DN8 Captian Sign ups


2008-03-09 09:46:26

Since we're doing the map picking ahead of time, i figured we'd take care of the other problem ahead of time. We need 8 captians, each one needs rcon access to a server and all the maps mentioned in the poll, in case 1 of the 8 doesnt show up, we'll need back up captians too, post if your avialable for either position.

with modus or me, we need 7 more.

poll: http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... =17&t=1138


2008-03-10 17:09:42

well good idea.... this has been the one thing slowing us down. I know not everyone wants to be a captain. And maybe we should do some sort of set way of picking. But the faster we get captains the faster we can get everything going.