

2009-03-13 16:17:24

Synergy is now recruiting. We're a little low on players right now and we're recruiting based mostly on how well you get along with us. The guidelines to making it in are in the link provided. If your interested hit the link, sign up for the forums and put a post in. ... pic=1970.0


2009-03-13 20:02:50

is this a clan or a team for CAL?


2009-03-13 21:57:04

it's a team for competition. doesnt have to be CAL only, but geared towards scrimming, teamwork, skill development, etc. im hoping we will have different levels of skills represented (or i may get cut!). :lol:


2009-03-13 22:41:51

What's the difference between Synergy and Khaos?

P.S. I used to have a Synergy. You might be infringing on copyrights. I'm not trying to be uptight; I'm just warning you guys.
04compositeSet.jpg (84.58 KiB) Viewed 2109 times


2009-03-13 22:50:41

Khaos is a group of friends playing pubs for fun. They have no desire for playing/supporting scrims or competitive play.

I dont think there's an issue with infringement for Synergy, unless we swap a hockey stick for the crowbar. :D


2009-03-13 22:51:37

Why didn't you just break apart into a competitive side and a pub side?


2009-03-13 22:54:46

each side having its own identity seemed to be the best solution for both.


2009-03-13 23:34:11

I see Synergy as both a competative team and a clan insofar as many of the other ones around.

I am the architect of the split. The reasons behind and details of the divergence are unimportant and frankly only the buisness of those that were involved.

The point is we are looking for people that want to play competatively, have fun build a team and don't want to buy into or participate in the drama that is ramphant around here.

If you are interested let us know.

Uncle Rico

2009-03-13 23:41:14

Paradox wrote:don't want to buy into or participate in the drama that is ramphant around here.
What's this 'drama' that you speak of?

Walking Target

2009-03-13 23:51:01

Synergy is a word, can that be infringed upon?

Fusion is used all over the place, guess we are in deep shit lol.


2009-03-13 23:56:39

LOL no its not, Synergy is a common word in the English language and is not copywrited.

@ comment, really none at all.


2009-03-14 01:53:16

what's drama? what's CAL? who' rico? what am i? what am i? what are these?


2009-03-14 05:18:12

Paradox wrote:LOL no its not, Synergy is a common word in the English language and is not copywrited.

@ comment, really none at all.
So is "That's hott," but it got copyrighted. D:


2009-03-15 02:00:49

To clarify, Synergy is a clan. We used to be a part of Khaos. All the competitive players left to form Synergy. We accept varied skills levels as we are willing to train recruits who want to learn. We seek respectful individuals who can display good sportsmanship.

We compete in CAL Main, open, and possibly CAL KB if we get enough ppl interested in that.

[EYE] Valar

2009-03-15 04:27:08

badinfluence wrote:So is "That's hott," but it got copyrighted. D:
that's not a word. that's two words ninny :lol:
a single word cannot be copyrighted. only a phrase or a coined word can.


2009-03-17 23:34:22

The competative side of Khaos DM formed a new clan under the name of Synergy.

Its members are:
Reverend Maynard

Walking Target

2009-03-27 18:55:02

Deleted a bunch of posts here. Keep this section for real recruitment inquiries only please.


2009-06-05 19:04:37

badinfluence wrote:What's the difference between Synergy and Khaos?

P.S. I used to have a Synergy. You might be infringing on copyrights. I'm not trying to be uptight; I'm just warning you guys.
LOL :lol:


2009-06-05 20:53:54

why are you bumping old thread srsly


2009-06-06 07:25:52

phantom wrote:why are you bumping old thread srsly
In all seriousness, because I felt like it LOL....nahh I didn't look at the date and it looked interesting since it was for recruitment...wanted to see if anybody posted up about possibly joining. Srsly, :lol:


2009-07-17 17:58:35

I am dubious about the outcome of this but for the sake of my clan, I need to try.

Seems we recently have found ourselves in need of a higher cailber

We are looking for someone on the skill level of Edge and Ace. This includes someone whom might be coming back from a break and wants to get in with a good group of people with good attitude.

We prefer someone who has a good attitude about the game (ie you realize its a game and its supposed to be fun, and you don't believe that because someone does better than you, they must be hacking); you have a good team attitude/ethic (your happy to be part of a team of similarly skilled players working toward the common goal of doing the best you can in a match as a team and it doesn't matter if your top guy on the team or last for that round/ other words, your ego can fit on planet Earth) and your not gona flip out and bail out on us. ;)

If anyone reading this is interested, please contact Edge or myself, otherwise STFU.


2009-07-17 22:56:27

Ace? whats this!


2009-07-18 00:30:07

Yes Phantom, you read it correctly. If you would get your ass out of cartoon land and play a real game you would be up on the shizzle around here....


2009-07-18 01:25:15

Paradox wrote:(ie you realize its a game and its supposed to be fun, and you don't believe that because someone does better than you, they must be hacking).


2009-07-18 06:30:55

i like cartoon land tyvm


2009-07-21 23:57:28

what if i reinstall steam? i'm twice as dark as ace.


2009-07-23 01:23:11

spiffy wrote:what if i reinstall steam? i'm twice as dark as ace.
not sure who you are, but they found a 3rd. ;)


2009-07-23 05:37:10

Zman42 wrote:
spiffy wrote:what if i reinstall steam? i'm twice as dark as ace.
not sure who you are, but they found a 3rd. ;)


2009-08-24 16:19:31

Paradox wrote: ....We are looking for someone on the skill level of Edge and Ace. This includes someone whom might be coming back from a break and wants to get in with a good group of people with good attitude....


I Joined Synergy for the sake of clan diversity, +1 player


2009-08-24 17:32:08


damn, how am i so out of the loop?!?!?!



2009-08-24 19:37:50

lol sorry CD...:oops: Happened when you weren't on. Didn't get a chance to tell ya/thought one of the other guys might have told ya.


2009-08-25 02:50:19

Paradox wrote:I am dubious about the outcome of this but for the sake of my clan, I need to try.

uuuuhhhuh, huhuhhhhuhuh.(butthead laugh) you thsaid dUbious. thats koul.


2009-08-25 05:05:44

whats the lineup?

edge, zman and con?


2009-08-25 16:14:10

Blasphemy wrote:whats the lineup?

edge, zman and con?

Zman? Blas are you high again? >:L


2009-08-25 16:15:58

provost wrote:
Blasphemy wrote:whats the lineup?

edge, zman and con?

Zman? Blas are you high again? >:L
haha well I actually was playing for them in warzone till the team broke.


2010-08-23 19:17:10

fresh new look // open roster ye


2010-08-25 10:50:33

provost wrote:fresh new look // open roster ye


Holy shouldve hired you to make eFPS.


2010-08-25 11:17:10

pretty sure con, is helping out with the epfs site.

damn and you call yourself an admin?


2010-08-25 16:06:20

took a look at your company website Con. i remember when you were getting started with that. looks like you've come a long way sir. congrats on sticking with it and looks like you're doing a great job!!