2008-06-04 10:05:32
Apart from doing scrims with your m8 and 1v1 what else do u do with m8 to refine your skills and hone your techniques to perfection. I do this with training games and so though it would be a good idea to list down what sort of training games u guys do.
lockdown footie. get a team m8 and be on the same team so your don't kill each other. Now at back mag one stands at the end where the orbs spawn and the other at the other end near the fan. Both arm your selfs with ar2s it might be a good idea to puts cheats on so u can type impulse 101 so u don't have to keep pausing. Now the goal of he game is to get your orb past your m8 and hit the back wall to score. If you crush your m8 then double points
. Try catching and moving at the same time then speed things up with just grav gun blasts and try and get a rally going. So as u go and u get better at it then try and make it harder by fast orbing and shotting the orb at unpredictable angles floor sidewalls and ceiling. Still to easy then play as opposite teams and see how many times you can kill your opponent.
Rules are: only one orb can be in play
orbs should be in reachable height
Next level i would say is using props have fun playing that
Magnum aim practice. A good map to practice crossbow shots at different distances. Have one standing ontop floor with the crossbow and have some at the first floor at the opposite end preferable have some that can move well. Now they are you target their job is to along the platform. Depending on how good u are at using the crossbow ill start from easy to harder. First is having them walk back and forth then sprinting across then bhopping then a target that moves in unpredictable ways(jumping back forwards basically they trying not to be hit). After that have the target moving run around the bottom of the map now its much harder u don't have them in visible view most of the time and the are not always at the same distance.
ill add to this latter but feel free to add some more training games if u know any.
lockdown footie. get a team m8 and be on the same team so your don't kill each other. Now at back mag one stands at the end where the orbs spawn and the other at the other end near the fan. Both arm your selfs with ar2s it might be a good idea to puts cheats on so u can type impulse 101 so u don't have to keep pausing. Now the goal of he game is to get your orb past your m8 and hit the back wall to score. If you crush your m8 then double points

Rules are: only one orb can be in play
orbs should be in reachable height
Next level i would say is using props have fun playing that

Magnum aim practice. A good map to practice crossbow shots at different distances. Have one standing ontop floor with the crossbow and have some at the first floor at the opposite end preferable have some that can move well. Now they are you target their job is to along the platform. Depending on how good u are at using the crossbow ill start from easy to harder. First is having them walk back and forth then sprinting across then bhopping then a target that moves in unpredictable ways(jumping back forwards basically they trying not to be hit). After that have the target moving run around the bottom of the map now its much harder u don't have them in visible view most of the time and the are not always at the same distance.
ill add to this latter but feel free to add some more training games if u know any.