2009-05-11 07:00:19
Round 2 - dm_warlock_final
Round 3 - dm_jaeger_rc2
Pool play should be finished not latter then June 4th (the sooner the better) ALL MATCHES NOT PLAYED PAST THIS DATE WILL BE FORFEITS FOR BOTH PARTIES.
Get in contact with the teams you play, you can play you R2 before your R1 to help scheduling if needed. Please make a post for match comms and so people know when the match is taking place, if you can make stv available please do.
(If the dmu map contest is finished we will use the top 2 here)
Semi-Finals - dm_biohazard_cal
Finals - dm_caverns_r1
Also note I added the home and away team. Each pool should follow this format. I did them randomly. Oddly enough the top seed does not get a home match in pool play. Away team has model choice first round. The higher seed for the playoffs will get Home, which will be based on points from the pool play.
- Attachments
- 2V2EXP.jpg (45.45 KiB) Viewed 1230 times
- CUP1V12.jpg (178.05 KiB) Viewed 1478 times