2009-03-09 17:51:35
I am looking for a clan that have other styles of playing than just magg-ing and bunny jumping and this way i have something to learn from them.I want a clan with more creativity and open minded to new styles of playing..
Sometime ago i played in fraggies and when some people wanted the so called Pro i quitted the clan..I spec-ing maps where both sides played the same style..This is pathetic..I hope this game will not end up another CS or FEAR.The tendency in the last years is even the young players jump in the maggers bandwaggon and think this is the only way ... Who implemented this stupid mentality KILLED this game forever..
COD 4, CS, FEAR etc have only weapons and plenty of quick kill weapons..Hl2DM have something special Physics, Grav Gun, Grenades..Why people try to kill the single original part of this game i have no idea..I ended up with people in maps that says physics is gay and so on..Is it more conforting, is it the winning factor or the point that everyone else play the same? Good players are stuck...Playing with magg all time and jumping like a bunny doesn't mean a good player.For me a camper and a magger is the same.They both usually stay in fixed positions from distance and kill from conforting position..A camper do the same..
Here is my stats.. ... yer=460039 ... ayer=16553
Thank you..
Hope some newer clans will bring a new air to this game that is going to die.........