Looking for European Clan


2009-03-09 17:51:35

I am looking for a clan that have other styles of playing than just magg-ing and bunny jumping and this way i have something to learn from them.I want a clan with more creativity and open minded to new styles of playing..
Sometime ago i played in fraggies and when some people wanted the so called Pro i quitted the clan..I spec-ing maps where both sides played the same style..This is pathetic..I hope this game will not end up another CS or FEAR.The tendency in the last years is even the young players jump in the maggers bandwaggon and think this is the only way ... Who implemented this stupid mentality KILLED this game forever..
COD 4, CS, FEAR etc have only weapons and plenty of quick kill weapons..Hl2DM have something special Physics, Grav Gun, Grenades..Why people try to kill the single original part of this game i have no idea..I ended up with people in maps that says physics is gay and so on..Is it more conforting, is it the winning factor or the point that everyone else play the same? Good players are stuck...Playing with magg all time and jumping like a bunny doesn't mean a good player.For me a camper and a magger is the same.They both usually stay in fixed positions from distance and kill from conforting position..A camper do the same..
Here is my stats..
http://hl2mp.tsgk.com/index.php?mode=pl ... yer=460039
http://kc.hlstatsx.com/hlstats.php?mode ... ayer=16553

Thank you..
Hope some newer clans will bring a new air to this game that is going to die.........


2009-03-09 17:54:05

I agree with you. Some people have gotten stuck on the fact that only mags and xbow is the way to play. It's all about ego. They use these weapons because they say they have more skill. New play styles are great, but most of them have been tried.


2009-03-09 19:37:19

For example i see a limitation in mices today..
Let me explain the concept.My mouse is an A4tech with 2500DPI but i realized that using HIGHER DPI vs Enhance mouse precision is a downside for my own playing style.I can't turn fast enough..And the connection is that today mices promote the playing WITHOUT enhance mouse precision for some reason and of course different style (at least mine) is not really possible.
In general the whole community is stuck with a mentality about their hardware.I bought a DeathAdder and it sucks big time,i had an MX518 and same feeling..I can't suffer so high DPI.Also i get from my dad my old Logitech BJ 58 with 400 DPI or 800DPI not sure that track much nicer than the DeathAdder.Also the DeathAdder have problems with Enhance Mouse precision and the Logitech old mouse doesn't..That's awfull.


2009-03-09 23:43:16

In all honesty you are not going to find any clans who you feel will suit your playing style


2009-03-10 00:26:30

Anyone that is a true Hl2DM player embraces the gravity gun as a weapon equal to all the others available to them. Those that say the gravity gun is lame really ought to go play Quake. I am sure you can find a clan that doesnt adhere to the Gravity gun, grenades are lame/hax philosophy. People that love HL2DM for what it is love the gravity gun and use it as much as the other weapons.

Jelly Fox

2009-03-10 04:53:26

Uncle Rico

2009-03-10 06:12:06

Jelly Fox wrote:Try http://www.superultrakill.org :wink:
I thought that URL was a joke. Then I clicked, and was amazed.

Walking Target

2009-03-10 19:01:44

Karate AND dm in one website??? Too. Much. Can't. Process.

Jelly Fox

2009-03-10 19:15:28

Walking Target wrote:Karate AND dm in one website??? Too. Much. Can't. Process.
You best not read the server rules, your head might explode Image


2009-03-10 21:43:05

Jelly Fox wrote:Try http://www.superultrakill.org :wink:
haha jelly you're kidding right.. u not banned from there for accidental bhopping and grav nading at the same time?


2009-03-10 22:41:39

lead wrote:
Jelly Fox wrote:Try http://www.superultrakill.org :wink:
haha jelly you're kidding right.. u not banned from there for accidental bhopping and grav nading at the same time?
So am I and Shimmy and a few other TSGK members.

Jelly Fox

2009-03-10 23:25:30

Nooooo, I'm not banned, this is one of my favourite servers. dunno what you guys are talking about :?

I'm being serious here, badsykes is looking for a euro clan that have a different outlook on the game and I think superultrakill would be perfect.... these guys are amazing fun to play with and they're like no other clan out there!



2009-03-10 23:36:40



2009-03-11 05:25:03

Well not only whats said above, but if you playing different tactics, your still having to fight the same tactics your stating are lame, so in a sense your still dealing with what you don't like...


2009-03-11 10:39:54

DEATH-ANGEL wrote:Well not only whats said above, but if you playing different tactics, your still having to fight the same tactics your stating are lame, so in a sense your still dealing with what you don't like...
mmkay :?

btw jello kiddin bout ze ban record amount of admin kicks though i bet


2009-03-11 12:48:13

badsykes wrote:hello
I am looking for a clan that have other styles of playing than just magg-ing and bunny jumping and this way i have something to learn from them.I want a clan with more creativity and open minded to new styles of playing..

No one can call them self a competitive clan if they can't use every weapon and resource in the game to win. By saying you want to be in 1 and say you don't use particular weapons that is available in the game well your useless to any competitive clan out there and saying you want to be in one that only plays on your view point of limiting on what's available in the game is contradictory.


2009-03-12 02:58:04

Oh this going great...
Where is the skill in using mag because i am not finding it really.What's so hard to shot with it? .You need a good mouse, So called enhance mouse precision deactivated and you have everything you need to shoot with mag, bow and friends..Actually the mouse helps you deal with 80% of the problem the rest is just pointing.Maggers are very very boring.Take an enemy from 1 shot and almost instantly and if i have luck to get 25 health sometimes..You don't have to calculate too much of trajectory.Compare it with the barell shot from a large distance and wich one is easy to shot..Of course the mag..
This skill with mag mentality is a whole stupidity and is dating from quake3 (railgun) and CS (4-6)..many forgot what is fun in games.
Imagine 6 players playing the same magg+ bunny jump in killbox.. So what's the point of moving around map? just to show that you don't cook eggs in the same spot ?
THis is disgusting...
THere were some nice physics only large maps and those are the fun of the HL2 DM...Mag have no place in this game.Is killing the gameplay..
I don't want to be good at this game (good = boring) i want to enjoy it and not lose time with players that i know their moves like my palm and playing with hordes of them on every server i join..It actually killed me any entuaziasm to be better..
I would adore a BUG to kill the mag so everyone can become more creative...
Thanks jelly :)


2009-03-12 04:28:43

On most killboxes mag is strong because of it's big open area and long distances. Play other maps, like the ones listed for CAL and you'll see mag isn't the strongest weapon available because there's rooms and such and you get to be creative by coming up with strategies.

Jelly Fox

2009-03-12 05:41:57

badsykes wrote: Thanks jelly :)
I was kidding dude, they're the total opposite of what you're looking for. sorry :P

I don't really know any clans that have the same outlook as you. why is it you're looking for a clan? as DA says you're just going to end up fighting the same people that you hate playing :(

The Argumentalizer

2009-03-12 07:46:28

You have not played folks like Nutrigrain then! Frickin knock you down at full til bunnyhop.
The mag is powerful like all hell.
BUT, closing, shotty is strong.
What i see is that the best players use them all and well.
They are all situational.
This is important because a map like Lockdown has areas where spam rules and some mag shots are appropriate.
I used to be a bow whore but high health maps make it less effective.
So, you have to gather and meet with the best weapon in the proper situation.

The best players do that.
Spec PB! He has a rep for shotty and YES he is very good but he uses it all.
And its Shotty Shotty Shotty that is really boring.
I don't see a lot of boring mag use.
I do agree though. There should be plenty of physics on maps.
Some, like Icepick, LV and Amp are lacking physics.
(The preceding is in no way an endorsement of EWR. lol)

Uncle Rico

2009-03-12 16:58:36

The Argumentalizer wrote:(The preceding is in no way an endorsement of EWR. lol)
dvdset.png (209.72 KiB) Viewed 1156 times

Walking Target

2009-03-12 18:45:30

Good players do their best to avoid placing themself in a position where their opponent has a clear shot with the mag. Half of the skill of the mag is predicting your opponent and putting yourself in a position to take a shot without eating spam. Also, if mag is so easy, what will you do when you meet someone who is more accurate than you, and moves better?


2009-03-12 19:22:11


Jelly Fox

2009-03-12 20:06:03

Nutri-Grain wrote:Maybe I'll send you a demo of one of my scrims and you'll see what the competative side of HL2DM is, and how every single weapon in the game should be used.
CC to me please :mrgreen:

Uncle Rico

2009-03-12 21:18:10

Jelly Fox wrote:
Nutri-Grain wrote:Maybe I'll send you a demo of one of my scrims and you'll see what the competative side of HL2DM is, and how every single weapon in the game should be used.
CC to me please :mrgreen:
It's full of hax. :wink:


2009-03-12 23:42:46

my mag aim is mediocre at best, but i can work around my handicap. 8)


Nutri-Grain wrote: You're an idiot. I could count the number of people in this game that have good aim with the mag on one hand.
lets see if you would say the same people i would


thats all i can think of


2009-03-13 00:09:20

Blasphemy wrote:my mag aim is mediocre at best, but i can work around my handicap. 8)


Nutri-Grain wrote: You're an idiot. I could count the number of people in this game that have good aim with the mag on one hand.
lets see if you would say the same people i would


thats all i can think of


2009-03-13 00:14:17

badinfluence wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:my mag aim is mediocre at best, but i can work around my handicap. 8)


Nutri-Grain wrote: You're an idiot. I could count the number of people in this game that have good aim with the mag on one hand.
lets see if you would say the same people i would


thats all i can think of
yea Stinky's mag was decent wouldn't say it was better than his bros though.


2009-03-13 00:32:07



2009-03-13 10:50:12

Nutri-Grain wrote:didn't play with mertz or kurtz or ozzy.

i'd say:


but out of the people that still play


and i'm leaving the fifth spot open, because i know i missed somebody.
its actually brad pitt :rofl:
http://hl2dm-consortium.tsgk.com/index. ... game=hl2mp


2009-03-13 16:31:20

It used to be me. : (


2009-03-13 18:01:40

Nutri grain: I am playing this game from the lunch.I have pretty some time in this game.When i am playing with maggers is like i am playing with Xaero in Quake 3 on nightmare in Open map..Just go and play with him again and see how it feels.
I already saw what means competitive..I already played in clan matches when i was in fraggies but when it comes to so called pro all is gravitating around mag and shotty..And i am not becoming obssesed with mag for the sake of pro clans or competition..It's uselless.If there is a clan that wants people to bring some new air in their team and complete the maggers i am up.If not i don't care..I was entuziastic to join so called good players league but after i saw my clan mates how they play i got sick of it..
Have fun and good luck..


2009-03-13 19:11:01

If you hate the mag so much, why do you insist on playing on kbh2, where the mag is the most used weapon..


2009-03-13 19:18:54

if u cant beat em join em.

tbh i cant imagine not playing this game without bhopping etc would take most of the fun out of it. i love grav but i also love the mag and the bow. and yeah ppl are gonna camp in a killbox to keep away from the spam fest below.


2009-03-13 20:07:18

Freetux: HL2DM is my favourite shooter .I love when i hit you with the WC in the head.I never had this feeling with any other shooter.In short I like the game i hate the players :)
terriblepne: I play killboxes because is carnage.. i love killing in kilbox v8 with 16/16 people...Especially the bowling sensation with a disk is awesome :) or the ping pong sensation with a table.
ping pong: when you hit a player and then it will hit another player in air :) ..
bowling: throw a disk and syncronize 2 or more people in his way :) ...
I love when i throw a grenade and Freetux in bunny jumping will be throw with the head in the wall and eventually breaks it by unforseen consequence..How can i refuse this fun :)..
When two try to promote the crowbar at each other and the third throw a grenade between them they will fly like chickens..
Also throwing disks when people flying in air and kill them is another thing that i wanna improve.....
I love when so called good players call me noob because i hit them in very unusual position they don't expect.. this makes me want more and i keep playing..


2009-03-13 20:23:05

badsykes wrote:Freetux: HL2DM is my favourite shooter .I love when i hit you with the WC in the head.I never had this feeling with any other shooter.In short I like the game i hate the players :)
terriblepne: I play killboxes because is carnage.. i love killing in kilbox v8 with 16/16 people...Especially the bowling sensation with a disk is awesome :) or the ping pong sensation with a table.
ping pong: when you hit a player and then it will hit another player in air :) ..
bowling: throw a disk and syncronize 2 or more people in his way :) ...
I love when i throw a grenade and Freetux in bunny jumping will be throw with the head in the wall and eventually breaks it by unforseen consequence..How can i refuse this fun :)..
When two try to promote the crowbar at each other and the third throw a grenade between them they will fly like chickens..
Also throwing disks when people flying in air and kill them is another thing that i wanna improve.....
I love when so called good players call me noob because i hit them in very unusual position they don't expect.. this makes me want more and i keep playing..
lol pubbin aint easy.


2009-03-13 20:36:43

Nutri-Grain wrote:didn't play with mertz or kurtz or ozzy.

i'd say:


but out of the people that still play


and i'm leaving the fifth spot open, because i know i missed somebody.
you missed me


2009-03-14 07:04:20

The old saying about arguing with idiots is coming to mind, I'm out :lol:


2009-03-14 13:32:46

Freetux: i know you will always love me..I am a legend for you.You say those bad words like idiot, stupid whiner because you are proud and make you feel inteligent but the loving will always be there..I can still send gifts to ya like WC's in the heads..How many people out there make a gift like this to ya..Not too many.. :)
have fun


2009-04-22 02:24:26



2009-08-27 19:56:50



2009-08-29 14:29:47

I'm not in this for the argument but I think from my experience (little that it may be...) these are the few that I feel are quite good if not "leet" or shall we say, "pr0" in HL2DM in the realm of mag-raping:


some others I forget but yeah these guys have good aim.

As for me I think I excel at grav-nading or cooking or whateva...and smg-nade to double shotty in the face combo...and rpg whoring xD


2009-08-29 16:22:48

wow how the fuck im I good with the mag?

I miss afk people and shit :L


2009-08-29 21:57:13

provost wrote:wow how the fuck im I good with the mag?

I miss afk people and shit :L



2009-08-30 00:01:04



2009-08-31 06:36:37



2010-01-08 15:31:32

oh i suck on the 357.. :shock:
but i´m maybe ur bhoppin crossbow nightmare :lol:
(i love fast moving/jumping thats all)

means everyone has a fav weapon.. nothing wrong with that
(just gettin lil boring when someone always play with weapon xy)
but to stay alive in this game u should be able to fight with every weapon (=skill)
and poeple who say gravgun is gay.. should turn to another shooter

gravgun rules.. so much fun :D
thats why i´m still playin/lovin this game..

but to come back on point..
maybe u´ll never find a clan that fits to ur image of playin..
as every player is an individual and has a fav way to play
in my eyes thats the spice of the game..

but good luck

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-08 23:46:36



2010-01-09 10:47:41

voz wrote:shotty>orb
Lol ironic, eh?


2010-01-09 11:30:44

badsykes wrote:Nutri grain: I am playing this game from the lunch.I have pretty some time in this game.
Me too dewd, me too.
Wait, wut?

Ghost Dog_TSGK

2010-01-09 13:03:34

Ghost Dog_TSGK wrote:Image
The thread lives AGAIN!

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-09 13:32:35

Conflict; How the fuck im I good with the mag?

LUKE is the MAG.
Nutri-grain (respect)
And Sunsnail

Those are magsters


2010-01-09 14:53:27

dunno about sunsnail.



2010-01-11 02:46:39

Blasphemy wrote:dunno about sunsnail.


Lol, his mag is good. Its annoying good.

The Argumentalizer

2010-01-11 03:52:40

I see Filament there. He hasn't played in way over a year. Maybe 2.

Lore and Sunsnail were pretty sick CTF maggers.

The OP might find a European clan, in Europe.


2010-01-11 06:49:17

hm, just checked this since its a recently bumped thread that ISNT in the cesspool known as the cafeteria, and what do i see but some person has thought I belong on a list of people with good mag aim? intriguing. also bumping extremely old threads is pretty much fail, for future reference.


2010-01-11 07:12:15

Zman42 wrote:hm, just checked this since its a recently bumped thread that ISNT in the cesspool known as the cafeteria, and what do i see but some person has thought I belong on a list of people with good mag aim? intriguing. also bumping extremely old threads is pretty much fail, for future reference.
were glad to see you still have your god complex, at least i am


2010-01-11 07:16:48

scott5245 wrote:
Zman42 wrote:hm, just checked this since its a recently bumped thread that ISNT in the cesspool known as the cafeteria, and what do i see but some person has thought I belong on a list of people with good mag aim? intriguing. also bumping extremely old threads is pretty much fail, for future reference.
were glad to see you still have your god complex, at least i am
I don't think I should feed the trolls in this manner, but do you at least see that I was remarking that I thought it was odd that I was included on a list of people with good aim? I fail to see how that = me asserting a god complex. For the record Nutri-Grain and then Luke I think have the best aim with the mag.


2010-01-11 07:17:56

Zman42 wrote:hm, just checked this since its a recently bumped thread that ISNT in the cesspool known as the cafeteria


2010-01-11 08:12:12

Zman42 wrote:
scott5245 wrote:
Zman42 wrote:hm, just checked this since its a recently bumped thread that ISNT in the cesspool known as the cafeteria, and what do i see but some person has thought I belong on a list of people with good mag aim? intriguing. also bumping extremely old threads is pretty much fail, for future reference.
were glad to see you still have your god complex, at least i am
I don't think I should feed the trolls in this manner, but do you at least see that I was remarking that I thought it was odd that I was included on a list of people with good aim? I fail to see how that = me asserting a god complex. For the record Nutri-Grain and then Luke I think have the best aim with the mag.


2010-01-17 19:13:26

Blasphemy wrote:dunno about sunsnail.

lol you do realize that he had crashed (like most did on that map) and had about 40 more kills then that (and probably deaths too). Snail is very deserving to be on the best maggers list. Plus, that was an ILDM league match which was our first league since returning to hl2dm and he didnt have a clue how to bhop at that time making him a pretty easy target. In his prime, when he was playing daily, he was easily top 5 magsters that didn't hack. I like looking at the first round of our match where VQ40 manages to go 3 and 47 lmao



2010-01-19 11:25:39

Snails got maybe the best mag next to Nutri, maybe even equal from what I've seen when I was in elite. Only problem is he plays one match a year and is not that good with much else. Looking forward to seeing him in CU tho.


2010-01-19 17:52:17

whiskeyjack, had a pretty good mag and he played just like ace.


2010-01-29 00:28:22

I have a pretty good mag.


2010-02-03 00:28:08

oh snap, i got a reputation