Pause option in eFPS poll


2010-07-26 06:35:32

Because of the amount of crashing I've heard about besides my match tonight in draft league, I am curious whether you guys would like to see the pause option implemented for CRASH purposes only. Any other use of it besides crashing will forfeit your team that round, I.E. if you get a phone call or your dog licks your face, too bad deal with it.

The Argumentalizer

2010-07-26 06:37:27

That seems like correcting spawn killing with Spawn protection. Just another deal to worry about that may cause more problems than it fixes.


2010-07-26 06:42:49

The Argumentalizer wrote:That seems like correcting spawn killing with Spawn protection. Just another deal to worry about that may cause more problems than it fixes.
What? The pause option would be for ONLY crash purposes only. Any other use would have your clan DQ'ed from the round.


2010-07-26 07:09:48

after seeing it used in l4d2, sure why not. Hate to see a great match ruined because of a crash some of these matches tonight were under 10 points.

I remember one match in sta my team had the lead and 4 ppl crashed all at once, 3 from my team and 1 from theirs. It was lawls for sure.


2010-07-26 07:14:52

ninojman wrote:after seeing it used in l4d2, sure why not. Hate to see a great match ruined because of a crash some of these matches tonight were under 10 points.

I remember one match in sta my team had the lead and 4 ppl crashed all at once, 3 from my team and 1 from theirs. It was lawls for sure.
I expect it to be a close poll, I'm sure if the poll passes in favor of pause and it shows itself to be a failure after season 1 I will make the motion in an eFPS admin vote to remove it.


2010-07-26 19:01:14

I say yes, I can't even count how many CAL matches Team Fusion had that were skewed due to crashing.


2010-07-26 20:03:30

It would cause more problems for the person/team who it is that crashed so yea, why wouldnt u enable pausing.
Also for 1 vs 1 situations or situations where there is no one on the crashing team to pause, there should be some sort of penalty/rematch if the opposition does not pause.


2010-07-26 23:53:38

Voted yes however there should be a time limit on the wait cuz anything could happen like Valiums losing power to his house and never coming back.


2010-07-27 00:05:44

For sc2 if someone lags at all the game automaticly pauses, and starts a countdown from 55 seconds. If you lag again within 10 minutes it continues counting from where it left off.

In l4d2 each team has 3 pauses and after 1 minute the other team can vote to unpause it. Not sure what options a plug-in for hl2dm could have. But it should be limited somehow.


2010-07-27 00:51:37

A problem with HL2DM crashing is that it's not immediately obvious to the other guy in 1v1s or perhaps even his own team in the event that the crash disallows a person from using his computer at all short of rebooting or due to a lack of technical mastery (aka doesnt know how to ctrl alt delete and enter properly).


2010-07-27 01:22:12

Divinity wrote:Voted yes however there should be a time limit on the wait cuz anything could happen like Valiums losing power to his house and never coming back.

lawl the pausing option would never go that far. I mean when my powerline falls into a sinkhole thats a diff story.

Something along the lines of the team must confirm the player has crashed then officially say "Player X has crashed, please pause the game". That way if its abused in anyway and a team disputes pause abuse all we have to do is look at the sourceTV demo (which are available to the public every week) and see that he really crashed or didnt crash. I would say a maximum of 1-2 minutes before the admin must resume the match, if hes not back by then tough luck.

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-27 02:58:31

helps a lot in preventing crashes


2010-07-27 03:44:04

Charles wrote:A problem with HL2DM crashing is that it's not immediately obvious to the other guy in 1v1s or perhaps even his own team in the event that the crash disallows a person from using his computer at all short of rebooting or due to a lack of technical mastery (aka doesnt know how to ctrl alt delete and enter properly).
sv_timeout, change that from like 65 to like 5, cause seriously i dont see the point in that. But also would fix that situation as they would be kicked from the server allmost immediatly after crashing/timing out. Otherwise u have to wait a whole minute (steam id still in use on this server).

[EYE] Valar

2010-07-27 05:15:00

problem with that is it will kick players having a momentary timeout one which their connection would proly get over if they weren't kicked.


2010-07-27 05:57:37



2010-07-27 06:11:11

[EYE] Valar wrote:problem with that is it will kick players having a momentary timeout one which their connection would proly get over if they weren't kicked.
That is rare, unlike crashing or timing out. In any case u could type "retry" in console. And if someone pauses for 5 seconds that deserves a pause imo.
I dont know about u guys but i am allways timing out, and everytime i have to wait literally a minute b4 i can rejoin same server, surely it isnt just me.


2010-07-27 06:48:08

That would be checked. One pause per player per round, with about a max of a minute thirty to re-enter.


2010-07-27 12:07:37

in cu we have the pause option enabled as you know. we dont have any rules for the pause and in matches people can make pause when players are crashing, having ping jumping, getting a phone call or something else. so far we didnt noticed any misuse of the pause option in any season. maybe you should give it a try like we do and see if people whore the pause button?


2010-07-27 16:50:46

brb, binding pause to mouse scroll


2010-07-27 19:11:59

I am not a fan of dragging matches out longer.

I know it is not fair but it never will be, when you crash you may lose control of the map, lose the weapons, lose timing and no amount of pause is going to give that back to you. When you respawn you may be spawn killed multiple times.

Yes it happens as do alot of other unfair things in this game if you are good overall your record will reflect it. If you crash more than other people you need to address your computer or internet connection the best you can rather then making it a burden on everyone else.

If we are going to waste extra time I would rather we just play another match to even things out a third round to tie break would be a funner use of time. It is highly unlikely that the same team would be at the losing end of 2 crashes in 1 match. If they are they need to fix their problems.


2010-07-27 21:41:33

Say waaaaaat.
Everyone gets a crash now and then, its random.
Some days u get like 2-4 in a row. Cant blame a person for that.


2010-07-27 23:33:13

No! Go fuck yourself! No really, not a fan. The match should go on as normal.


2010-07-28 22:40:57

Well say you got a real close 2v2, and the high scorer from one team crashes and has to reboot or something... thats pretty unfair i think... because 2v1 for 3 or 4 mins isnt cool!
Yes, pausable would be nice


2010-07-28 23:48:33

It is unfair but so is adding scores from different maps that have different score strategies. So is having rebel and combine. So is having admins jumping in and out of matches when ever they feel like watching a match or doing whatever.

Lots of things are unfair but for whatever reason we have decided not to care. So why do we suddenly want to drag matches out even longer than they already do. Every match I have played in eFPS so far has taken well over an hour for something that is only suppose to last 45 minutes. I could have got a whole extra round in during that time and would rather of played. Now we want to add another thing for people to dick around with. I would rather apply the time toward a third round to make the game more fair with a tie breaker on a third map that would also mitgate any crash issue. Than waste it waiting for everyone to get back in and get ready especially because crashes happen almost every match in this game.


2010-07-29 00:19:09

Fearsome* wrote:It is unfair but so is adding scores from different maps that have different score strategies. So is having rebel and combine. So is having admins jumping in and out of matches when ever they feel like watching a match or doing whatever.

Lots of things are unfair but for whatever reason we have decided not to care. So why do we suddenly want to drag matches out even longer than they already do. Every match I have played in eFPS so far has taken well over an hour for something that is only suppose to last 45 minutes. I could have got a whole extra round in during that time and would rather of played. Now we want to add another thing for people to dick around with. I would rather apply the time toward a third round to make the game more fair with a tie breaker on a third map that would also mitgate any crash issue. Than waste it waiting for everyone to get back in and get ready especially because crashes happen almost every match in this game.

Hummmmm strong words about time wasting when the last match you played we waitied on you for an extra half hour past the agreed upon time for your cooldown match. quti preaching what you don't practice, then again your known for doing alot of that. Also couple more days guys to vote! Looks as if it may pass, IMO one season of just testing it out wont hurt anyone.


2010-07-29 01:27:54

who wasted over 9000 hours to check grains demos?


2010-07-29 01:46:32

I would love to see this automated for 1v1. There's nothing worse than crashing on aim arena and coming back to find the other guy sitting on top with the rpg and 200 suit.
If it can't be automated then meh it's not worth it.


2010-07-29 04:08:37

I was always perplexed why you guys never used pause in a scrim match considering how buggy this game is and what a big difference it can make to the outcome of the game when you playing a man short. Now I do understand people thinking that a team could abuse it but that only if you don't have rules governing the use of the tool. Simple rules like how long a pause can be in place and what circumstances it can be use would keep it in order and if a team dicks around with it you got rules to punish them with.

I don't think I have ever had a issue with it in a game only thing I got against it is if your team is playing really well and a pause happens it can be a very annoying and throw you off your streak. As with anything you got to adapt to it and don't make excuses and just focus on being better since it goes both ways.

As for 1v1 in my past scrims the other player always pauses if I crash since the rule state it should be used by the player still in the game until the player returns or pause time has expired. It all about sportsmanship.


2010-07-29 05:12:33

I remember things very differently valliums but lets just say you are right in our match it took an hour after I joined the server so you just made my point more relevant IE now the match is 1.5 hours for what should of taken 45 minutes thanks to the 30 minutes you added, and the time it took you to restart because you did not bother to do that before the match and the break you had to take in between rounds.

No matter what way you do it when people crash or pause the game momentum changes. It would be far more useful to add a tiebreaker round then we would not need to have added scores which is even less fair than crashes.


2010-07-29 06:04:43

Fearsome* wrote:I remember things very differently valliums but lets just say you are right in our match it took an hour after I joined the server so you just made my point more relevant IE now the match is 1.5 hours for what should of taken 45 minutes thanks to the 30 minutes you added, and the time it took you to restart because you did not bother to do that before the match and the break you had to take in between rounds.

No matter what way you do it when people crash or pause the game momentum changes. It would be far more useful to add a tiebreaker round then we would not need to have added scores which is even less fair than crashes.
I fail to see how a tiebreaker round is more fair. Look through the summer cup and CU matches, all matches have been won by razer slim margins. Guess who wins in tiebreaker rounds? The ones who get rebels, and how do we decide who gets rebels? After doing a 4 hour marathon against $W in STA when wins were counted by who won the round and not by score it became apparent how flawed it is, we did 4 overtime rounds, the first three were won by whoever had rebels.


2010-07-29 17:18:10

Fearsome* wrote:I remember things very differently valliums but lets just say you are right in our match it took an hour after I joined the server so you just made my point more relevant IE now the match is 1.5 hours for what should of taken 45 minutes thanks to the 30 minutes you added, and the time it took you to restart because you did not bother to do that before the match and the break you had to take in between rounds.

No matter what way you do it when people crash or pause the game momentum changes. It would be far more useful to add a tiebreaker round then we would not need to have added scores which is even less fair than crashes.

Not sure about your math but i'm pretty sure 5 minutes for a pause is shorter then 20 minutes for a third round. When we used pro, the pause option was great.