
[EYE] Valar

2008-03-16 06:29:04

this is a nighttime map, set up in a two floors structure with interconnected rooms.
the map is HDR and runs at an avrg 160-170 FSP on a hi-end rig. tested on a low-end it still ran sweet.
one mag. one rpg. lots of nades. 3 orbs and 3 smg nades.
you can check it out @ [EYE] Clan - PuB
share your thoughts.



2008-03-16 07:12:34

Nice architecture, Id like to see how well this map plays.


2008-03-16 07:45:08

Share my thoughts?

You make lots of maps.


2008-03-16 08:41:58

this map owns. everyone should check it out!

good job Valar!


2008-03-16 08:58:27

badinfluence wrote:Share my thoughts?

You make lots of maps.
i know is this like the caption contest, once a week map release by Valar



2008-03-16 18:57:58

It looks really nice Valar. Ill have to come and check it out!

Yes he does make a lot of maps, but every one is very well thought out, and look spectacular. They are hardly thrown together just for the sake of producing a map. He also must have a lot of time on his hands or he has figured out some short cuts that allow him to produce maps quickly.


2008-03-16 19:38:47

Are the only weps on the map the ones you mentioned? Looks nice but I like being able to use all weps.


2008-03-16 22:00:58

wow really cool map plays great good job.But i couldnt find the rpg i found rog ammo but no rpg?

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-16 22:45:02

@ thatguy -RPG is on a high shelve right in front of the suit charger.
@ Epoch - All weapons are used except SLAMs.
@ Paradox - thank you.


2008-03-17 01:13:25

I played it with a couple of people earlier. It is a very nice map and imo would be an excellent map for 1v1 or 2v2 competative.
Its a pretty good movement map as well. I was able to get almost 500 for speed on it while behopping, which for me is doing well.

I may add it to my server but put it in a list of maps that play only when there are less than 6 people on.
Now if you could expand it into something that would work for a 16 slot pub, I would add it to my main rotation.


2008-03-17 01:19:30

One word for you Valar, word. 8)

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-17 01:22:41

Paradox wrote:... if you could expand it into something that would work for a 16 slot pub...
won't twice or thrice its size, given its all just rooms and rooms, be a bit tedious?
Epoch wrote:One word for you Valar, word. 8)


2008-03-17 02:51:44

dunno.... maybe if u expand it, u will end up ruin it D:

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-17 03:43:16

i've released Insomnia.
play it @ [EYE] Clan - PuB


2008-03-18 06:54:23

[EYE] Valar wrote:won't twice or thrice its size, given its all just rooms and rooms, be a bit tedious?
Maybe, I personally dont think so. People play maps that are just one big box with no walls at all for hours on end and wont play anything else.


2008-03-23 19:24:07

This is true but at least in a big box you can see all of your enemies and always have something to shoot to keep you entertained. If it was just a huge labrynth of rooms any game with less than like 5 people would die in 5 minutes cause no one would be able to find each other. 16 slots is just too big of a server for hl2dm imo, any ffa with 16 peeps on any map is gonna be insanity.


2008-03-23 20:09:35

Ever play Tobor with 16 people....I have....and yea its absolute insanity and people love it.

16 is probably a bit much for regular DM, but with team DM its fine. Before our CAL server was a CAL server it was a 12 slot regular DM and that was pretty good.