*BETA* HLDMU: Private game practice


2007-03-20 22:38:42

Interested to join a passworded server and practice with instructors and other learning players? wanna share knowledge ingame fun and creativity?

Fill the poll below and this project might become permanent if people show interests.


SUNDAY is teh win.


2007-03-22 04:06:58

While I may not be nearly up to par on the stock maps yet, I'm still a strong killboxer and I know many of the techniques, so I'd be willing to help out if it's needed. My weekends are usually free.


2007-03-22 17:26:50

thanks mikey thats kind of you!


2007-03-23 02:19:07

I'm still a scrub, but I'll always share what I've learned so far. Right now I'm free pretty much all the time. Job in the near future might change that, but meh. Weekends are best, however; Friday, Saturday, etc.

Fraggies| DrBreen

2007-03-27 16:01:09

everytime a noob asks me how to do something, il lhelp him out, like a guy did with me a couple of years ago =)

people with nicknames like "fuck the pope" and insted of a warm greeting when joining a server says Fuck you all, my urge to call him a noob and leave the server is rather uncommon


2007-04-13 19:11:36

SUNDAY WINS! Now i'll try to set things up thanks for voting.


2007-04-13 20:52:28

pm me on x-fire ninojman

hells ya

anyone can get a lot better faster by doing 2 or 3 - 4v4s against good players


2007-04-14 02:59:19

Awesome, Conflict! I'm really excited! Just let us know when this will be, and I'm sure we'll keep growing!

Jelly Fox

2007-04-16 04:01:47

Sooo, whats the password?


2007-04-17 20:44:55

k This sunday would be good...now the only ''problem'' is who will get in and who will wait and so on :O unless some clan *cough TSGK cough* dont mind if we borrow one of their high player capacity server (man 14 player is huuuge)
we will have to find out how to decide who waits who gets in first etc...

or we could do that on separate servers.

some good player(s) take a batch of ppl to a server where he/she has admin on.

Same for another group.

what you tinkl!?

Walking Target

2007-04-17 21:06:04

Maybe just first come first served and if anyone can't get in, they get a reserve slot for next time? I dont think it will fill up this time around, but who knows.


2007-04-17 22:14:20

hmm.. i can lend u fraggies server if u want to.. although i wont be around [damn i wanna learn stuff :? ] cz i have to study for final exams at school, on sunday i can set up one of u as admin for the day.. its 13 slot server [12 actually, 1 is source tv]

just tell me what time u need the server [GMT] and what pass u want


PS. Server is located in UK, "middle" of world so i think pings for both european and american guys will be ok.


2007-04-18 01:24:38

I'd set up my server but it's really laggy.


2007-04-18 01:46:38

just do it

we need a hl2dm scrim x-fire list

Make a x-fire name thread er i'll do it


2007-04-18 17:34:49

oh yes i forgot to put my contact:

steam: fraggies
email/msn: [email protected]

xfire: fraggies

I prefer if u contact me via steam or email cz my msn and xfire are a bit weird lately and i dont use them that much


2007-04-18 19:22:54

I would suggest breaking it up over several servers, not only because of the capacity issue... but TSGK pings like ass for me, and so does the hl2DMU server.

you could even use ventrilo to kind of centralize the communication, so even tho there'd be several different helpers with different groups, everyone can kind of stay on the same page.


2007-04-29 19:46:17

I dig what Stowned's saying.