2009-05-11 06:55:48
Rules are as follows:
2v2 cup Goals:
1 - Fun
2 - Revive/Continue competition play in hl2dm.
3 - Provide a friendly atmosphere were games are to be played, not look for ways to get a forfeit.
4 - Provide 5 matches for every team involved.
Map – A virtual battlefield where teams compete.
Round - A battle on a single map instance consisting of 20 minutes with the winner consisting of the team with the most total points at the end.
Match – Two rounds on the same map with the winner being determined by the team with them highest sum of scores at the end of both rounds. If the scores are the same at the end of the two rounds then the match is called a tie.
Home Team - The team listed in the left column on the schedule page.
Away Team – The team listed in the right column on the schedule page.
Demo – A demo is an in game recording of your match created by the game by typing “record demoname” in the console once inside your match. A demo file will be created in your Half-Life 2 Deathmatch directory. A source TV recording may not be substituted for individually recorded demos.
Map Selections
The map cycle will be posted.
Team Rules
Teams are responsible for ensuring all members of their team understand and follow these rules set forth by the DMU 2v2 cup. Violation of any requirement listed here will result in the removal of the offending team(s) as well as other match penalties as determined by tournament administrators. If you do not understand these rules clearly, it is YOUR responsibility to seek clarification from a tournament admin.
The captain or designee of each team must take screenshots of 1) the initial console before each round played, to display the server’s sv_pure mode; and 2) the scoreboard and console status displaying the names and Steam IDs of all the participating players in the server.
3) All players must also take screenshots of the opposing players before each round starts 4) each round’s final scoreboard.
Client Variables
At no time shall any participant modify any commands that would alter or enhance their experience through the use of console commands. Specific cases are as such; cl_cmdrate must be set between 30 and 100; cl_updaterate must be set between 20 and 100; rate must be set between 5000 and 30000.
All participants are required to record first-person demos of all league matches. You must have a separate demo for each round of play as well as for any overtime rounds if required; be sure to stop recording before joining a different server or starting a new round for the second half or subsequent overtimes. Source TV demos may not be recorded in lieu of individually recorded demos.
Just dont be an asshat. No spraying. No mm1 save for team captains (before or during the round) (ns, ty, gg etc, will not count). No spraying, tea bagging. Be respectful at all times. Match comms should be clean of flames by the involved parties. Spam will be removed.
Team Play
For the team divisions 2v2 play is MANDATORY. for each division respectively. The only time at which uneven play will be accepted is in the event of connection issues causing TEMPORARY mid-match problems with any given player. As suggested by several other portions of this ruleset, the use of non-rostered is not allowed under any circumstances. Doing so will result in a removal of the individual in question from the tourney, and may result in match overturn.
As in all sports, substitutes are allowed. Furthermore, substitutions may only be made in between rounds. Substitutes must be on the roster and no exceptions will be permitted at any time.
Calling the Match
Regulation matches consist of a total of 2 rounds, with the winner being the team with highest total score at the end of the two rounds. If there is a tie after the end of the rounds, overtime will be played Overtime: Two 5 minute rounds. Home team has first model choice. Points are awarded as follows: W=4 pts, Tie=3 pts, L=2pts, FW=1pt, FL=0 pts. Under no circumstances should a player voluntarily leave the server before all rounds have been completed (with the exception of a between rounds substitution). If a player or team does leave before match completion, the leaving player or team will be deemed to forfeit. Likewise if a player is kicked from the server by the opposing team, the opposing team will be deemed to forfeit.
In-Game Techniques
Physics Lock - Players are not allowed to intentionally induce physics lock. Physics lock is when a large number of physics objects are touching each other and the engine treats them as a single object often to reduce server load. This is often used to block passages permanently.
Weapon Erase - The use of this exploit is strictly forbidden. Should a player accidentally erase a weapon during a match (something that should not occur during regular play), they can avoid further penalty by admitting the error and forfeiting the current round.
Out Of Bounds - A player who accidentally ends up in an out of bounds area on a map (via a physics glitch or from enemy fire) must immediately return to the legal area. If this is not possible due to clipping issues, or should a player end up trapped outside of the playable area of a map, they are required to immediately suicide and continue the round. Failing to suicide promptly in this situation, or remaining outside of the map or in an illegal area in order to wait out the clock, will result in a match overturn. Purposefully attaining an illegal area or escaping the map will also result in a match overturn.
Spectate Mode - A player who enters spectate mode at any time during a match forfeits the round. It is up to players to make sure that any binds or aliases pertaining to spectate mode are not accidentally activated during play.
Respawn Time - Any attempt to stay dead longer than the maximum respawn time will result in a match overturn.
Match ringers will not be tolerated. If a match ringer is suspected, notify the admins immediately. Ringing or allowing an individual to appear as you in a match will result in removal of both players from the tourney.
Match comms will be in open forums, you may need to ignore parties not involved in the match (you can request for posts to be deleted if needed). For pool play you will know your next 3 opponents You are expected to complete matches ASAP and have 3 weeks to complete them. For Tournament play you will have one week to complete each of these matches.
Server Usage
The HOME team will play on their server for both rounds. If the HOME team does not have a server (or HOME server is deemed unusable. See Server Types, and or Latency), the match is to be played on the AWAY team's server.
Pool play the Home team will be random, For match play high seed will be Home
Server Types
The match must be played on a dedicated server connected to at least a T1 connection. The Server must be located in North America to be eligible for HL2dm 2v2 cup. Cable, DSL, Satellite or other broadband connections are not acceptable at this time. LAN Center players are not allowed to use servers located at their LAN Center. Additionally, any server that allows one of the teams to ping less than 5 to is not usable for match play. A suitable neutral server should be used instead.
Server Latency
In the event of a major ping discrepancy (+/- 50 ms average difference between teams), the match should be played on the opposing teams server or a neutral server must be used unless both teams agree that the match should proceed.
56K or EU players will not be subject to the ping rule and should not be used in the calculation of the average ping.
ALL servers must be posted in the online match communications 24 hours prior to the match time with an IP and password so that the other team can test the server connection for lag and game play issues. If no attempt is made to offer a server for your team, and the opposing team has offered a server, the entire match may be played on the opposing team's server per their request. In case of a server crash, the unfinished rounds are to be completed with the past score in mind. Please be sure to pay attention to the score in case of a difficulty of the server. It is important to prevent disputes by being aware. Teams need to make sure that they can get access to the server logs in a timely manner in case of dispute.
All server modifications must be disabled unless agreed upon by both teams in match comms.
If only one team has a playable server, the team with the playable server will host the entire match. Teams may borrow a playable server. All servers must run the appropriate tournament match configuration during tournament matches.
Spectators - Spectators are not allowed on the game server itself, but are permitted on a relayed source TV server with a 180 second delay.
Scripting - Players are not permitted to use scripts to perform ingame techniques of any sort, nor are they allowed to assign more than one gameplay function to a given key or button via the ; command. The server cvar sv_allow_wait_command must be set to "0" at all times during match play (as set in the cal.cfgs), and can be tested by typing "wait" in console; if set correctly to 0, the wait will generate an error message. Evidence of macro use, either from an external application or from programmable peripherals, counts as scripting and will result in similar penalties.
Modified Files - Match servers must be running in sv_pure 2 mode, which forces all model, sound, texture, skin and associated files to be loaded from the steam gcfs. The only modified files that will be allowed are those involving the resource folder (crosshairs / clientscheme) and the cfg folder (configs). Servers unable to run in sv_pure 2 mode, for whatever reason, are not acceptable for match play. Furthermore, if a match is proven to have been held in non sv_pure 2 mode, the team hosting the match will be subject to a match overturn.
After finishing the first round of the match, players are allowed an optional 5-10 minute break. If second round server arrangements were made previously, the second-round hosting team should direct their opponents to their server.
If a team fails to show up in the designated server or fails to return after the 10 minute break, the team still present may report the match as a win for themselves.
After completion of the match, the winning team must report the results within 24 hours. Ideally, results should be reported immediately, but it is understood that this is not always possible. The winning team must submit screen shots of the scoreboards from each of the two rounds. These must be the final scores at the end of each round. The winning team should post End Round SS in a New thread in the draft forums titled under this format "Team A vs Team B results"
then post the SS's. Again be respectful in your comments of the game. This thread will require respect for the involved parties.
Teams reporting false match scores will be suspended and may be deactivated and removed from the league.
If you feel someone has violated a rule, gone over the line and not acting with respect, and or used a third party program to gain an advantage. Please report this person to an admin and an investigation will begin.
2v2 cup Goals:
1 - Fun
2 - Revive/Continue competition play in hl2dm.
3 - Provide a friendly atmosphere were games are to be played, not look for ways to get a forfeit.
4 - Provide 5 matches for every team involved.
Map – A virtual battlefield where teams compete.
Round - A battle on a single map instance consisting of 20 minutes with the winner consisting of the team with the most total points at the end.
Match – Two rounds on the same map with the winner being determined by the team with them highest sum of scores at the end of both rounds. If the scores are the same at the end of the two rounds then the match is called a tie.
Home Team - The team listed in the left column on the schedule page.
Away Team – The team listed in the right column on the schedule page.
Demo – A demo is an in game recording of your match created by the game by typing “record demoname” in the console once inside your match. A demo file will be created in your Half-Life 2 Deathmatch directory. A source TV recording may not be substituted for individually recorded demos.
Map Selections
The map cycle will be posted.
Team Rules
Teams are responsible for ensuring all members of their team understand and follow these rules set forth by the DMU 2v2 cup. Violation of any requirement listed here will result in the removal of the offending team(s) as well as other match penalties as determined by tournament administrators. If you do not understand these rules clearly, it is YOUR responsibility to seek clarification from a tournament admin.
The captain or designee of each team must take screenshots of 1) the initial console before each round played, to display the server’s sv_pure mode; and 2) the scoreboard and console status displaying the names and Steam IDs of all the participating players in the server.
3) All players must also take screenshots of the opposing players before each round starts 4) each round’s final scoreboard.
Client Variables
At no time shall any participant modify any commands that would alter or enhance their experience through the use of console commands. Specific cases are as such; cl_cmdrate must be set between 30 and 100; cl_updaterate must be set between 20 and 100; rate must be set between 5000 and 30000.
All participants are required to record first-person demos of all league matches. You must have a separate demo for each round of play as well as for any overtime rounds if required; be sure to stop recording before joining a different server or starting a new round for the second half or subsequent overtimes. Source TV demos may not be recorded in lieu of individually recorded demos.
Just dont be an asshat. No spraying. No mm1 save for team captains (before or during the round) (ns, ty, gg etc, will not count). No spraying, tea bagging. Be respectful at all times. Match comms should be clean of flames by the involved parties. Spam will be removed.
Team Play
For the team divisions 2v2 play is MANDATORY. for each division respectively. The only time at which uneven play will be accepted is in the event of connection issues causing TEMPORARY mid-match problems with any given player. As suggested by several other portions of this ruleset, the use of non-rostered is not allowed under any circumstances. Doing so will result in a removal of the individual in question from the tourney, and may result in match overturn.
As in all sports, substitutes are allowed. Furthermore, substitutions may only be made in between rounds. Substitutes must be on the roster and no exceptions will be permitted at any time.
Calling the Match
Regulation matches consist of a total of 2 rounds, with the winner being the team with highest total score at the end of the two rounds. If there is a tie after the end of the rounds, overtime will be played Overtime: Two 5 minute rounds. Home team has first model choice. Points are awarded as follows: W=4 pts, Tie=3 pts, L=2pts, FW=1pt, FL=0 pts. Under no circumstances should a player voluntarily leave the server before all rounds have been completed (with the exception of a between rounds substitution). If a player or team does leave before match completion, the leaving player or team will be deemed to forfeit. Likewise if a player is kicked from the server by the opposing team, the opposing team will be deemed to forfeit.
In-Game Techniques
Physics Lock - Players are not allowed to intentionally induce physics lock. Physics lock is when a large number of physics objects are touching each other and the engine treats them as a single object often to reduce server load. This is often used to block passages permanently.
Weapon Erase - The use of this exploit is strictly forbidden. Should a player accidentally erase a weapon during a match (something that should not occur during regular play), they can avoid further penalty by admitting the error and forfeiting the current round.
Out Of Bounds - A player who accidentally ends up in an out of bounds area on a map (via a physics glitch or from enemy fire) must immediately return to the legal area. If this is not possible due to clipping issues, or should a player end up trapped outside of the playable area of a map, they are required to immediately suicide and continue the round. Failing to suicide promptly in this situation, or remaining outside of the map or in an illegal area in order to wait out the clock, will result in a match overturn. Purposefully attaining an illegal area or escaping the map will also result in a match overturn.
Spectate Mode - A player who enters spectate mode at any time during a match forfeits the round. It is up to players to make sure that any binds or aliases pertaining to spectate mode are not accidentally activated during play.
Respawn Time - Any attempt to stay dead longer than the maximum respawn time will result in a match overturn.
Match ringers will not be tolerated. If a match ringer is suspected, notify the admins immediately. Ringing or allowing an individual to appear as you in a match will result in removal of both players from the tourney.
Match comms will be in open forums, you may need to ignore parties not involved in the match (you can request for posts to be deleted if needed). For pool play you will know your next 3 opponents You are expected to complete matches ASAP and have 3 weeks to complete them. For Tournament play you will have one week to complete each of these matches.
Server Usage
The HOME team will play on their server for both rounds. If the HOME team does not have a server (or HOME server is deemed unusable. See Server Types, and or Latency), the match is to be played on the AWAY team's server.
Pool play the Home team will be random, For match play high seed will be Home
Server Types
The match must be played on a dedicated server connected to at least a T1 connection. The Server must be located in North America to be eligible for HL2dm 2v2 cup. Cable, DSL, Satellite or other broadband connections are not acceptable at this time. LAN Center players are not allowed to use servers located at their LAN Center. Additionally, any server that allows one of the teams to ping less than 5 to is not usable for match play. A suitable neutral server should be used instead.
Server Latency
In the event of a major ping discrepancy (+/- 50 ms average difference between teams), the match should be played on the opposing teams server or a neutral server must be used unless both teams agree that the match should proceed.
56K or EU players will not be subject to the ping rule and should not be used in the calculation of the average ping.
ALL servers must be posted in the online match communications 24 hours prior to the match time with an IP and password so that the other team can test the server connection for lag and game play issues. If no attempt is made to offer a server for your team, and the opposing team has offered a server, the entire match may be played on the opposing team's server per their request. In case of a server crash, the unfinished rounds are to be completed with the past score in mind. Please be sure to pay attention to the score in case of a difficulty of the server. It is important to prevent disputes by being aware. Teams need to make sure that they can get access to the server logs in a timely manner in case of dispute.
All server modifications must be disabled unless agreed upon by both teams in match comms.
If only one team has a playable server, the team with the playable server will host the entire match. Teams may borrow a playable server. All servers must run the appropriate tournament match configuration during tournament matches.
Spectators - Spectators are not allowed on the game server itself, but are permitted on a relayed source TV server with a 180 second delay.
Scripting - Players are not permitted to use scripts to perform ingame techniques of any sort, nor are they allowed to assign more than one gameplay function to a given key or button via the ; command. The server cvar sv_allow_wait_command must be set to "0" at all times during match play (as set in the cal.cfgs), and can be tested by typing "wait" in console; if set correctly to 0, the wait will generate an error message. Evidence of macro use, either from an external application or from programmable peripherals, counts as scripting and will result in similar penalties.
Modified Files - Match servers must be running in sv_pure 2 mode, which forces all model, sound, texture, skin and associated files to be loaded from the steam gcfs. The only modified files that will be allowed are those involving the resource folder (crosshairs / clientscheme) and the cfg folder (configs). Servers unable to run in sv_pure 2 mode, for whatever reason, are not acceptable for match play. Furthermore, if a match is proven to have been held in non sv_pure 2 mode, the team hosting the match will be subject to a match overturn.
After finishing the first round of the match, players are allowed an optional 5-10 minute break. If second round server arrangements were made previously, the second-round hosting team should direct their opponents to their server.
If a team fails to show up in the designated server or fails to return after the 10 minute break, the team still present may report the match as a win for themselves.
After completion of the match, the winning team must report the results within 24 hours. Ideally, results should be reported immediately, but it is understood that this is not always possible. The winning team must submit screen shots of the scoreboards from each of the two rounds. These must be the final scores at the end of each round. The winning team should post End Round SS in a New thread in the draft forums titled under this format "Team A vs Team B results"
then post the SS's. Again be respectful in your comments of the game. This thread will require respect for the involved parties.
Teams reporting false match scores will be suspended and may be deactivated and removed from the league.
If you feel someone has violated a rule, gone over the line and not acting with respect, and or used a third party program to gain an advantage. Please report this person to an admin and an investigation will begin.