Fearsome's Question


2010-08-01 06:59:42

It seems Fearsome likes his own threads about himself. So I will answer his question from the v0z banned thread that was locked, no other posts from ted or voz should be allowed since they do not pertain to this topic. I feel this is important for eFPS users and the thread should remain here.

begin Fearsome; "So if I go into a server and I accidentally hit a bind that tries to set r_drawotherviewmodels 2 will I be banned?" end Fearsome.

That is not true, you must execute a LUA script in the first place, then this LUA script will typically enable cheats in the middle of a match, then will automatically execute the drawothermodels command to get a rudimentary wallhack working. If you type r_drawotherviewmodels 2 into console without enabling a LUA script you will not be banned in a KAC server.

I tried this out many times, same applies for impulse 101 or buddha or other rudimentary cheat commands, KAC only bans it if you execute a LUA script that interferes and manually changes server settings.


2010-08-01 07:13:24

To my knowledge KAC is just an anti cheat plugin, they recently added LSS support because of numerous complaints about server crashing/exploiting. The main thing we are using KAC is to detect luas being executed. Though there is ways to get around this, you can flag certain commands that help the plugin detect popular scripts. For instance the server administrator can flag r_drawothermodels 2 which is the most popular command used for LUA wall hacks. Though r_drawothermodels 2 is a sv_cheat command LUA bypasses sv_cheats letting you run this command with it off. Only way to bypass the sv_cheats command is by using a LUA script which is executed by a client side LSS plugin. KAC detects this and either bans you, kicks you, or i guess puts you in a log? w.e the server admin wants. Going to the same server and typing r_drawothermodels 2 in console without any help from 3rd party plugins won't do anything because you are not bypassing any set server command. Hope it helps, btw the new version of LSS is out however KAC is updating their shit august 1st, the update is probably only for css because of the update but idk yet..



2010-08-01 08:28:58

KAC update will be pushed 8/1/2010.

Planned change log:

* Added the ability for server owners block clients from loading any addons (including LSS). (This will be on by default.)
* Added some cheat cvars.
* Fixed issue with unconnected client commands.


2010-08-01 08:31:03

I posted elsewhere because I did not see this.
Ok so then what was the log for VOZ showing that he executed a hard cheat as in lua or whatever then executed r_drawviewmodels 2

Or just that he attempted to execute r_drawviewmodels 2?

And did KAC then ban him from that server?


2010-08-01 08:36:46

in 1911's server i guess he didnt set it to ban, it blocks and may kick. However in eFPS it scans very often for LUA execuctions(so people can't toggle) and then bans perm. Holymoly being the jew he is does not unban. jk


2010-08-01 08:37:10

There is more "wallhack" commands that can be bypassed, should i PM an admin so they can make it that everytime someone tries to use something else than "r_drawothermodels 2" gets banned?


2010-08-01 08:38:47

gtfo shitty, we've blocked the commands that are needed to be blocked. gtfo shitty


2010-08-01 09:27:32

Sorry bro, just was testing those commands with val, they didnt kicked/banned me. Now try to be cool bro.


2010-08-01 10:05:25

zeik wrote:Sorry bro, just was testing those commands with val, they didnt kicked/banned me. Now try to be cool bro.
Ye just be cool right now. Zeik fucked up and is making amends, being a rebel fucking everything up is only fun for about a few minutes then you just realize nobody really cares/hates you, zeiks coming around in a big way.


2010-08-01 13:57:18

Brb gonna go hack in some matches & stuff then say I'm sorry so I can be let right back into the community.

[EYE] Valar

2010-08-01 16:45:46

IMHO if someone fucks up then mans up to the consequences and learn their lesson - i think it's great if they're trying to make amends. They SHOULD be let back into the community. This is from where i'm looking how things SHOULD work. People MAKE mistakes so they can LEARN. this is how we ALL learn. no need for ego or mistrust since each and everyone here would have appreciated being given a second chance; be it hackers, impostors, racists or trolls.

btw - wink to those who know who they are ;)


2010-08-01 22:33:45

[EYE] Valar wrote:IMHO if someone fucks up then mans up to the consequences and learn their lesson - i think it's great if they're trying to make amends. They SHOULD be let back into the community. This is from where i'm looking how things SHOULD work. People MAKE mistakes so they can LEARN. this is how we ALL learn. no need for ego or mistrust since each and everyone here would have appreciated being given a second chance; be it hackers, impostors, racists or trolls.

btw - wink to those who know who they are ;)
I'm not saying he's going to be let in right away. He has consequences to pay but I think my original permanent ban is something I'm rethinking as long as he's actually doing good things for the community now. Zeik wasnt the only one using LUA scripts, there were people before him, and continue to be now, hes helping us.


2010-08-02 02:06:42

Zeik wasnt the only one using LUA scripts, there were people before him, and continue to be now, hes helping us.
because of him!


2010-08-02 02:13:31

So then did this server kick him at the time?
I am still unclear was LUA detected or no in the log which was posted above concerning Voz?


2010-08-02 02:18:23

Va|iums wrote:KAC only bans it if you execute a LUA script that interferes and manually changes server settings.

Mr. Nervous

2010-08-02 03:10:50

bLur wrote:
Zeik wasnt the only one using LUA scripts, there were people before him, and continue to be now, hes helping us.
because of him!
you hacked, but they let you back into the community because you helped with the anti cheat. now zeik is too and you're like "OMG DNT LET HIM INN!!!!"

umad brah?


2010-08-02 05:54:42

"in 1911's server i guess he didnt set it to ban, it blocks and may kick."

And so far no one has explicitly stated that KAC will not log any attempt to run any of those commands. with or without LUA.


2010-08-02 06:25:43

Da1 wrote:To answer your question about the log file, the log is actually named KAC.log, its not a server log file it is a plugin log.


The reason it is so short, it only displays the people banned or kicked for things the plugin dosen't allow. He hacks, end of story. KTHXBAI

That answers ur question. As u allready know that typing the command doesnt result in a ban/kick.


2010-08-02 09:58:54

Fearsome* wrote:"in 1911's server i guess he didnt set it to ban, it blocks and may kick."

And so far no one has explicitly stated that KAC will not log any attempt to run any of those commands. with or without LUA.
KAC only logs commands ran with LUA scripts.


2010-08-02 14:01:57

in 1911's server i guess he didnt set it to ban, it blocks and may kick

thats aload of crap cause he uses them himself so it must be set to ban or he dont have kac on, what if i made a txt with someones name init with their steamids and commands that kac bans you will and upload it to the ftp you believe it and ban them? anyone can make it its pretty easy ?


2010-08-02 20:45:42

Yes anyone can modify a text file and upload it. That is why the anticheat should be designed to log the events remotely and securely to reduce the chance of "fraud".


2010-08-02 22:06:27

Fearsome* wrote:Yes anyone can modify a text file and upload it. That is why the anticheat should be designed to log the events remotely and securely to reduce the chance of "fraud".
What exactly are you suggesting? Are you actually defending v0z? He even gave up arguing after we posted the full log file on defending himself.

Another question is how exactly do you think we should log the events "securely and remotely", only about 2 people have ftp access to our eFPS server logs. I would trust Holy with always doing the right thing, a guy whose banned now two of former teammates is someone you should trust to do the right thing.


2010-08-02 23:20:13

I am not suggesting anything, I am clarifying the information which as originally posted was unclear.

2 I am providing solutions to any holes in a system I have had plenty of practice dealing with ewR if you do anything wrong people will expose it. Lucky for you Voz is pretty stupid but others will not be.

Have the logs immediately sent to a secure third party server at the time of the logging of that incedent. this is what all decent anticheat systems do. I believe Kigen has such servers which host a list of banned people.

Uncle Rico

2010-08-03 00:12:09

Implying you did something wrong. Time to confess.
JR79124-open-beak-chirp.jpg (89.6 KiB) Viewed 761 times


2010-08-03 04:07:10

Ya like I did not exactly know how CALs messaging system would work. And just that little bit allowed grain to delay handing in the demos for weeks apparently.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-03 04:12:21

I thought is it was so cool how an entire league just collapsed and everyone left because of one allegation of cheating. What a great deal!
All games and sports should follow this same awesome example. Baseball would stop all games for weeks, making a year long season. Football season could be 28 weeks long.
The Olympics would take 1 1/2 years to complete.


2010-08-03 04:58:47

Ok I think I got it: I can wall, and I'll be banned for a year, or I can speedhack and be banned forever.


2010-08-03 05:05:17

Fearsome* wrote:Ya like I did not exactly know how CALs messaging system would work.
Link And just that little bit allowed grain to delay handing in the demos for weeks apparently.
Keep telling yourself that why did the senior admin rule in our favor? Because you sent the wrong message to us. Not our fault you were so in raged because you were over ruled for using random demo without proof of who it was, the admin was familiar with cal rules across the board. Something you lack, which is obvious here in regards to txt documents. Cal does not accept IRC logs for anything because they can be easily tampered.


2010-08-03 05:54:49

shonty wrote:Ok I think I got it: I can wall, and I'll be banned for a year, or I can speedhack and be banned forever.
Who said you have a perm ban? All cheaters deserve a second chance IMO, plus I don't see you helping us develop an anticheat that's going to be twice as strong as our last one. zeik will pay his dues and be suspended for a good while, but its no longer a perm ban. If you're going to go to the dark side, do it Darth Vader style. Do some good things with your new knowledge that can overthrow the reign of the dark side.

Side note; any Star Wars nerd who knows anything beyond the movies VIA the comics knows Vader had joined the darkside because he knew the emperor was too powerful for anyone to destroy at the time, but as he grew older he knew he could be the only one to finally destroy him at a later time and hand over his empire to his son to make it a good empire. Which did end up happening BTW, just not the way Vader had anticipated.

/end nerd lecture lesson


2010-08-03 06:25:42

Well I'm assuming because holy said never to bother registering. I dont have anything to give, or anything to help the anti cheat...soooooo...all I know is the anti cheat blocks cheat engine freezing sv_cheats to 1, freezing r_drawothermodels 2, but speedhacks...work on everything, no idea why but you'll instantly know when someone is speedhacking.


2010-08-03 06:40:13

shonty wrote:Well I'm assuming because holy said never to bother registering. I dont have anything to give, or anything to help the anti cheat...soooooo...all I know is the anti cheat blocks cheat engine freezing sv_cheats to 1, freezing r_drawothermodels 2, but speedhacks...work on everything, no idea why but you'll instantly know when someone is speedhacking.
It does alot more then that, I'd rather not get into what it all checks for.... zeik is the one actually helping us develop a block for speedhacking as we speak. Yeah you speedhacked, you deserve to get punished for it, and no I don't see a reason to register since you won't be playing for at least a year, maybe shorter if on good behavior.


2010-08-03 06:41:19



I've seen it kick people in source.


2010-08-03 06:49:31

Blasphemy wrote:http://zblock.mgamez.eu/


I've seen it kick people in source.
zblock is not good for LUA detection, I'd rather not run two anticheat clients at once when we already have a speedhack fix detection coming in the next update.


2010-08-03 06:59:29

I still dont get why you need to block speedhacking, not that I dont want it blocked, just its not really the type of "hack" that helps you, wont make it easier to aim, easier to dodge, but incredibly noticeable...all you really need is to record POV demos and you can see if someone is speedhacking.. lol. Someone reports it, sends demo, you see they're going 100x faster then normal ban..no need for plugins slowing the server down.


2010-08-03 07:04:10

Highly unlikely that one plugin is going to slow a server down unless its an absolutely massive or poorly written one. With the hardware installed in most servers these days, they can handle multiple plugins with no problems at all, particularly for HL2DM, which is not a server busting game compaired to most games out these days. If the server cant handle it, then there is something wrong with the server or its just a crappy server.


2010-08-03 07:06:24

The anti cheat is KAC/souremod/a bunch of other plugins all combined into one thing...so yes it has potential to slow a server down.


2010-08-03 07:13:48

Va|iums wrote:zeik is the one actually helping us develop a block for speedhacking as we speak.
rofl yea sounds like a foolproof plan...
I don't see how THAT could go wrong


2010-08-03 07:24:45

the_big_cheese wrote:
Va|iums wrote:zeik is the one actually helping us develop a block for speedhacking as we speak.
rofl yea sounds like a foolproof plan...
I don't see how THAT could go wrong
We all know you have a boner for me, that's no reason to degrade the work [IWU]Mike puts into this anticheat that was responsible for even catching v0z, go troll somewhere else.

If you have a complaint about how bad of an idea that is take to him not me, mike knows his shit, and he knows if he's being taken advantage of when he codes for KAC.


2010-08-03 07:27:14

I don't see how he was degrading the work of Mike, we all know mike does good work.

Just a bit shocking that Ziek would be the one to be helping.


2010-08-03 07:35:49

Da1 wrote:I don't see how he was degrading the work of Mike, we all know mike does good work.

Just a bit shocking that Ziek would be the one to be helping.
It is degrading because Mike knows shit, you can't take advantage of him plain and simple. If zeik is hiding something or lying Mike will know.


2010-08-03 07:44:55

who the fuck deleted my bird....faggot.


2010-08-03 07:57:42

Sigh, you apparently missed my point so I'll spell it out for you.

Ziek discovers several new cheats and uses them for himself.
Ziek helps make anti-cheat
Ziek gets bored of kissing your ass and decides to go back to cheating, as unstable, faggoty 14-year-old cheaters often do. Maybe in his research he happens to stumble upon some information that he keeps to himself, because he likes the idea of having info that no one else does. It makes him feel clever and shit.
Ziek now knows how everything works and how to avoid getting caught

I don't know who Mike is nor does it interest me.


2010-08-03 08:01:40

the_big_cheese wrote:Sigh, you apparently missed my point so I'll spell it out for you.

Ziek discovers several new cheats and uses them for himself.
Ziek helps make anti-cheat
Ziek gets bored of kissing your ass and decides to go back to cheating, as unstable, faggoty 14-year-old cheaters often do. Maybe in his research he happens to stumble upon some information that he keeps to himself, because he likes the idea of having info that no one else does. It makes him feel clever and shit.
Ziek now knows how everything works and how to avoid getting caught

I don't know who Mike is nor does it interest me.
Zeik didn't discover these "new" cheats. In fact many of the LUA's were old and used by players before him. Zeik is receiving is still receiving a ban like any other player, just no longer a permanent ban. Also he helped us discover about 10 different new cheats, that's 10 less players can't use now. Zeik also doesnt know how "everything works". The eFPS anticheat client will be held private for the foreseeable future or only distributed to the most trustable people.

It's good you dont care about who Mike is, he's the person responsible for how well the anticheat runs now.


2010-08-03 08:02:32

the_big_cheese wrote: I don't know who Mike is nor does it interest me.
That's what I meant when I said idk how he is degrading him, cause he dosent even know who he is or what he is doing val, he was simply saying zeik is shifty.


2010-08-03 08:06:56

Da1 wrote:
the_big_cheese wrote: I don't know who Mike is nor does it interest me.
That's what I meant when I said idk how he is degrading him, cause he dosent even know who he is or what he is doing val, he was simply saying zeik is shifty.
No actually he was degrading the plan of having a hacker helps us code an updated anticheat. It worked with bluR, he helped us discover the original KAC was inadequate to handle most of the current LUA's and helped us recode it.

Also you should know who Mike is, he is helping us code a complex anticheat free of charge for the community, no questions asked. The man after months of helping us hasnt asked for a donation once.


2010-08-03 08:26:08

Va|iums wrote:No actually he was degrading the plan of having a hacker helps us code an updated anticheat.
Sensitive much? I think it's a bad idea and I spoke up about it. If anything, I was being degrading to you Val because you said it and I assumed it was your idea.

And if you're keeping it private then it's not for the community, it's for eFPS.


2010-08-03 08:35:11

the_big_cheese wrote:
Va|iums wrote:No actually he was degrading the plan of having a hacker helps us code an updated anticheat.
Sensitive much? I think it's a bad idea and I spoke up about it. If anything, I was being degrading to you Val because you said it and I assumed it was your idea.

And if you're keeping it private then it's not for the community, it's for eFPS.
Yeah anticheat details should be left private...


2010-08-03 12:27:14

actually its way harder (for an admin) to make the community understand why he takes back a ban, instead of make them understand why he gives a ban to someone :(

i feel with u valium


2010-08-03 21:55:25

koncentrate wrote:actually its way harder (for an admin) to make the community understand why he takes back a ban, instead of make them understand why he gives a ban to someone :(

i feel with u valium
Well I'm not taking back a ban...I'm just no longer making it a perm ban. I never intend on perm banning anybody really, I reserved the use for zeik since he fucked up beyond what I anticipated. Now he's making amends with an incredible amount of advice.

Uncle Rico

2010-08-03 22:25:16

<kyle> wrote:who the fuck deleted my bird....faggot.
I guess my bird was better quality. For some reason it's still there.


2010-08-03 23:07:03



2010-08-04 00:16:16

Nutri-Grain wrote:Hey Fearsome!
I laugh in your general direction.
I lol'd so hard I spilled bong water.


2010-08-04 08:28:35

I think I need to get in here and cut through some misunderstandings.

Because Valiums did not consult me before changing the terms of Zeik's ban, his position on Zeik's ban is just his opinion on the subject and isn't a decision that we've made. I've talked to Valiums about it.

There is a KAC update coming that should fix some issues and provide a better protection against LUA/LSS in addition to some other issues. Whatever Zeik is doing, I don't think we'll end up needing his help. The KAC update should take care of any remaining issues.

Bottom line is that we're working on keeping the anti-cheat abreast of any new hacking developments.


2010-08-07 07:34:38

shonty wrote:Well I'm assuming because holy said never to bother registering. I dont have anything to give, or anything to help the anti cheat...soooooo...all I know is the anti cheat blocks cheat engine freezing sv_cheats to 1, freezing r_drawothermodels 2, but speedhacks...work on everything, no idea why but you'll instantly know when someone is speedhacking.
i dont understand how this lua shit works. but i'll say this about any form of hacks.... when used with a modicum of discretion... they are virtually impossible to detect with the naked eye.

sure, someone hopping around a map at 600 velocity is easy to spot as illegit. but someone who normally hits 420-440 velocity suddenly hitting 480-500 velocity wont be easy to spot. anyone reaching 480+ consistantly during a league match has an advantage. its a legitimate velocity to reach with skill. dont underestimate the seemingly small difference between 440 and 480+. believe me, the distance covered in shorter time on a popular league map like caverns is HUGE.

so, as much as i like you shonty... minimizing the use of a speed hack is still bullshit imho. and i support the efps ban in your case.


2010-08-07 08:28:27

CellarDweller wrote:but someone who normally hits 420-440 velocity suddenly hitting 480-500 velocity wont be easy to spot. anyone reaching 480+ consistantly during a league match has an advantage. its a legitimate velocity to reach with skill. dont underestimate the seemingly small difference between 440 and 480+. believe me, the distance covered in shorter time on a popular league map like caverns is HUGE.
You can also do this by upping ur mouse sense =P If its too low then u can have trouble getting real speed.
Smart arse comment but half serious.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-07 10:18:53

I believe all this lua testing has lured at least one member to make a bad decision, a guy i have a high estimate of, who is disliked by some folks and came from a clan ending is S.

I am not putting my rep out there, but politics are big out there and there are unintended consequences of all this focus on Cheating, regardless the benefit of such a focus.

I'd would really like an examination of what happened to this person unlike my instinct about Voz, who is a little liar and raz who is a criminal cheater and Zeik who admits to being a jerk worthy of banning

Just thought i'd give opinion here.


2010-08-07 10:45:46

The Argumentalizer wrote:I believe all this lua testing has lured at least one member to make a bad decision, a guy i have a high estimate of, who is disliked by some folks and came from a clan ending is S.

I am not putting my rep out there, but politics are big out there and there are unintended consequences of all this focus on Cheating, regardless the benefit of such a focus.

I'd would really like an examination of what happened to this person unlike my instinct about Voz, who is a little liar and raz who is a criminal cheater and Zeik who admits to being a jerk worthy of banning

Just thought i'd give opinion here.
Do you mean bluR? I like him too. He's a straightshooting kid who didnt dance around about helping us nor receiving a solid assraping when it was time to ban him, he accepted it like a man. There's not much to talk about in regards to him since he admitted to hacking in srs scrims outside of testing purposes when confronted about it, our general policy is a year ban min for any and all hackers, hasn't changed. Dunno who else you're talking about if not him then.


2010-08-07 11:16:29

CellarDweller wrote:
shonty wrote:Well I'm assuming because holy said never to bother registering. I dont have anything to give, or anything to help the anti cheat...soooooo...all I know is the anti cheat blocks cheat engine freezing sv_cheats to 1, freezing r_drawothermodels 2, but speedhacks...work on everything, no idea why but you'll instantly know when someone is speedhacking.
i dont understand how this lua shit works. but i'll say this about any form of hacks.... when used with a modicum of discretion... they are virtually impossible to detect with the naked eye.

sure, someone hopping around a map at 600 velocity is easy to spot as illegit. but someone who normally hits 420-440 velocity suddenly hitting 480-500 velocity wont be easy to spot. anyone reaching 480+ consistantly during a league match has an advantage. its a legitimate velocity to reach with skill. dont underestimate the seemingly small difference between 440 and 480+. believe me, the distance covered in shorter time on a popular league map like caverns is HUGE.

so, as much as i like you shonty... minimizing the use of a speed hack is still bullshit imho. and i support the efps ban in your case.
nononononono thats not how it works at all, I have no idea how to use lua, I used a little program called cheat engine, not to mention in a noob pub..not like a match or scrim or anything...

I dont fully understand how it works but it has to do with your ping/latency...it doesnt boost your velocity, lol.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-07 12:41:32

Yeah, i was talking about Ownage and i don't believe he would have ever come in contact with hax had it not been for testing. this is a mitigating factor.

Some folks are just cheaters and seek this stuff out (Zeik) and some seem to have gone too far, like Blur.
Frankly, i'd like to see him reinstated.

I'd like to see a trial rehab.
I'd like some understanding for good folks off the path and no mercy at all for assholes.


2010-08-07 17:26:41

Nutri-Grain wrote:Hey Fearsome!

Remember when ewR beat SW + Seagull in CAL and you guys raged so hard that you wasted a month of your time trying to convince everyone that I hacked and then it turned out that I didn't hack and now you're still raged at this very moment?

I remember that. I laugh in your general direction.
i had a vision of you on top of a castle with your hands hanging over while you were saying that. its not a matter of how he grips it, its the weight ratio, a five ounce swallow can not carry a one pound coconut.

and zeik is helping to get a first hand look at the cheat detection. doesnt matter if he's is banned, he can pass that info along to others, prolly already has


2010-08-08 00:17:09

The Argumentalizer wrote:Yeah, i was talking about Ownage and i don't believe he would have ever come in contact with hax had it not been for testing. this is a mitigating factor.

Some folks are just cheaters and seek this stuff out (Zeik) and some seem to have gone too far, like Blur.
Frankly, i'd like to see him reinstated.

I'd like to see a trial rehab.
I'd like some understanding for good folks off the path and no mercy at all for assholes.
So you want the admins to get together and decide if they think someone is a nice guy. If so, he doesn't get the same punishment as a bad guy? Yeah, that's a horrible idea.

We have a 100% zero-tolerance policy so that people can't play favorites like you'd like us to do.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-08 01:18:36

No. The admin will do what they want. It is my opinion that this one case is different and suspicious.
I never made any statements that NICE GUY entered into it, so don't ppull that baloney.
I have never known anyone to say Blur is a NICE guy.
I said i like him but that doesn't really have much to do with it.
The circumstances around his ban is just weird.
Maybe i don't have all the facts in hand.

This person was helping YOU develop a fix for hax.
He has never been known to cheat before.
He does not have a VAC ban.
He has never cheated in a league, that we know.

Something just isn't right.
But i could be wrong.


2010-08-08 01:24:24


The Argumentalizer

2010-08-08 01:47:22


Valiums: "Ye just be cool right now. Zeik fucked up and is making amends, being a rebel fucking everything up is only fun for about a few minutes then you just realize nobody really cares/hates you, zeiks coming around in a big way."


2010-08-08 01:55:11

Year bans for all, distribute them like candy IMO. Ban here, ban there, ban everywherez!!!

Seriously though people need to get punished, blur has an opportunity to bring himself to a vote next season to be unbanned if he wants. Great thing about eFPS in cases where the strict one year ban is perhaps thought as wrong by the community, they can overturn it. Me and holy won't judge who deserves to be exception to the one year rule, if you hack you get banned for one year, simple is as simple does.

The Argumentalizer

2010-08-08 02:53:16

What does not seem so simple is that he had lua script on his PC in the first place, to help make a plug in in the first place!?!?
Kinda screwy, this guy who wasn't suspected of being a cheater, DL'd lua Scripts to help YOU, you KNEW he had them and then he is banned as a cheater.

Lesson is: Do not help anyone develop plugins to fight cheating.
Seems like a setup to me.

Like i said, it is not that he is a nice guy or that i am speaking on any other case whatsoever, like Holy says.


2010-08-08 02:54:39

community will never do what admins expect from them :(


2010-08-08 03:48:52

The Argumentalizer wrote:What does not seem so simple is that he had lua script on his PC in the first place, to help make a plug in in the first place!?!?
Kinda screwy, this guy who wasn't suspected of being a cheater, DL'd lua Scripts to help YOU, you KNEW he had them and then he is banned as a cheater.

Lesson is: Do not help anyone develop plugins to fight cheating.
Seems like a setup to me.

Like i said, it is not that he is a nice guy or that i am speaking on any other case whatsoever, like Holy says.
You're not understanding how it went. BluR started to go to the forums zeik posted online in these forums before ninoj started to delete his posts and started to dabble in the LUA's before he helped us. Eventually his conscious got to him and decided to start helping us out. He said he wanted to help us and had no intention of using them in matches and scrims. Guess what happ0n? blur started using the LUA walls in scrims, essentially breaking his promise to us. Scrim or not he was playing seriously, and he broke his promise not to use them out of the testing.

The important thing to understand is blur was dabbling in the LUA world before he went to us, he pretty much offered to help us without much asking, there was no "setup".


2010-08-08 03:59:09

Im not asking anyone to like me or whatever. I did mistakes, big mistakes and i realized how stupid all this shit was. I deserve to be punished, we all agree with that. Instead of being a total douche, why not helping and makes things easier? Thats what im focusing on right now, being a good guy and helping others.
{EE}chEmicalbuRn wrote:and zeik is helping to get a first hand look at the cheat detection. doesnt matter if he's is banned, he can pass that info along to others, prolly already has
Come on, my current situation isn't good, why i would like to make it worst. I am all legit and stuff. Tired of all that crap, i want to end it.


2010-08-08 04:16:49

zeik wrote:I am all legit and stuff.

your whole battery clan is shady.


2010-08-08 04:45:10



2010-08-08 04:48:43



2010-08-08 07:11:09

phantom wrote:DURACELL POWER
pfft more like cheap dollar store batteries


2010-08-08 08:00:24

you fellows know theres a way around kac with lua im sure


2010-08-08 09:17:08

Zeik how come you never gave me your PayPal?


2010-08-08 17:15:20

zeik wrote: I am all legit and stuff. .
sounds about right