pancakes to 911 matchcomm


2009-06-17 22:39:08

When do you want to do this? We can play most nights after 9 est and before about midnight, advanced notice is usually required.


2009-06-20 02:09:09

match scheduled for this sunday sometime between 9 est and 12 est.


2009-06-21 06:51:05

could we use the sw server for this match? according to who is home team we are supposed to use the 911 server, but due to geographic locations it seems like that would violate the ping rules ( I'm pretty sure the 911 server is in texas). so yeah. sw central? if not perhaps we could use the ewr match server nino? pb said that one is in st. luis, which is even more central than chicago.


2009-06-21 09:32:54

talk to pb, winner plays HC, loser play FS. Not much time to get the final match finished. Sorry i haven't posted a bracket lately