

2008-03-19 22:30:59

eww i don't like that idea ... ASC&page=1

and i thought the euro's frowned on the rpg use...

Walking Target

2008-03-19 23:51:38

Well their league currently mandates use of RPG, so it is added to maps like backbone and lost arena so that they can be played.


2008-03-20 00:02:02

I guess it's a new crowd just like the NA community is....


2008-03-20 02:29:25

lol !
Almost every map has an rpg, which makes it a control/whore rpg ftw map (not all of them, like ld_r3)
The few ones that don't have rpg are really interesting, cuz it's good to play around another strategy from time to time, like controlling other weapons, etc,etc.
Don't really like this idea at all.


2008-03-20 03:14:49

I don't know if you can really say that octagon has an rpg? :D

Anyway, backbone_rpg is not in the maplist at CU anyway.

It's all about map balance, not about whether or not there's an rpg in it.


2008-03-20 03:40:19

LostArena has an RPG its just not easy to get, but it can be done.


2008-03-20 04:20:01

Paradox wrote:LostArena has an RPG its just not easy to get, but it can be done.
??? i just looked at the whole map in noclip and mat_wireframe 3 and i never saw a rpg?


2008-03-20 04:34:49

thats because it doesnt have one.

nade maeggs

2008-03-20 04:37:38

Maybe the rpg got removed by the server you played on? Its in the cage where you cant get in there is also an explosive barrel. To get that rpg takes too much time in a 2v2 or even 4v4 you will get killed when you try. You need to shoot the rpg with xbow untill its near the door where you can grab it.


2008-03-20 04:44:33

nade maeggs wrote:Maybe the rpg got removed by the server you played on? Its in the cage where you cant get in there is also an explosive barrel. To get that rpg takes too much time in a 2v2 or even 4v4 you will get killed when you try. You need to shoot the rpg with xbow untill its near the door where you can grab it.

that's the RPG version that was released for CU play, the majority of the servers are running the original version of lostarena which doesn't have a rpg


2008-03-20 04:45:12

you lie! i played it on create a server and didnt see a thing and i even went in that room then i tried it on the rL server and still it wasn't there.Is this some kind of plan to stop me and my l33t rpg skillz

edit: and seagull just explained it


2008-03-20 04:46:18

i just loaded this map up, and there is no rpg in the caged area.. none at all, i tried to decompile the map, and open it in hammer, but swot's crafty ass has apparently figured out a way to make his maps incapable of decompiling....

nade maeggs

2008-03-20 05:02:17

oof crazy that i have only one version of lostarena in my map folder and i messed around with the rpg there allready. But there was never a message like version differs from server when i logged onto a server with it..


2008-03-20 18:55:53

ya like seagull says there are two versions of lostarena one with and one without.

always liked backbone as it has a nice flow without the RPG. Plays out differently then any other map in 4v4 play.


2008-03-21 04:15:46

i dont mind it, but it doesnt really have a fluent flow


2008-03-21 21:55:11

oh ok, just saw this thread now. seems that I made some confusion with all those lostarena versions - I'm sorry.

1. there was the original version of lostarena which has been send in to the hl2dm mapcontest so I think it is the one which is most spreaded in the internet
2. db|nix from clansunited asked me to put in a rpg, because they need one in all league maps, dunno why. so I did, this version is fully compatible with the "old" version. changes where made via "EntEd".
3. there was this thread about elevators in lostarena. I took the lostarena version with rpg and improved them a bit, maybe some of you'll remember.

so all versions are compatible to eachother, that means it does NOT matter which version of lostarena you have in your local mapfolder. It's only relevant for the server!

hope everything is clear now :)


2008-03-21 22:06:37

It is however relevant cause people who think they got lost arena X may have Y and for CAL matches not having the RPG or even knowing it existed and playing a clan who knew about it could cause major disputes, then you play the next match and it doesn't even exist on that server. If you make any changes to a map it should be given a new name so players can quickly see the map is different and then either know what is different or ask what is different. Now I wont know going into any given server which version I am playing. And people downloading it won't even know which version they are getting if they are not knowledgeable on the subject. Being a cal admin I would have hoped to know this but it is all brand new to me as of this thread.


2008-03-21 22:31:55

well it was never intended to be like this.
for public gaming you will have 99% of servers running lostarena without rpg. maybe I should rename the version for Clansunited, you are right, something like dm_lostarena_cu. I thought this version will only be used @ cu and everyone there knows to get the right version before playing.

so honestly there are only two different versions of lostarena. the version with improved elevators does not really change any gameplay.
I just hate it to have three versions (*_r1, *_r2, v2 and all that crap) of a map if it is not really necessary. I personally don't like having more than one version of map in my mapfolder.