VALAR I clearly know what ebola is ty.. was a joke.. like haha
Stoopidity- Well.. I have no idea how it wen't last night, I hope we did so you guys will stop asking for matches, tired of RL asking right now when the team is just getting started and while I am sick. OBVIOUSLY, they check the most likely suspects for anemia, I am not bleeding from anywhere that you CAN see.. so they are going in tomorrow.. AGAIN... this time to look at sections of my BOWEL, STOMACH AND COLON that they could NOT see with all the past tests.. so funny joke.. :roll: (Also hard to find 4 people that WANT to play you guys, since your rep is that you are not nice and my experience last night was that you could BE NICER)
Which brings makes me to think, in my experience with the LEET, the top team mates are the nicest.. do nothing but offer help such as Vdus, Flas and ~SW~ (ok, I twisted someones arm a little for ~SW~) People are helping with all kinds of things like Valar with some nice graphics all the way to taking me 3 times through techniques in lockdown_r3 like confused, while some teams think that all they need is talent and offer nothing else but a nasty attitude towards the rest of the community.
I know someone will come up with the IT JUST A GAME line... but even if it is, does it mean that you can't be nice? Wonder what some people are like in real person, and think twice if you think you will never meet some of these people. I have met about 10 people already in the year that I started playing DM, and with my move coming up, since I have no idea where I am moving, well I could end up being your next door neighbor. (if so, be careful.. I answer the door with my .44 magnum concealed)