Intersting post.
TiGGy wrote:I've tested this and it in fact DOES make a difference. setting it to 6 scrolls per line increases your chance of jumping perfectly [as soon as you land] as opposed to just one which is much like using space...or less.

Wouldn't it be 6 lines per scroll??
But anyway, I tried that and, doing 1 notch turn per jump, didn't notice any diference.
I think that each notch you turn, be it at 1lpn* or 100lpn it only counts as 1 jump. To do more than that you must turn more notches.
I made that experience with the SGM. I binded primary attack to Mwheeldown and fired away. Only 1 bullet comes out of it per notch, no matter what's the control pannel setting. And if you turn the wheel too quicly you get to fire only 2 or 3 bullets when you may have turned 10 notches, just as
keefy was refering. (Glad I didn't buy a Ltech just for that like I was thinking)
Idk if the smg is the best thing to test, but I didn't remember of anything better.
Actually, I also tested with move forward... it's very odd. You almost don't move unless you turn the wheel in many notches at a time. Again, control panel had no influence.
If you have any better ideas...
(*lpn = line(s) per notch)