well it wasnt that video anyway it was the FINALITY one with onti, poconut, soiz, nate etc... (sorry if i missed anyone). seemed a wee bit more achievable than master viktory's unless of course you have a special pair of Air Max or some whizz
just a little correction ...soiz wasn't in it ! D:
And yeah... it's not that it seems more achievable ...I just that I sent the ones in which I achieved it ;D
But the one that was freaking easy (trust me) on the server I played, was the trick that sent me uuuup high with the prop.
I could do that like ... 8/10 ... It was soooo easy. But not anymore...seems some settings have been modified...
Don't ask whichs cuz I have no idea... I just know that this trick is incredibly easy on some servers, and the other way round on others. :/