2008-03-01 23:41:14
2008-03-01 23:41:14
2008-03-02 00:42:02
Walking Target
2008-03-02 02:21:34
2008-03-02 03:54:25
yup =)I prefer physcannon, so you don't accidentally switch back to your prev weapon when you really need your grav gun.
Jelly Fox
2008-03-02 04:02:30
x20nti wrote:yup =)I prefer physcannon, so you don't accidentally switch back to your prev weapon when you really need your grav gun.
2008-03-02 09:03:50
2008-03-02 09:09:07
2008-03-03 21:39:43
2008-03-03 21:56:34
well there's only two speeds... slow and fast... when you see an orb that comes out "faster", the speed doesn't change, it just left your gravity gun sooner because your timing was better..Cynips wrote:I figured the difference in orb speed was due to difference in timing of the push after you've switched to grav gun. That is, how close to the grav gun the orb is when you manage to push it.
2008-03-03 22:50:11
The only thing is I have set rates, and when on the same server at the same time some players will seem to just be able to get one going faster then others. I know both are fast balls cause there is a huge difference between the fast and slow balls. But there are some players out there where I just find their balls are easier to catch and easier to track and see, where as others seem to just cruise faster then the average fast baller. And the difference can be seen when people just shoot them strait at you some guys seem to be able to sneak it through your grav fun better then others even on strait shots with no bounces and long distances.invx001 wrote:i always thought it was a rate thing or net prob that made orbs appear faster
Walking Target
2008-03-03 23:03:01
2008-03-03 23:39:19
i always just use the straight walls in LD in the bathroom, since it dies right in front of your face after a bounce or twoWalking Target wrote:Hop in a big open map like spookface and see if you can get the orb to go different distances. Orbs are on a timer so if they only go 2 speeds, there will be two fixed distances they can reach.
nade maeggs
2008-03-04 00:21:46
Jelly Fox
2008-03-04 02:17:48
ahhhh...cheers for the tip. I just hold my Pri Fire and keep tapping my GGgun key.nade maeggs wrote:Yes there are faster fastballs.You need a good timing when you kick it away.
Try to vary that timing. Make it a bit later then shortest possible and dont just spam the mousebutton.
2008-03-04 12:10:55
2008-03-04 22:34:50
2008-03-05 00:02:33
nade maeggs
2008-03-05 00:09:46
Walking Target
2008-03-05 01:14:15
nade maeggs
2008-03-05 01:20:10
2008-03-05 04:49:47
2008-03-11 06:31:55
Lol, when I read your first post, I was like this guy must play killboxes... Sorry to burst your bubble dude, there is only one speed above normal... fast. No variations otherwise. The issue you bring up about people not being able to catch it because it's too fast.. just bad timing, nothing more. The bounces you bring up... it's all in your head, it just looks faster than fast, cause it's fuckin fasT!!!! There is such a small timing window for firing fastballs, anywhere in the strip will give you the same result. Although! WT, your test is 'slightly' off. If you did test the way you mentioned, there would be about a foot or two gap in between some of the fastballs. The ball expiration timer starts the second you hit the ball. When firing a fast orb, you can fire one where the ball is 'basically' behind the discharge on the ggun itself, and you can also fastball about 2 feet ahead of yourself, so there could be a minor gap. (Again, if only one person does this test, they've most likely been fast balling for so long, all of their tests may come up exactly the same, cause they have good timing) But in general, the tests would come up very close to each other and prove that people in killboxes just see this game a hair differently... (Lay off the crack, son!)nade maeggs wrote:no its not... really.. why the hell are you not able to react on a fast ball from the other side of a kbh box because its too damn fast??
Not bouncing from any walls just a direct shot... you can perform better ones then the usual fastball thats for sure.
The speed of a fastball does vary depending on which time you give it untill you push it away.
nade maeggs
2008-03-11 19:59:40
[EYE] Valar
2008-03-11 20:16:38
2008-03-11 21:54:58
D: !If its the same speed why would ppl write scripts for fastballs?? And i dont talk about noobs i talk about experienced players who dont have any problems doin normal fastballs...
QFT....using fast ball scripts sounds SO lame....anyone writing or using a script for fastballs should seek help.
2008-03-11 22:07:23
Cannon Foddr
2008-03-13 01:56:49
2008-03-13 04:26:38
Actually the more people who can confirm they see it helps us that also see it, not feel like were crazy or just seeing things. I find it real odd that some of the real long time players are so adamant about it not being possible to have more than one speed of fast. It makes me think they just have never been able to punch it fast enough to make it happen.Cannon Foddr wrote:When I practice on my own server, Killbox_TSGK_v8, I bounce the blue container around with fast balls, or try to shoot them into the bunker from all kinds of angles. Never had a doubt there's different speeds of fast. What seems strange to me, is that when I fire several balls in a row, the first one usually is slowest.
Some of you may look down on killbox players, but the difference in speed is of course much more noticeable in a large empty place than in a lockdown hallway.
edit: sry, didn't read the whole post, everything seems to have been said and it's time to wait for someone with a demoed test.
Walking Target
2008-03-13 05:07:54
Well I have seen what I thought looked like different speeds many times, but actual testing proved it to be either a trick of perception, or some weird phenomenon relating to lag.L2k wrote:I find it real odd that some of the real long time players are so adamant about it not being possible to have more than one speed of fast. It makes me think they just have never been able to punch it fast enough to make it happen.
2008-03-13 10:40:58
2008-03-13 12:57:15
Walking Target
2008-03-13 18:59:50
Sounds similar to what Modal was saying, the timer starts when you hit it, so maybe the glitch is causing you to hit it later.L2k wrote:the slow orb would now bounce off the wall and return a distance about the equivalent of a blue dumpster, the fast ball had the same result.
2008-03-13 20:16:09
2008-03-13 20:44:49
2008-03-13 21:08:06
2008-03-13 21:14:26
2008-03-13 21:15:25
Walking Target
2008-03-13 21:20:07
Yeah, I get that sound too.Zman42 wrote:i always wanted to test this: can other players hear the nonexistent orb fire? cause i get very annoyed at the sound it makes, but maybe others cant hear it?
2008-03-13 22:58:43
2008-03-14 22:31:21
2008-03-14 22:52:13
2008-03-15 02:49:17
2008-03-15 03:23:31
Could we start with you? That would be nice.Jettex wrote: Absolutely NO sound from the ball at all. I wish people would tell others about this.
2008-03-15 03:28:25
2008-03-15 03:28:54
2008-03-15 03:30:49
2008-03-15 05:50:49
2008-03-15 22:52:36
L2k wrote:Could we start with you? That would be nice.Jettex wrote: Absolutely NO sound from the ball at all. I wish people would tell others about this.
2008-03-16 03:31:35
Maybe ping? if you play against really low ping players (around 10), the orb leaves really quickly D:First off, I dont believe there are faster speeds of a speedball. I think what I've always noticed was that people can fire fastballs faster than most. It seems like that by the time you can recognize the sound of the altfire firing up its way too late even if you're a good distance from the player. Theres players that fire fast orb and its like ok I have an hour to grab this thing and theres other times where some l337 players seem to fire the orb faster. And I dont mean a faster speed.
2008-03-16 06:52:44
2008-03-16 07:05:23
I found it by myself long ago, and I DID tell everyone, or at least those who read the forums...Let me clarify. No I had no idea you could even silence the g-gun when holding any prop. Glad someone knows but hasnt told anyone. *sigh*
2008-03-16 13:14:02
2008-03-16 16:15:30
D; ????-_-
2008-03-17 01:20:33
Yep, that's where I first learned about it. Uncle Onty told me.0nti wrote:I found it by myself long ago, and I DID tell everyone, or at least those who read the forums...Let me clarify. No I had no idea you could even silence the g-gun when holding any prop. Glad someone knows but hasnt told anyone. *sigh*
check my post in this old thread.
http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... a&start=20
2008-03-17 02:25:09
2008-03-17 02:36:06
2008-03-17 05:33:29
2008-03-17 15:33:36
nade maeggs
2008-03-17 20:10:37
2008-03-18 01:49:55
:roll:invx001 wrote:HeHeHe![]()
2008-03-18 07:54:10
looks like someone knowsinvx001 wrote:HeHeHe![]()
2008-03-18 17:47:03
haha I remember i spilled da beans on the fast vent to a few people when i wasn't suppose to and they told allot of other people about it scar *cough cough* woops sry about that had something in my throat.Jettex wrote:Let me clarify. No I had no idea you could even silence the g-gun when holding any prop. Glad someone knows but hasnt told anyone. *sigh*
@ seagull: yeah you're right in that aspect that by that time you wouldnt hear it, but the funny thing is the ball itself was rabbit punched and still made no noise. No g-gun noise, no orb noise. And it stayed no matter how long you were holding it nor how many times it was rabbit punched. I wish SOMEONE would clarify such stuff and techniques instead of holding it back. Like the whole speed crouch thing...apparently players like St!nky and Hidden maybe? already knew about it but never bothered to tell anyone, then it got leaked, and now everyone knows. Someday, everyone will be on the same page in this game. Sure you could argue that these players dont want everyone to know game-breaking things such as listed above, but you know damn well its so they can have the advantage. I dont blame them though. I probably wouldnt tell half you mofos anything either. :\
Im bitter. So what?
EDIT: However I must say thanks for clarifying the fact that you can silence your g-gun with any prop. Its no wonder i play certain elites 1v1 and they come up behind me holding a prop and blast me with it yet I never heard a damn sound. Just makes me want to use that sort of thing against them too. Thanks!
2008-03-27 03:12:51
nade maeggs
2008-03-27 03:39:27
2008-03-27 19:13:54
2008-03-28 05:02:09
2008-03-28 19:13:30
2008-03-29 01:19:35
2008-03-29 18:54:18