
[EYE] Valar

2009-04-19 22:45:54

been over 3 years since i started playing this damn game and so i thought well bout time i start learning bhop.
so...a friend showed me a few moves to get started. totally threw me from where i was. and i became the suckiest player ever.
i was all "ok , that's cool. i knew i'd suck at first"
but then...my GPU died following my G9 mouse a couple of months back. so i was playing with a f@%ing MS mouse for 2 months, got used to it.
now got a new GPU and a new G9 and it's getting used to movement all over again. now i suck even more than i did before. i feel like i'm not moving and 8 yr old kids rape me without braking a sweat.

therefore i rant.
is all i had to say :mrgreen:


2009-04-19 23:03:19

Err.... if you want some, advice, evaluation of your bhop, binds, etc hit me up Ill take a look. My bhop isnt the best but know what Im doing wrong so I might be able to give you some pointers.

The Argumentalizer

2009-04-19 23:07:45

Yeah, you just suck. Live it. Love it.


[EYE] Valar

2009-04-19 23:26:42

i pretty much got it down. it's now just about practice practice practice. BUT, as i'm sure everyone who's done it knows: there's also the suckie side of it UNTIL you get anywhere near decent again for those who had some sort of style and then when you start bhoping you lose everything. i've never been the best player around lol but on low-g killbox i could defo hold my own. now...it's just sweat and tears lol.
but ill be good. anyway as long as i can rant about it lol.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-20 00:03:32

Don't worry Val, we'll help you get through this. gimmie a shout if you any tips!


2009-04-20 00:11:23

Yeah, EYE is low gravity correct? I almost made the same mistake as you. Putting myself in low gravity environments all the time, I learned how to bunny hop maybe in January, and I had been playing for a year. Don't worry once you get it, its like riding a bike. I'd recommend getting help from the trainers here, and possibly playing more high gravity.


2009-04-20 01:44:07

when i first started to learn it, it fucked up my game for weeks. i think a good way to learn is to create a server on your pc and turn the grav up to 800 or 1000. once you learn to bhop in that it will be cake at 600


2009-04-20 02:07:04

Yeah it sucks to get it down, tons of hours of practice. Then if you lose it (ie stop playing DM for a bit), its almost like starting over again. :x

Jelly Fox

2009-04-20 02:18:20

bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
Paradox wrote:Yeah it sucks to get it down, tons of hours of practice. Then if you lose it (ie stop playing DM for a bit), its almost like starting over again. :x
I just had a break for nearly 2 months and I didn't lose it :P

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-20 02:30:42

thanks for the group hug guys :) atp all i need, correct me if i'm wrong here, is to hold it out through the sucky period...
BTW, PandorasAssassin, EYE is not Low-G per say. some are some aren't. i am :D
@ Jelly, i'm using both right mouse and Mwheeldown bound to jump. keep in mind i don't use the regulal KB layout and my movement is arrows. about which i will only say this - con is using arrows ...so HA! :lol:


2009-04-20 02:40:12

Jelly Fox wrote:bind "SPACE" "+jump"
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump"
I recommend this.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-20 02:53:44

[EYE] Valar wrote:@ Jelly, i'm using both right mouse and Mwheeldown bound to jump. keep in mind i don't use the regulal KB layout and my movement is arrows. about which i will only say this - con is using arrows ...so HA! :lol:
Are you sure about that? If I recall correctly he WAS using arrows but switched to ESDF about a year and a half ago.

You might as well switch to ESDF just now. by the time you get used to the layout and bhopping you'll be better than ever :mrgreen:


2009-04-20 03:40:44

Jelly Fox wrote:You might as well switch to ESDF just now. by the time you get used to the layout and bhopping you'll be better than ever :mrgreen:
This ^^

and the jump on space and mousewheel down, thats what did it for me

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-20 03:45:46

Jelly Fox wrote:
[EYE] Valar wrote:@ Jelly, i'm using both right mouse and Mwheeldown bound to jump. keep in mind i don't use the regulal KB layout and my movement is arrows. about which i will only say this - con is using arrows ...so HA! :lol:
Are you sure about that? If I recall correctly he WAS using arrows but switched to ESDF about a year and a half ago.

You might as well switch to ESDF just now. by the time you get used to the layout and bhopping you'll be better than ever :mrgreen:
sry. too used to my arrows. no can do m8 :lol:


2009-04-20 04:33:06

lol I have changed my cfg at least 3 x since I started playing and I hated the new config each time for almost a month and came close to switching back each time. You have to stick with it. In the end you usually do not regret it because it improves your playing. When I first started playing I used the arrow keys too then I changed it and I am very glad I did.


2009-04-20 06:25:05

Jelly has it.
Use space bar and scroll to jump, change that arrows config (eeeekkk). Use WASD or ESDF and get a decent config. Suck for a month or so, then check out the difference =]
And, once you get the bhop completely, I'd say you could stop for years and later come back and still do it pretty good...


2009-04-20 07:22:35

anyone ever try qwes?


2009-04-20 07:46:53

The main reason Arrows suck is becasue they are in the middle of nowhere, there is nothing easily accessible to bind actions to, if you have got long fingers then stick with it.
ESDF you may find yourself pressing windows key alot.

Bunnyhop is hard to explain in text you need to be shown in videos and with a buddy in server using TS or vent.


2009-04-21 12:01:17

It gets tricker when ramps/bumpy displacements come into play. It's good to understand Source player physics a bit. Basically, pressing forward or backward puts in a "maximum" speed. For this reason, many players advise completely letting go of the forward key once you make your initial jump. Holding forward makes you slower by limiting your speed gain AND hinders your aerial strafing movement. For some reason, when in midair, you have much better control of your character using only the mouse and left/right strafe keys rather than forward/backward keys unless, as aforementioned, you want to limit/stop your momentum. For this reason, you will see many players wobbling side to side in mid-air in certain trick maps and "circling" into speed ramps and whatnot.

tl;dr = Get used to letting forward anytime you're in mid-air. Use strafe key + turn mouse smoothly to that direction to gain aerial space/speed instead of forward key. Get accustomed to mwheel jumping in order to be able to adapt to uneven surfaces (such as dm_avalon). Mwheel jumping makes certain techniques such as trimping (or jumping extra-high off of ramps) possible, not easier. Use backward key to fine-tune jumps for trick maps that require you to undershoot rather than overshoot jumps (this is very... very... rare).

Oh wait, that wasn't tl;dr. Oh well. Basically, if you let go of forward key, your momentum will not be stopped until you bump into a wall or make a sharp turn. So, if you were to be blasted into space at a billion velocity, you would continue to go faster and faster so long as you use only left/right keys. However, as soon as you TAP a foward/backward key, your maximum speed would be a tad bit slower (or possible even capped, if you hold onto it) than if you had never pressed those buttons.

A bit too complicated? Forget everything I said.

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-21 19:00:14

no it actually makes perfect sense. my friend showed it to me and i was actually able to even do this several times. speeding a few yards til my momentum ran out.. not accustomed to refreshing the strafe mid-movement and this is one of the things i'm working on right now.
but this is the least of my problems. i've decided to take Jelly and Onti's advise and move over to the
wasd KB config, so i can see a long period of suckatrosity ahead. but hey, better late than never i guess :cry:
nyway, thanks everybody.


2009-04-21 19:35:55

i actually use mwheel up. im moving forward so scrolling up makes more sense to me then scrolling down


2009-04-21 20:57:37

gud i can be the only arrows master around :twisted: :twisted:


2009-04-21 23:25:51

I have to admit that forcing myself over to using wheel jump to sustain the bhop really helped me to improve greatly.


2009-04-22 05:19:33

Learn how to speedskate using just space bar, no mouse wheel, once you get it down really well with just space bar, move to mouse wheel, that way you'll easily be able to keep your movement above 500 at all times. And use mwheelup it's cooler than mwheeldown.

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-22 05:40:59

Deathwish wrote:And use mwheelup it's cooler than mwheeldown.
doesn't make sense to me, physically. i shoot with my index and scroll down with the second finger. mwheelup just doesn't make any sense?


2009-04-22 07:11:02

use wheeldown its easier and more natural a movement

Dont wait to start using the wheel, bhop is much easier to get the timing of IMO than with the space bar and youll just have to retrain your brain over again to use different fingers. I spent a long time trying to get it down with the space bar, and never could get it right. It was much easier with the mouse wheel.

[EYE] Valar

2009-04-22 07:34:22

[EYE] Valar wrote: i'm using both right mouse and Mwheeldown bound to jump.
i've been doing it this way for over a year now.

in fact, i've been starting my movement with a strafe for a very long time now and it just something i started doing naturally. What i'm not doing naturally is:

- delaying the jump til only after the strafe (i'm so used to jump and strafe together)
- letting go of the fwd (my whole brain is like WHAATT??? everytime i do it.
- and the keeping of momentum using the right left keys.

the whole concept of not using the sprint and fwd constantly is the hardest thing. once i let those two go i'll be in a much better shape.

i hope.. :D


2009-04-22 08:14:45

Using space bar and then switching to mouse wheel is probably gonna be a headache like one of those Brain Age games. You're basically using your left brain as you press space bar with your right thumb, then switching to your right brain by scrolling with your left finger. I'd say go to mouse wheel as soon as possible. It's not the timing part that makes you go above 500. It's learning the fundamentals correctly the first time. You do NOT want to make bad habits and then have to fix them 2 years later. That's why, despite being one of the first players to even know about bhopping, I am currently one of the slower players here. I have bad curving and a small initial jump and don't really want to bother fixing those habits since they're ingrained into my head now.

So yeah, I heavily recommend having someone who's really fast and a good teacher spectate you. Make sure he can actually teach you too. There are some great players in this games, but they can't really explain things or give advice for crap (or they just forget to teach fundamentals and skip right ahead to the more advanced things).


2009-04-22 11:11:54

try side mouse button for duck works pretty legit too.


2009-04-22 22:15:30

I would never bind second (I assume you mean the right click button?) mouse for jump.

I do have both space and mwheel down bound as jump.

The first jump in the bhop I use space then switch to the wheel to sustain the bhop.

I also use the side mouse button for duck and I use shift for sprint. I found moving duck to the mouse and using mwheel to sustain the bhop freed the fingers of my left hand to do what they had to do with the left and right keys much better. Tbe mouse side button is a good choice for duck because you need to hold the mouse anyway and it gives the thumb something more useful to do.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-23 01:09:17

Sprint on a thumb mouse button and Duck on Shift is WIN! 8)


2009-04-23 02:01:44

I didnt like having sprint on the side mouse because it doesnt get pressed as constantly as duck and I found it was fucking up my mouse movement when I had it there.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-23 02:15:40

Correct, the duck button is getting held in constantly and seeing as I have 2 mouse thumb buttons and only 1 thumb it makes no sense to use a mouse thumb button for duck, sure you could use your thumb to press both buttons(lack control), but what would be the point in that when you've got free fingers on the other hand (i.e. pinky finger).


2009-04-23 02:36:45

Well my point was for me anyway, having duck on the side mouse was better since it is pressed more constantly. I can control the mouse movement better.


2009-04-23 02:49:48

Embrace your suckiness.. lol.. welcome to my world, I move like a slug in molasses, gets so bad that I didn't notice once my bind key for speed had somehow unbound... :sketchy: BUT just cuz ur old it doesn't mean you can't learn new tricks :mrgreen: and hell at least you look good doing it lol :twisted:


2009-04-23 03:33:02

Jump on mouse2 works quite well actually thats how i play warsow becasue it was default for the longest time.

Jelly Fox

2009-04-23 06:01:34

Thats how I play quake as scroll jumping doesn't work. in quake bhopping is easier(in a way, not overall) non of the weapons have secondary fire so it's not a problem.


2009-04-23 16:11:23

Timing isnt key in quake3 or live if you hold jump down it will jump as soonas you hit the deck. Not sure if its the same for other quakes.


2009-05-11 01:31:37

I just posted a tutorial I made some time ago. Take a look to see if there's some detail you might not know.

http://www.hl2dm-university.com/forum/p ... 420#p52420

I've been using wasd ever since games came with that default. I didn't like it much at first but I got used to it. The main advantage was all teh useful surrounding keys. But the main reason I switched to wasd, and even now I can't switch back, was cuz of keyboard position. At that time I used to get the keyboard on my lap, which, if I used the arrows wouldn't be much confy having it falling leftwards. Now I just have my printer filling the space I'd need to do that. I could move my printer, but I prefer wasd anyway.

Even though, I don't believe there may be a big diference in performance.

As for the mouse, if I got it right, it's a perfectly ordinary problem when you go from a sh.. mouse to a high dpi one. I was used to my old-and-not-bad-at-all-no-brand-mouse and when I switched to my razer I had the hardest time getting my movement and aim back again. I had to go through this twice, cuz I had a problem with the razer once. Actually was 3 times (old mouse -> Razer / Razer -> old mouse / old mouse -> razer again).

I use mwheeldown for jumps (even though I have up binded too). Seems more natural to me than up. But I still can do it with space, just not flawlessly.
[EYE] Valar wrote:(...)
- and the keeping of momentum using the right left keys.
This is not only for the momentum, it's also for making turns and adjustments to your route. The way I practiced it at the beggining was to start stoped, duck and start jumping over and over. Then start pressing one strafe key, then the other alternately on each jump, then starting to move the mouse accordingly. You'll start gaining speed if you're doing it right and probly get the habit of not pressing the forward key. Then you just need to practice letting go of it upon strafe-jumping.

If you need any help with it just gimmi a ring. Add Skaruts in steam if you need. (Or Lich, dunno if it's the current name that matters. Or look into J. Foxs or Boshed friends or something like that) I like helping ppl on these matters.

And btw:
Jump - Space/Mwheelup/down
Sprint - Shitf
Duck - Ctrl
Chat - Enter :mrgreen:
Blasphemy wrote:anyone ever try qwes?
lol wtff? :o

The Argumentalizer

2009-05-11 02:03:27

Bunnyhop is so incredibly F'ed up. Its completely counter-intuitive. Moving forward with out forward!?!? Using the mouse to slide back and forth~?~?

Timing the jump exactly... W/e its very strange.
Although i am not very good at it, i do have a way to teach it.

I get the strafe going by feeling the centrifugal FLICK or spin into a jump.

Then, timing a crouched jump with NO direction keys, just the bounce (to UNLEARN using forward!, It works)

And then adding a and d and mouse curve (the speedskate portion).

Practice on jump maps.

It works. I have seen folks actually BH in one night!~ something that took months for me.
Anyways, it never occurred to me Val wasn't BHing!??!


2009-05-11 02:17:01

Skaruts wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:anyone ever try qwes?
lol wtff? :o
I gotta friend over in Korea uses Home Delete End PageDown and another guy ive met uses asdf and another strictly uses a joystick i myself if i were to move back over to the mainboard i would have to use rdfg just to be comfortable :P


2009-05-11 02:50:41

Neolinkster wrote:
Skaruts wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:anyone ever try qwes?
lol wtff? :o
I gotta friend over in Korea uses Home Delete End PageDown and another guy ive met uses asdf and another strictly uses a joystick i myself if i were to move back over to the mainboard i would have to use rdfg just to be comfortable :P
asdf? lol that's even more wtf? I mean, the others make some sense...