:08:28

I prefer this instead of overwatch_cu

http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... f=5&t=3944


2010-07-02 05:30:53


also how do you know people can just dominate hydroponics because it happened against a team that was not creative or prepared. Alot of people think that about alot of maps but people figure out ways to counter it. Until a map is given adequate time to be fleshed out how do you know. And I think alot of maps in the list are like that the only difference is people know them better, and know how to counter them. If you want diversity make people figure out how to counter something. Or just go get that spot first and watch the team never pick the map again.

Also I vote we ban any map that is from another game so we can actually build our own identity instead of being a game full of other games maps because we have no creativity or originality what so ever.


2010-07-02 07:54:18

Fearsome* wrote:
Also I vote we ban any map that is from another game so we can actually build our own identity instead of being a game full of other games maps because we have no creativity or originality what so ever.

So ban lostvillage. It's a HL1 map. So ban feudal. It's a HL1 map. So ban Octagon. It's a quake map. So ban stalkyard its a hl1 map. So ban Biohazard, its a remake of some hl1 thing.

This is a completely stupid idea. No thanks.


2010-07-02 08:04:35

Fearsome* wrote: Also I vote we ban any map that is from another game so we can actually build our own identity instead of being a game full of other games maps because we have no creativity or originality what so ever.

Sry Fear, sometimes you do have good ideas, but this is just silly. If a map is to get banned it should be for having a broken spawn, or area. Not because it tried to recapture glory from a different DM game. This should mean it is tried and tested.


2010-07-03 10:36:29

Fearsome* wrote:Also I vote we ban any map that is from another game so we can actually build our own identity instead of being a game full of other games maps because we have no creativity or originality what so ever.
I vote we kick all the black people out of America so we can have our own identity.

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-03 10:51:40

:sketchy: :sketchy: :sketchy: :sketchy: :sketchy:


2010-07-05 23:28:11

Seriously, this game already HAS its own identity. I also disagree with banning a map just because it is a remake from another game. If a map is a good map, it doesnt matter if its a copy from another game or not. The most important thing is that it is a good map. There are too few original maps good for competition as it is, to ban one for such a stupid reason is well, stupid.


2010-08-10 22:50:23

dm_octagon for everything.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-11 01:19:56

Allowing teams to pick their own map is a terrible idea for a league, even a Draft thingy.
What exactly is the reasoning behind this?

Why don't you just get together the maps folks like and cycle those suckers.
No one gets to pick a map to their advantage. More maps get paid.
Probably a lot less smg nades shot down out of thin air.


2010-08-11 01:42:41

The Argumentalizer wrote:Allowing teams to pick their own map is a terrible idea for a league, even a Draft thingy.
What exactly is the reasoning behind this?

Why don't you just get together the maps folks like and cycle those suckers.
No one gets to pick a map to their advantage. More maps get paid.
Probably a lot less smg nades shot down out of thin air.

I'd expect as much empty criticism from a person who isnt competitive. How many times do I need to tell you the closest matches we've been having in years is under the new pick your map system. Go check CU results and the summer cup results. Seriously your just an armchair speculator, you don't even know what goes in the competitive community, how we play, what we like and you pretend you have knowledge that helps. Critiques about the competitive community coming from a guy who didnt know you can blow up SMG nades easily and who is easily one of the worst players ive seen when you played in draft, pfft.

Facts can speak for themselves, please go look at the archived STA match results under a forced map system and the deficits between the winning clan and losing clan and look at the most recent results of our league matches and come back to tell me your findings. Oh BTW, you must've not known clans have been disregarding the forced map selection in draft too, about half of the draft matches we've played we've just agreed to play caverns instead of the forced map. Freedom of the community to make their own choices is HL2DM's future, not silence and oppressive choices made by a secretive ziggurat chain of admins.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-11 02:01:50

Ahhh no thanks. If you are Admin, i don't think i am even interested, Mr. Awesome.
For some odd reason, you don't like someone voicing an opinion in a thread where they are asked for opinion.
I AIN'T forcing anything on anybody.

You are full of nonsense. You like a league with just the very top players picking Caverns.
Fine, have at it.
And We haven't arrived at any scheme for the Draft, asshole.
That is why we haven't forced any maps.

If you think that creating a diversity of map experiences is going to happen by letting you play Caverns everytime, well, you are an idiot.
Also, full of shit. "Go check CU results and the summer cup results"

Results. The same top guys winning on the maps they picked. WOW, what a shock, Mr. DM. Fuck You.


2010-08-11 02:11:55

The Argumentalizer wrote:Ahhh no thanks. If you are Admin, i don't think i am even interested, Mr. Awesome.
For some odd reason, you don't like someone voicing an opinion in a thread where they are asked for opinion.
I AIN'T forcing anything on anybody.

You are full of nonsense. You like a league with just the very top players picking Caverns.
Fine, have at it.
And We haven't arrived at any scheme for the Draft, asshole.
That is why we haven't forced any maps.

If you think that creating a diversity of map experiences is going to happen by letting you play Caverns everytime, well, you are an idiot.
Community already voiced their opinion on the matter in a vote in this section, your vision is soundly rejected. Freedom is the future, oppression and admins "knowing whats best" for everybody is the past. BTW you know only one clan in the summer cup picked cavs consistently and that was us (em0). Diversity of map experience happens with or without forcing people, we played a wide variety of maps in the summer cup without having to force anyone kthx. I think you need to be crying about Obama destroying the constution/not being born America somewhere instead of making bad advice.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-11 02:23:12

Well, i am not a community. I asked why the reasoning. And you want to get all personal and superior-like.

I'll forgo any league, since i am so terrible.
I'll just work the edges trying to grow the game and keep it alive, sort of like when i asked you to help with Elite.
But a mistake that was.

Try your best not to communicate with me as much as possible.
I don't like you, no matter how awesome you think you are.


2010-08-11 02:45:36

Va|iums wrote:BTW you know only one clan in the summer cup picked cavs consistently and that was us (em0).


2010-08-11 05:17:03

Plenty of matches in sta were close and went to overtime in the 2 of 3 match system. During the early ladder phase we played 3 different forced maps, was pretty crazy to play 3 different maps you rarely played. Not to mention the poor quality of the maps at the time. Evenly matched teams will produce close matches not matter the map.


2010-08-11 05:39:58

ninojman wrote:Plenty of matches in sta were close and went to overtime in the 2 of 3 match system. During the early ladder phase we played 3 different forced maps, was pretty crazy to play 3 different maps you rarely played. Not to mention the poor quality of the maps at the time. Evenly matched teams will produce close matches not matter the map.
Yeah they went into overtime because you guys did wins by rounds, not by frag amount. Also a mistake IMO. Some players I know win by 1 on aim arena, but lose by 10-12 on lockdown. Or some clans win by 3 on zeta, and lose by 20 in caverns in the next round, I don't think you can really say that winning by 1 on rebs, and lose by 20 as combine means the teams are evenly matched.

If evenly matched teams produce close results and not the map what does it matter if we revert back to forced map system then? Do what people prefer, and people voted to have a week by week map choice system. Votes > subjegation


2010-08-11 05:43:56

The Argumentalizer wrote:Well, i am not a community. I asked why the reasoning. And you want to get all personal and superior-like.

I'll forgo any league, since i am so terrible.
I'll just work the edges trying to grow the game and keep it alive, sort of like when i asked you to help with Elite.
But a mistake that was.

Try your best not to communicate with me as much as possible.
I don't like you, no matter how awesome you think you are.
I don't think anyone would care or not whether you played in league because of how terrible you are, you have to make people care on your own how by how good you play. If you're not competitive enough to take your lumps and become good and dont want to participate, then so be it I could care less.


2010-08-11 06:13:54

Va|iums wrote:
ninojman wrote:Plenty of matches in sta were close and went to overtime in the 2 of 3 match system. During the early ladder phase we played 3 different forced maps, was pretty crazy to play 3 different maps you rarely played. Not to mention the poor quality of the maps at the time. Evenly matched teams will produce close matches not matter the map.
Yeah they went into overtime because you guys did wins by rounds, not by frag amount. Also a mistake IMO. Some players I know win by 1 on aim arena, but lose by 10-12 on lockdown. Or some clans win by 3 on zeta, and lose by 20 in caverns in the next round, I don't think you can really say that winning by 1 on rebs, and lose by 20 as combine means the teams are evenly matched.

If evenly matched teams produce close results and not the map what does it matter if we revert back to forced map system then? Do what people prefer, and people voted to have a week by week map choice system. Votes > subjegation
sta did both systems, just like the maps everything was being worked out how to play. Rounds had it's merits, but frag is surely better for hl2dm. I don't mind the pick your own choice for the league. My only problem is a team could kinda be forced to play their best map rather then something different and out of the comfort of that team that is picking. Was a hybrid ever discussed? Could add more strategy in picking, although opponents would need to be known in advance.


2010-08-11 06:23:00

ninojman wrote: sta did both systems, just like the maps everything was being worked out how to play. Rounds had it's merits, but frag is surely better for hl2dm. I don't mind the pick your own choice for the league. My only problem is a team could kinda be forced to play their best map rather then something different and out of the comfort of that team that is picking. Was a hybrid ever discussed? Could add more strategy in picking, although opponents would need to be known in advance.
Yeah I thought that was what we were doing all along. Schedule a map week by week before the season starts. For instance bmc is planning on using Asylum, LV, r5 and caverns this upcoming eFPS season. You would have to make your map choice known in advance in the beginning of the season. Or perhaps you just want to have the same map set for all weeks for your clan, you can do it that way too. Or you can have all different maps for all weeks.

So we will schedule the season, make a graph available, then you need to fill in the graph of what map your choosing for the week/clan. Once all teams have submitted their map choices and know their opponents it will be good to go wherel then we will make a complete graph available for all to see with everyones map choices and opponents.

Simpler terms/example; bmc vs $W week 1/ BMC chooses R5, $W chooses zeta/end

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-11 06:33:09

My comment was never about making close matches or about admin lording over folks.

It was about mixing it up and keeping things fresh.

Having a pool of maps and then randomly assigning them for the season would give teams fresh maps and a little time to practice and get to know them.
I don't believe just having folks show up and play their own favorite maps makes good sense for a league.
It has to have structure in order to be successful and fun.

It has nothing to do with my skill in this game.
I admit i am a poor league player/tdm player, but that is besides the point.
I take back the profanity directed at Valiums.
I should know better.


2010-08-11 06:41:04

HL2DM isnt the only game I played competitively and wont be the last. Many of the largest most well known tournies including the ones in Starcraft 2 I am starting to get into allow you to chose your map preference. Its a matter of administrator discretion, it so happens I just believe in executing what the community wants, not what I think is best for them.

If people want to start a petition the day eFPS goes up to remove me from adminship after being the chief architect for helping holy to develop a community vote based league/forums, I would happily accept my fate because its what people think is best as ironic as it would be.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-11 06:48:45

This is not any other game. We are speaking about DM.

I don't get all this nonsense about voting to remove you as admin. Where the fuck does that come from!?!?
I never challenged your ability to admin.
I never suggested you should be removed, so why the chip on the shoulder.

My comment about playing a league because you are involved is just a matter of i have had too much of you to swallow.


2010-08-11 06:55:44

The Argumentalizer wrote:This is not any other game. We are speaking about DM.

I don't get all this nonsense about voting to remove you as admin. Where the fuck does that come from!?!?
I never challenged your ability to admin.
I never suggested you should be removed, so why the chip on the shoulder.

My comment about playing a league because you are involved is just a matter of i have had too much of you to swallow.
I now very much dislike you. Period.
You may now go fuck yourself.
Where did you divine all that from the post? I was merely referring to my belief that is so strong into a community based league that I would let them vote me off the island even though I made helped make the island in the first place. I never suggested you were challenging my ability to admin, take a breath and drink a Steel Reserve kiddo, hell I wish I had a case right now in fact.