smg1_grenades and wtf?


2008-03-26 22:18:51

anyone know why after i pick up smg nades they respawn in the center of the map? its inside a brush, but the brush is textured with dev_slime, is that the problem? that its inside a brush? thats what im thinking, but i figured since its liquid like, it'd be cool.

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-26 22:46:05

yet another glamorous Source bug. the item_ammo_smg1_granade has been placed in a spot Source is having issues reproducing or spawning in and therefore it switched location.
some of you will recall a shotty spawning in mid air over the roof in dm_warlock...same deal.

a possible workaround:
delete the item_ammo_smg1_granade that you have now
CREATE new one/ones. (don't copy) this time, place it/them at a different location. (as long as it's not at the same exact spot it should be ok.)

let me know how it went?...


2008-03-26 23:36:22

0_o strange


2008-03-27 07:54:56

Paradox wrote:0_o strange


2008-03-29 15:37:03

lol ...I wonder when all this bugs will be fixed =/

[EYE] Valar

2008-03-31 00:15:41

Grape wrote:...make a little hollow cube around (0, 0, 0) to catch all the spawned weps you don't want.