Results! 1/20/08


2008-01-21 06:30:12

Plz post your screenshots/demos- stv or personal


2008-01-21 06:36:24

So who else had a good time this evening? I know I did! Had some sick frags. :)

Well I have no demos. Just screenies. Feast your eyes...

Team 7 Vs Team 2

Round One

Round Two

ggs all

And nice ping Neo. 8)


2008-01-21 06:46:49

lmfao, i wanna know what that guy in your sig is looking at..


2008-01-21 06:47:54

team 4 screenshots:





2008-01-21 06:52:09

I was watching that last match between Team 4 and 2. Intense and very close!

Walking Target

2008-01-21 07:13:33

graffitiknockout wrote:lmfao, i wanna know what that guy in your sig is looking at..
His avatar and his sig are looking at each other!


2008-01-21 07:42:41

Walking Target wrote:
graffitiknockout wrote:lmfao, i wanna know what that guy in your sig is looking at..
His avatar and his sig are looking at each other!

Finals HLDN 4


Walking Target

2008-01-21 07:48:22

ooo close. ggs guys, hope you all had a good time.


2008-01-21 10:00:33

suggestion..make like a "Hall of Fame of Draft Night" or something like that, all the teams that won from each draft + final round scores.

ie. Draft Night #1

Team <number> which consisited of:


then final round screenies at the bottom.

Walking Target

2008-01-21 10:31:02

Actually I have been thinking about a Hall of Fame for the site. Something to motivate players to participate. Get back to you on it soon...


2008-01-21 12:25:14

I got banned from the vent for using text to speech once saying hi this is zohar whats up. I don't know why but I did.


2008-01-21 14:17:32

GGz to all from last night

Jelly Fox

2008-01-21 15:25:37

I blame the lag :D

Vs Team 3
Round 1:
Round 2:

Vs Team 2
Round 1:
Round 2:



2008-01-21 16:50:45

zohar wrote:I got banned from the vent for using text to speech once saying hi this is zohar whats up. I don't know why but I did.
It's an auto ban on the vent, sorry you should have messaged me on steam and or IRC #hl2dm @


2008-01-21 19:43:53

Having been toyed with by Neo a few times, I must admit that those scores make me want to crawl to a corner and assume the fetal position! :shock:


2008-01-21 20:11:26

surprisingly I enjoyed the game despite the lag and the first time i played caverns reminds me of a urban jungle. But i really enjoyed the game where my team lost to team 4 that won by 2 frags damn only if i did not die 2 more times or killed 2 more ohh well gg. :D


2008-01-21 20:12:46

ninojman wrote:
zohar wrote:I got banned from the vent for using text to speech once saying hi this is zohar whats up. I don't know why but I did.
It's an auto ban on the vent, sorry you should have messaged me on steam and or IRC #hl2dm @
Ahhh, no problem, couldn't make it anyways, just wanted to listen in.


2008-01-21 21:37:17

i blame my shitty 22kb connection i took a demo of me just shooting at {HE} Rejected and on the third shot iin the first 41 seconds my mouse was dead on i clicked and the ballistics went an inch to the right of his head so i only blame my connection for everything atm until i can upgrade and say "Oh, well it must be the server."


2008-01-21 21:40:40

look at the ping the loweset i get is TWC which i moved closer to and its 79 ping now, before it was 19

Walking Target

2008-01-21 21:42:03

Yeah Neo is playing with a disadvantage. He is getting Euro pings from the US. :shock:


2008-01-21 22:31:45 ... adc13bc24e

watch this demo ftw?!???????????????


2008-01-22 07:20:13

Very fun congrats to my team (Team 4) on some very close games and hard teamwork. Also congrats to the winners Yard, Hidden, Neo and Cold. Very close fun game. :twisted:


2008-01-22 08:24:49

Yea Gas kept crashing out of the game during our first match. LOLOL Damn Valve! The scores may have been closer if that hadnt happened (not that they werent pretty close).

Once again a great night and GGz!!


2008-01-22 18:32:09

i think gas has crashed at least twice in every scrim i've played against him, during the draft we had 8 people and props flying over everywhere on biohazard, and not one crash.

after cleaning up my screenshot and demo directories, i have noticed i crash far less, and connect to servers quicker, i plan on deleting all the bullshit maps from my map directory as well, infact the only time i've crashed in the last few months is while test playing on my own server while jumping off an elev and catching a nade in my gravity gun (seems to happen no matter what map i'm playing).

back on topic, when can we expect to see this draft hall of fame added to the site?

Walking Target

2008-01-22 19:58:07

Well it's not a tough one to do...which means a day or two, plus add a week of possible procrastination on my part, so within 10 days tops. ;)


2008-01-22 20:04:48

I don't like the idea of a Hall of Fame. What about those who weren't fortunate enough to be placed on a good enough team and still want to participate?

Walking Target

2008-01-22 20:12:30

Well it's just something for fun, kind of motivational...and there is always next time.
Play in enough drafts and eventually you will get a spot.


2008-01-22 20:18:13

should have all the SS's of the finals in these threads

Walking Target

2008-01-22 20:26:58

Just missing the first draft I think?


2008-01-22 20:47:25

i think its a good idea, as we encourage teams to pick at least 1 player that you are unfamilar with, chances are that player has friends or clan mates he'll brag to if he is picked on the team that wins one of the draft nights, which hopefully makes them interested in the event.

Walking Target

2008-01-22 20:57:16

Yeah, good point. Just keep in mind the spirit of the event, which is to have fun and get good matches with roughly balanced teams. A spot in the hall of fame is just the nice bonus you get if you happen to be on the winning team.

We will also be keeping a record of the winners of other leagues that we endorse.


2008-01-22 21:01:04

Walking Target wrote:Just missing the first draft I think?

it's down at the bottom meh they took them down, i'll get em from dal

Walking Target

2008-01-22 21:03:02

Cool, thanks man. I'll get the Hall started and add em in later.