reinstall made models go missing... please donate cube


2008-03-07 07:43:02

maybe install portal?


2008-03-07 10:13:12

i'm pretty sure you'll get it back with some sort of orangebox shared gcf of some sort.


2008-03-09 11:39:47

Stop jerking off to Emma Watson pics, get a job, buy Portal, download GCFScape, and extract the files you need.

Now that I'm done trolling, heres your damn cube. Try being respectful, and you'll get it in return.


2008-03-10 02:10:05

did you put them into the materials folder in hl2mp?


2008-03-10 08:02:32

:-/ yeah .. from my experience they tend to work / show up as long as they are in the materials folder.. it doesn't matter which sub folder.


2008-03-10 14:17:29

in biotaus archive he accidentaly put one file "metal_box.vvd" into the material folder, simply copy it in the modelfolder.
mdlviewer will load it but textures are still fucked up.

I think the companion cube you had was really a "ported" version, because portal = orange box engine and hl2dm = ep1 engine. they use different vtf versions.
model should be okay, you only need to "convert" the materials. for example if you have Photoshop and that vtf plugin simply
open it and save it again. and maybe some vmt parameters have to be changed.

Edit: I made it for you, but didnt test it, hope it works :)


2008-03-11 20:06:52

Glad ya got it working Grape ;) Any early screenshots yet?


2008-03-12 01:25:36

What the **** is all this about? What is a companion cube? Is that like a pocket Jank?
What is this all about?
Who is Emma Watson?


2008-03-12 03:00:11

I've got the cube working the way I want it (gives you health as you carry it around)
wow, that's really original :)


2008-03-12 04:20:35

Ohhhh, that splains it. Yeah, she is a babe.
I have the same thing for Jennifer Connelly and Kate Beckinsale and Heidi Klum and the girl on the Sports Illustrated and vintage Raquel Welch (whewww!) and the Mercury cars chick and the Frito Lay chick and old school Betty Page and some girl who has a Pussycat doll (Scherzinger?)...

I work and hang and work and then work and then i play HL2DM.
It is so bad, i have played through HALF of the following games:
The FEAR expansion
Advanced War Fighter
HL2 Epi 2...