Scroll jumping question


2008-10-26 22:04:55

There is a setting in control panel that allows you to set the number of lines that the mouse scrolls through when you scroll. Does the setting there have any effect on scroll jumping? I imagine the higher the number of lines, the higher the "sensitivity" of the scroll is to the motion. Do any of you scroll jumpers have any recommendations as to what setting it should be?


2008-10-26 22:20:22

I have tried the minimum, the middle and the maximum amount lines per scroll. I don't see any difference, I think its because the timing of the jump allows you to scroll 1 line at a time and still be on time.

The Argumentalizer

2008-10-26 22:20:56

Control Panel/Mouse/Wheel up to 100 lines per click but don't know if it effects the game.


2008-10-27 00:28:27

1 notch scrolling is what I use it used to be 3 I find it easyier to bhop with 1 this is in setpoint tho but i guess it the same thing. Also look at keyboard set up if like me you don't use a gamming keyboard then go into that and make your keys more reposive. by turning everything up to max.


2008-10-27 21:37:57

I set my mouse wheel sensitivity to the lowest, seems to be ok.


2008-10-28 04:01:37

Well there is a maximum speed the engine will respond to, anything overthat and it does nothing. If you have a Logitech G9 or mx revolution you can switch the wheel into free wheel mode, spin it as fast as poss' and nothing happens until it starts to slow down.

Jelly Fox

2008-10-28 16:52:51

It doesn't seen to make a difference.


2008-11-22 10:16:05

I've tested this and it in fact DOES make a difference. setting it to 6 scrolls per line increases your chance of jumping perfectly [as soon as you land] as opposed to just one which is much like using space...or less.


2008-11-22 12:19:03

Intersting post.
TiGGy wrote:I've tested this and it in fact DOES make a difference. setting it to 6 scrolls per line increases your chance of jumping perfectly [as soon as you land] as opposed to just one which is much like using space...or less.
:arrow: Wouldn't it be 6 lines per scroll?? :wink:

But anyway, I tried that and, doing 1 notch turn per jump, didn't notice any diference.

I think that each notch you turn, be it at 1lpn* or 100lpn it only counts as 1 jump. To do more than that you must turn more notches.
I made that experience with the SGM. I binded primary attack to Mwheeldown and fired away. Only 1 bullet comes out of it per notch, no matter what's the control pannel setting. And if you turn the wheel too quicly you get to fire only 2 or 3 bullets when you may have turned 10 notches, just as keefy was refering. (Glad I didn't buy a Ltech just for that like I was thinking)

Idk if the smg is the best thing to test, but I didn't remember of anything better.
Actually, I also tested with move forward... it's very odd. You almost don't move unless you turn the wheel in many notches at a time. Again, control panel had no influence.

If you have any better ideas... :sketchy:

(*lpn = line(s) per notch)


2008-11-22 20:42:29

yes i meant 6 lines per scroll. and maybe its just my mouse then..because scrolling my wheel with just 1 lpn i often missed my bhop...which never happens scrolling with 6 lpn.


2008-11-22 21:09:07

I also have not noticed a difference between 6 and 1 lines per scroll. Have tested on a logitecth g5 and razer deathadder.


2008-11-22 21:19:13

It is all in your mind, your mouse has X notches on the wheel and each one of those notches is 1 jump it really is as simple as that.


2008-11-30 08:33:56

ya'll are trippin then. ive tested it 4 times.


2008-11-30 10:27:52

:lol: :lol: :lol: :mrgreen: :sketchy: