Jelly Fox wrote:(...)
Fearsome* wrote:Jelly Fox wrote:
so I was wondering, whats the equivalent ptrain level?
I don't think you can say something is equivalent to the lockdown jump. The reason is the lock down jump has more complications. You must keep ducked and you have to get through a spot which is higher then the spot you jumped from.
Cheers and thanks, I didn't think about it in that way

, any idea what the equivalent 'distance' is? if you were to use a tape measure and measure from the platform to the window ledge. can someone find out in SDK please? I'm just curious that's all

Fearsome is right. The window is 34 units higher than the platform where you jump from. But since the window ledge is lower than the highest distance you can jump+crouch onto (56u), the only thing that matters there in the end is it's horizontal distance of 200 units, and that you jump long enough to get to the window at a hight that is >= 34 units.
But even though, your question can be answered through aritmethics. The Pithagorian Theorem can be applied to give us the Hipotenuse's value (the diagonal length).
H = Sqr Root of (34x34) + (200x200)
(34x34) + (200x200) = 41156
the sqr root of 41156 = 202.86942
Which is not much more than the original 200 units of horizontal distance and it's between 1 and 2 from ptrain.
TiGGy wrote:(...)also can someone tell me the distance, in units, of 14 on ptrain?
Ptrain Jump Measures: (some comparisons (Level.jump1.jumpN))
1- 192
2- 224
3- 256
4- 272
5- 288 (Ultijumps 1/ 5.1.4/ 7/ and tr_briggs 1 on 2 bhop sequence*)
6- 304 (Ultijumps 9.1 / 10.1 / 13.1 and tr_briggs 1 on 3rd sequence*)
7- 320
8- 328 (Ultijumps very last one, and and tr_briggs 1 on last bhop seq.*)
9- 336
10- 344
11- 352
12- 360
13- 364
14- 368
15- 372
* I separate tr_briggs in 4 main parts.
1 - start (w/ 1st little bhop seq.)
2 - 2nd bhop seq
3 - 3rd and 4th bhop seqs
4 - Big jump pits