Hl2dm Draft night 15


2008-06-08 21:08:31

so i'm get this on out now so we can get the maps on the servers

tdm_warlock_r1_b2 - 4
dm_tides_b - 3
dm_refinary_b6 - 2

Thursday will be the cut off, post up what maps you want


2008-06-08 23:36:09

yes ninojman is my idol


2008-06-09 19:17:27

also this gives us a chance to d/l them, I realize too late that we didn't have most of the maps for draft in our cal server, I will use the other server which has more selections of maps next time.



2008-06-11 00:26:18

ninojman wrote: dm_tides_b - 3
dm_refinary_b6 - 2
cant wait to see how dm_tides_b plays out


2008-06-11 00:56:21

I moved the time back to 9pm est, Also another change is, you no longer have a choice of being a captain or not. I will pick 8 captains and use the hat program to randomize them for teams. If you don't want to make picks, that is fine i will make the best choice on the board, i have done this before and given the person i was going to pick.

If you need a ringer it needs to be of equal skill to who you had, no upgrades. If you have questions about this find me, if I find out that you told your last pick to leave or just didn't help him get into the match you will be perma banned with invx and blas. Help the new to the draft players know what is going on. The draft channel will be closed to talking from now on, if we want the draft to run smoothly i need to be able to talk to everyone and make sure everything is straight. I had my pub in my comment with the first map for downloading, but a bunch didn't hear this because of useless chatter.

If you have a server and you want to use it

connect 69.242.67:27015; password scrim

thats "connect "space" "server ip" ";" "space" "password" "space" "the password"

this way people can just right click goto miscellaneous < copy comment. Then load up hl2dm and paste into console and join the server.


2008-06-15 21:39:21

lol nino, you seem a little tense...need more /_\ ?