Ramp slide in hl2dm?


2008-03-28 19:45:27

It seems you can ramp slide in hl2dm, I kinda knew you probly could but I've never heard anyone talk about it. I searched the forums for this and couldn't find anything that described the technique, only little pieces of text that hint at it being possible. First of all is this a reliable technique that can be consistantly recreated? Second, how is it done reliably? I only ask this because I was practicing bhopping on biohazard and as I exited the bathroom with the shotty and combine ball, I tried to starfe jump up onto the L shaped stairs. I made it up and wsa on the edge and just tried to do a bunny hop to hold my momentum and ended up sliding up the stair case with momentum to spare at the top. I started to try and recreate this and after a while I was getting up the stairs with one strafe jump in one smooth motion with lots of momentum when I reached the top to go bhopping away. This seems like it would be a ramp slide since the stairs were boardered with ramps. I can't however do the same thing on lostvillage and still have a ton of momentum at the top...amybe its a little bit of a different technique. I was just hoping some one who knows for sure could clarify for me and possibly explain the technique.


2008-03-28 20:26:30

One time Scar explained to me on lostvillage, and the key was to spam the jump key on the ramp as soon as you land on it.

Try mousewheel down for jump (lol) makes a lot of things easier. :wink:


2008-03-28 20:54:54

Ahha that would make sense. The thing is, what I experience on biohazard last night leads me to believe that its not neccissary to spam. I made it up both stairs in one fluid strafe jump and bounce. Do you have to keep spaming it as you go up the ramp, or is it just a matter of getting the right timing when you first hit the ramp resulting in a slide the rest of the ramp?


2008-03-28 21:17:42

yeah i do that often too, just...idk really how i did it.

i do it usually 100% time without thinking about it, it just happens.


2008-03-28 21:52:14

Try this on water as well ;)


2008-03-28 23:55:29

Scar wrote:yeah i do that often too, just...idk really how i did it.
I know this is my problem, I just do it and it works but I can't figure out the exact things I do to make it happen. Mine also isn't 100% consistant yet so I don't think im doing the same thing everytime, keystroke and mouse wise. Meh i guess I'll just experiment with it and see if I can find a key/mouse combo that consistanly results in a "ramp slide."

@ Coke Does it make you skim across the water? Thats what it used to do in CS, great fun and pretty funny looking.

Walking Target

2008-03-28 23:56:35

Shhh don't give up the top secret dolphin-hopping technique. :shock:


2008-03-29 00:21:27

EEEK!!!! Sorry! EEEK! :lol:

There is always an ending slide to a landing hop because of the friction in a server, instead of coming to a stop, you're pressing jump, and since it is slanted, you keep that ending slide going with your previous jumping momentum, so you will eventually come to a stop if the slant is high enough, (depending on server variables), but this knowledge can mean the difference between getting some nice weapons, or getting capped in the ass.


2008-03-29 00:22:10

*zips mouth shut* Don't worry WT the dolphin hop is safe with me. :wink: If the fabled triple shotty shot wasn't enough to boggle the mind, enter, dun dun duuunnnnn the mystical Dhop :shock: LOL

Edit: Word thanks Coke. I figured thats what it was. Its always nice to have people confirm your hypothesis though, makes for less steps of testing for me. hehehe


2008-03-29 01:12:51

yeah I always get this...just dunno how to do it D: !


2008-03-29 05:24:02

does anyone have a demo? D:

i can't picture this in my head :/


2008-03-29 06:08:26

Is this trimping, gaining speed from jumping down on a slide, or what? Sorry, I can't really imagine it either.


2008-03-29 06:16:23

More like maintaining speed while going UP a slide, so it's one steady movement from point A to point B, nothing really complex. (This is the way I imagined it from epoch's post..)


http://files.filefront.com/slantjumpthi ... einfo.html

http://dodownload.filefront.com/9910687 ... a7655139b9 (Direct Download - For her pleasure!)

I'm sure you guys do it all the time without thinking it's a big deal, no?


2008-03-29 15:22:41

does anyone have a demo? D:
i can't picture this in my head :/
Lets see if I can help.
I think he means for instance, you know on lostvillage, from tank to that "block" or "metal wall" (whatever), there is this ramp. Sometimes when you bhop over it while going up, you don't stop, but slide over it and go sent up high (not much).
It's weird but useful....I just do it from time to time without no idea on how I do....It just happends =/


2008-03-29 18:47:41

Thats exactly what I was trying to describe, thanks Onti. I'll make a demo tonight of the one in Biohazard and post it. Now whats this about trimping? Does this also work in hl2dm? I really want to get a handle on what is possible with advanced movement, casue I thought I knew until I accidentally ramp slid and was like "huh that was different." i've seen all of this demonstrated in Q3 vids but never seen people capitalizing on it in hl2dm. Maybe if we had more quake style maps it would be more popular. I would just think that advanced movement tecniques like ramp sliding and "trimping" would be as much of a "must learn" as bhopping.
Coke. wrote:I'm sure you guys do it all the time without thinking it's a big deal, no?
This is why im guessing these tecniques aren't listed in the advanced movement area, its porbly a natural movement to all the "ubers" they don't even realize their doing it. lol (compliment not a troll) I'm quite pleased tell yah the truth, another aspect of movement to undertsand and master. I love the movement in this game, its one of the major reasons the bugs haven't driven me away. Thanks for all the feedback guys, its much appreciated. :D

Walking Target

2008-03-29 21:52:55

It's not included because even though I have seen this technique before, it is not something i have practiced and feel I know well enough to write about accurately. I dunno if I do it or not, I don't really think about my movement much these days.


2008-03-29 22:03:16

Alright cool, thanks for the explanation.
Walking Target wrote:I dunno if I do it or not, I don't really think about my movement much these days.
hehehe this is what im tlaking about, all you guys who have been playing forever, don't need to think about any of your movements they just happen lol. Well alright I'm intruiged by this topic, I'll try and get it figured out for myself and then maybe write up some instructions to run by you for addition into the advanced technique section. Unless some one who already has it down pat, wants to write one up. Even though these aren't game breaking techniques it would be nice for them to be included if they can be reliably recreated.


2008-03-29 23:14:16

oh i do this all the time lol

basically you need a clipped staircase (so it's like a ramp) or a ramp, or a staircase with edges on the side that you can slide up on so you can get enough speed and keep jumping up it ? im not sure how to explain it I just do it D:


2008-03-29 23:47:34

Hahaha Seagull sounds like your the one who needs to post a demo now.
Seagull wrote:im not sure how to explain it I just do it D:
Ahahah didn't realize this would prove to be so true.


2008-03-30 00:06:19

Trimping is when you sprint upwards a ramp and spam jump (or mwheeldown) as you reach the top of the ramp in order to gain extra height. It works on Lostvillage.


2008-03-30 00:10:37

Seagull wrote:oh i do this all the time lol

basically you need a clipped staircase (so it's like a ramp) or a ramp, or a staircase with edges on the side that you can slide up on so you can get enough speed and keep jumping up it ? im not sure how to explain it I just do it D:
that's exactly what i said.


2008-03-30 00:56:36

Indeed. Alright now you both must send me demos with a keylog overlay that is synced to the second so I can see what keys you guys are pressing at all times. Lol no way. Shouldn't be too hard for me to figure out what you guys are doing, and if I can't ill be back.


2008-03-31 23:16:27

heres demo i recorded just right now I don't know how to really explain it either but i don't spam mwheel to do it, just use space to do it.

http://files.filefront.com/lvrampdem/;9 ... einfo.html


2008-03-31 23:55:59

Well in that you just used the ramp to jump higher/further than usual, kinda different from Epoch's description, but that itself could also be a good technique that isn't really thought about :wink:


2008-04-01 20:14:56

Epoch wrote: If the fabled triple shotty shot wasn't enough to boggle the mind,
z0mg theres no triple shotty. really. i promise. :o :oops:

Walking Target

2008-04-01 21:20:23

Dhop is real tho. Patented by Team Fusion (tm). May make an appearance in gasmasks trick jumping video if we can get around to demoing it.


2008-04-02 22:43:43

Ohhhh really....hmmmmm
Gonna have to do some undercover work to let this cat out of its bag me thinks. :lol:

Walking Target

2008-04-02 22:57:27

Hehe please don't expose our patented technique! Saving it for video. :(


2008-04-03 00:43:54

Hehehe don't worry WT I would never do that :wink: Like I'd actually be able to infiltrate your inner circle and get someone to divulge the secret lol :lol: :lol: That would take some very creative aliasing and account switching hehehehe. I'm more than happy to let the suspence build for the vid. :mrgreen:


2008-04-03 17:55:22

From the LV demo it looks liek trimping, i even managed it myself except not everytime. When I 1st saw topic i thought it mean when you going at seed and press duck to slide up ramps/stairs that are player clipped.


2008-04-03 19:35:41

Yeah that is what I initialy posted about, but the thread has taken some creative off shoots. I forgot to watch that demo last night *doh* but practiced my movement and jumping alot and started to grasp some interesting ideas about movement. This whole thread has kinda opened up my eyes to new possibilities with my movement, so I'd have to sau I'm satisfied with this thread hehe. Its nice when you start a thread and actually get what you want out of it in the end. Once again the U proves to me thats its an awesome resource. :D Long live the U!


2008-07-07 23:36:10

lol there are enough "Jesus" screen names in this game, I figured at least one of them could walk on water :D

As, for sliding... it's just a matter of timing like any other bhop... with that said... it's only happened to me accidentally where I try to keep my hops going :? teto showed me an example in lostvillage where you can go up the ramp and jump onto the boxes next to the shotgun spawn. I also saw ninjins go up the RPG stairs and jump through the window overlooking the rpg area in amplitude. Those examples may be vague to those who don't know the maps well, but it was pretty cool.

Walking Target

2008-07-09 01:33:55

Video was cancelled, I guess I should make a dolphin hopping tutorial? :mrgreen:


2008-07-09 01:43:44

To bhop on water all you have to do is start it as normal (on dry land) and to maintain speed bhop as usual just holding space down.

well that's how i do it anyway...

sorry this has nothing to do with ramp slide.