Not sure if you are trolling or not, but here goes...
You came on here once to announce something about a bingo game you were setting up, which had nothing to do with this game or its community, another time you told us about your new clan website, which would have been fine, but you seem to treat this website as if it is provides a free advertising service, which is clearly not the case. I get the impression that you use this website as something close to a shoutbox for this game, e.g. you announce something and don't take the time to consider how that may reflect on you, your clan or your intentions. You use large, coloured fonts and have terrible grammar which makes me assume you are either a). an attention seeking nutjob or b) severely mentally challenged.
PS. I was a bit drunk last night when I wrote that, I normally would not post things like that, even if I felt like that. The only reason I'm posting this is to "do some explarlin", as you put it. If you are doing this as a troll, you deserve some kind of award. Good luck with search