Draft Format/Information

Walking Target

2008-01-13 21:49:46

joule wrote:
ninojman wrote:
Walking Target wrote:I think it's has been moved to the 20th anyway.
was always the 20th, I think biweekly may be best might. Slim chance it will goto weekly, we will have to see how the turn out is with cal going,
Actually in the Steam Community Events it says both the 13th and 20th. I guess you forgot to remove it.
I'll fix it right now.


2008-01-29 20:45:49

What are the usual start times?


2008-01-30 01:13:08

Hermione wrote:What are the usual start times?
6pm est (-5GMT) The steam msg gets sent out on 'Draft night", 'Hl2DMU', 'HL2DM Scrimmage' Groups and ppl begin to fill the vent servers at 6:30 i pick captains if any are needed still at 6:45 we begin picks, By 7:00pm we start joining the servers for the first round of matches.


2008-02-25 22:38:22

ok added to the rules here

anyone think of any issue i missed etc ?


2008-04-26 07:30:59

quick suggestion; I think it would be easier to figure out if you put screenshots of what the screens should look like after you put in the info correctly.

and you spelled "port" wrong.
you spelled it "post"
just realized that after fumbling with it for about half an hour wondering what a post was. :lol:


2008-05-01 02:42:30

Also, to connect to server, go to misc. and copy comment. If the comment is just the IP, you will have to (in the console) put connect 3434532356447 password; whatever and then connect.
Some dumbass Pub Noobs like me don't know this stuff!