Proctor wrote:I have no clue what posts you think I harbor any animosity from, as I very infrequently even visit CU let alone read their forum. As to your argument that those posts have been your only ones monotonous in nature, you might want to read what you just posted.
Of course I did, Idiot, and it flows real nice. Just like how I make sweet (albeit firm) love to your mom, boy.
Proctor wrote:Perhaps settle down on the AG2 dickriding; truth is that game is deader than this one. I understand that you just want another cause to ride to give yourself an added artificial purpose.
I only promoted using ag2 as another form of hl2dm or as a secular league-based platform, which is exactly what it was made for. One should use the right tool for the job.
Now I use it to test my own game theory for what will likely be a source 2011 mod. That's not a cause, it is my ambition. Nìggerfaggot.
Janek did excellent work on his mod, but I was never into the ag/pro_mod stuff. The quake-style bhop code is amazing fun.
Don't try to walk this intellectual tight rope and then try to pull "tl;dr" as the reason you are misunderstanding/not-caring/not-reading my past-posts and points made on said subjects, or even try to say that my posts do not "have a point."
The majority of the fucking community always knows my points, especially when they don't want to. Am newguy, dumbshit.
I am bull-headed and authoritative when I write, you blind cunt.
Either you possess the ability to READ my stuff or you do not. Do some research before you try analyzing me. Many PhD's have, and they very much like what they see.
Proctor wrote:As for your claim that if I crawled out of dm_sniper pubs often enough to realize Kigha was shifty, try harder. If you're trying to indirectly hint that I'm somewhat less of anything for playing there, you're speaking the same of yourself as that is where I first met you. You do not know me and never have; leading from insecurities to an even greater volume of your pedantic rants.
Listen, Kid, I meant crawl out of that secluded community of TKC and bullshit. You would have been around for how Kigha was a complete gossip dickhead-cumstain to Luke.
Luke was nerd, but a good guy. I am sure Ace feels as I do, and that is a degree of shame, for rubbing it in on him. My excuse is "billy told me to."
Fucking idiot. Yes, I played @ those low grav servers, for that is how I fucking knew YOU were there.
This back when crouching-in-mid-air was NOT penalized by the game, and it was quite a bit of fun.
I don't need to know you. My dick is smaller and I am a superior male.
Proctor wrote:You can't make any sort of sound argument without randomly and senselessly name-dropping Poor_Billy, Nutri-Grain or Gina -- or, most recently, this Janek guy --to somehow, someway preserve your role as a wannabe, credible pundit for this game. I now expect your routine buffoonery and a diatribe about a certain someone and a pregnancy scare.
I am not a pundit for this game, I believe in real skill and I enjoy losing to phanty/grain because they have it in ag2.
I was never "good" among the REAL community, but I am leagues ahead of the trash that is left.
Go read my books @ CU on why the movement is now fucked in valve_dm, for I make no "name drops" idiot. My awesome arguments are my own.
PB, Grain, Gina - only in pubs talking about lawls past do I mention them (aside from Alex being uber_cute or PB being my fav_butthole on these formus.)
... and mentioning Janek is name dropping? The fuck are you talking about?
Janek, who I did not discover until it was far to late, was a brilliant community-oriented coder who worked his ass off for his mod.
He worked REAL close with Boshed too - and I worked with abnoksious. Those guys made dm_helix and dm_airfusion respectively, both new-age, dynamic and probably the most aesthetically pleasing environments the game ever fucking knew (I still love you Valar + beef.)
These gentleman are professionals who put forth their free time to make this shit, and mentioning their names and their work forces my arguments to undergo a defamation?
I am now learning from these gentleman and their work so that my own works can resemble a shed of their ability and perfectionism. Fuck you, idiot cunt.
Proctor wrote:Oh, I get it..that's why you're so sensitive to the Kigha sitation. For you too were a lovebird and vulnerable.

I am someone who has lived far more than you. Life is fucked, and it is dealing with it that defines who you are as a man. Read my lil'lecture to ziek, idiot.
EDIT: It is here: ... a&start=20
I am just as sensitive to the "kigha" situation as rico, ace, constipator, and everyone else ::
The guy is fucked in the head and fucked with a real nice guy in the community of his favorite hobby.
He is a shifty cunt, and the reputation will be forever staining his tourney idea unless he takes drastic measures to establish trust.
Now go get oiled up and rub your fat cock on kighas face, I am sure he likes it. Idiot.