so it can be rocky.
HAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! ^^^ Understatement of the season!!!!
Meek did you happen to see who Khaos was scheduled against in 4v4?
Have to say tho, I knew ahead of time how it was gona end, we werent gona win. So I truely played to have fun, and you know what I did, alot of fun. I am getting used to having my arse kicked from one end of a map to another. $W are a challenge to play against and a challenge I welcome. I feel I am a better player for the experience. It was also nice to meet Death Bringer. Welcome back!
So any of you that were betting we would drop out after that match>> I win, pay me because we are here until we get eliminated.

And to rest of you that laughed at us after and especially those who laughed and are too cowardly to get in it, I dare you to do better (translation: not lose)!