2008-05-14 03:33:39
This is a quick run down of what a player needed to do if they intend to play euro draft night.
First u need Ventrilo here a tutorial of how to install it.
courtesy of Roel for lending raw server for the community
The vent channel will look like this. next
Join player pool channel >then channel close at start time> captain are picked> caps pick team> then cap post comment with ip where there team should go. GL HF

First u need Ventrilo here a tutorial of how to install it.
courtesy of Roel for lending raw server for the community
Next join 30mins before the start time. start time is at 6pm cetHostname ip:
Password: rawkillers
all others are default
Tutorial how to get ventrilo
Click here to get vent, press I agree
Download and install it all on default, no special settings
The vent channel will look like this. next
Join player pool channel >then channel close at start time> captain are picked> caps pick team> then cap post comment with ip where there team should go. GL HF